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About nickloveslana

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  • Birthday 05/25/1998

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  • Location
    Anchorage, AK
  • Interests
    Lana Del Rey of course<3

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  1. Oh my god of course she would visit Alaska after I move away?. Snow city cafe is bomb as fuck. I hope she’s having a great time!!
  2. just got back to my hotel. show was alright, I knew what to expect. the one minute of cinnamon was a really nice surprise, but after attempting hiab she was like “alright fuck this” or something which was kinda catty in my opinion. off to the races always sounds horrible to me now because of the lack of singing + annoying backtrack that isn’t actually even her voice :/. her cover of For Free was beautiful. bartender chorus w no backtrack was beautiful also. I had a good time, tbh though it was too short of a show. at the very end Lana said “love you bye” but it sounded really bitchy:(. I love Lana obviously, 6th time seeing her, but I reaaalllllly think she just hates performing. shes still stunning and a queen but is getting lazier for sure. still so happy I went haha.
  3. 6th time seein Lana lets do thisss. Just got regular GA, ive been barricade twice already, figured i’d let some other people have a chance because they deserve it. ❤️❤️I’ll be chillin towards the back enjoying the show.
  4. 5th time seeing Lana. Got my second selfie with her. Was an AMAZING night and I took so many videos. I got to talk to her briefly before she took pics with me!!! So incredible.
  5. I’m so nervous/excited for this show...I fly into San Diego tomorrow morning around 8/9am!! My hotel is really close to the venue...I have silver vip and have no idea when to line up..and I know her Cali shows are always more intense AHHH I’m so nervous!!! I’m flying in from Alaska and I’m coming alone, so if anyone wants to meet up in line/be buddies plz let me know LOL. this will be my 5th time seein Lana
  6. I’m going I have silver ga too I want barricade as well!! this will be my 5th time seein Lana so excited.
  7. i was there. 4th time seeing Lana. she did pretty good, wish she could've performed her other songs tho. she kept saying "damnnnn damnnnn!!!!" cuz of the curfew. also inbetween songs she was definitely sniffling i could hear it through her mic lmao. also my phone got stolen at this festival but its okay at least i got to see the queen again. tbh so glad she didn't perform ultraviolence. i also loved when the crowds energy went crazy when diet mtn dew started.
  8. I got silver vip to the San Diego show
  9. i just hate that for some of the time the "background" singers/dancers were in front of her):
  10. i was there and it was great. it was shorter than i expected but thats ok. im really glad she sang Freak even though she forgot some of the lyrics lmao. the energy of the crowd was great though. i still don't know why she rolled her eyes a few times tho, sassy lol. yayo was fucking flawless and everyone loved it.
  11. on her website it says she's performing at outside lands on August 7th. is it wrong? also on outside lands website it says she's performing on August 7th from 8:25-9:35
  12. no, i haven't gotten any e-mails yet about when each artist is going to perform. it's likely that she'll perform from 8-9:15 to close the festival. not sure tho!
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