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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. I'll never stop calling him Taint 3 What even was his name in the second season? Lmao I watched the whole thing with my friend so that reinforced the nickname heavily But I hope it's not a romance and he's just a fucked up devil boy
  2. Not this being the most captivating yet fuuuuuuck Waiting for the trademark random ass plotline. Aliens and nazis
  3. I read "Golden Girls" and almost broke my finger scrolling for a source.
  4. Sitar


    Pardon? Truly the ambassador to Lorde. A missionarye, if you will. (It's so fun to be a Lorde fan because the puns are endless) I think it definitely suits the description of a concept record!
  5. Now I really wanna see what was considered for the original cover. Lost in My Bedroom Elevator 99 Tears Everything is Embarrassing obv On the Wire She doesn't really have very many songs in the style of YNTO's production but those are kinda the pinnacle of her pop songs imo
  6. Sitar

    Lady Gaga

  7. Sitar


    Yes gawd Tell me there are some from the album shoot (my set)
  8. Sitar


    No DL option Is that the only way they've been leaked so far?
  9. Sitar


    I thought I heard it was for Cannibal? Speaking of, I'm so behind. Like four recent songs I don't even have sigh
  10. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    I'm imagining I Love Its without the really heavy beats. Like a very guitar/drummy sort of version.
  11. Depending on your timezone? Wednesday night American time. Still have like 20 hours. Presuming you're watching bootlegs and it's not broadcasted there.
  12. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    @@cartoon eyes Also found this guy in good quality
  13. Sitar

    Britney Spears

    Nooo I like "All Eyes on Us" from the single countdown Please be joking.
  14. Sitar

    Lady Gaga

    Oh DUKE, somewhere along the way you went from Mary Jane Holland to Dope tbh
  15. The Electric Lady by Janelle Monae Either/Or by Elliott Smith ARTPOP by Lady Gaga preorder
  16. Sitar

    Left in the dust again *Never Wanna Know plays in the distance* But WOW it's good! So beautiful, too, especially Freedom (#1). I wonder if there are any other numbers
  17. Sitar


    I'm reading them all Is no one extending the same courtesy?
  18. Sitar

    Lady Gaga

    So she had a Q&A on Twitter tonight. Notably, she said that the foil copies will most likely be sold through Amazon US, so import if your an international fan. She also said that Brooklyn Nights will come out on the app. And then she nonchalantly announced THE SECOND VOLUME OF ARTPOP. "Act Two." + lots more but those were the most exciting for me.
  19. Sitar


  20. Sitar


    Very early in her Tumblr she posted that it's "Skin" @ welcome to full-time fangirling
  21. Sitar


    No, the two acoustic covers and this feature have been around for the longest time but people are only paying attention to them now. And it's infuriating because people keep mixing shit up. This is called "Piece of Mind" and the band is And They Were Masked. Like if the people posting these would even listen to the lyrics...
  22. Sitar


    Okay I actually recently made this list and sent it to Bill but I forgot it so forgive me if there are changes @@Hundred Dollar Bill 1. Buzzcut Season 2. Bravado 3. Glory and Gore 4. Ribs 5. A World Alone 6. The Love Club 7. Tennis Court 8. 400 Lux 9. Swingin' Party 10. White Teeth Teens 11. Team 12. Still Sane 13. Royals 14. Biting Down 15. Million Dollar Bills
  23. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    Yeahhhh no one to comment in here regularly But I still love Yung Rapunxel even after the novelty has worn off, I'd say it's one of her bests Or at least my most played AB song (my go-to angry song tbh) @@Bekim listen to 1991. Probably her best song. I say that about a lot of songs probably but it's just the shit
  24. Sitar


    You don't just reword a SitarHero Original. Okay let me have a non-jokey crack at this: 1. Tennis Court - I don't know if it's the same in other countries, but disenchanted youth seems pretty similar in New Zealand and very small-town America. Here, the tennis court is that hangout place. Ours was across the street from the high school so people would go there to smoke weed at lunch and stuff. Now I can't say the same for Lorde, but it doesn't seem like she's talking about the sport. It's kind of budding fame from a teen's perspective, witnessing her world become so much larger than her boring town and hanging out at the tennis court (I'll see the veins of my city like they do in space.) 2. 400 Lux - This song is very nighttime, it seems like she's being rebellious and sneaking out at night to meet with her crush. You know as a sneaky teen on a school night, all you can really do is drive around and talk. You can kind of imagine her driving through those weird developing suburbs "where the houses don't change" and stopping for orange juice. Teen love. 3. Royals - I mean she's explained this one plenty of times--teens attach themselves to images of luxury in their music but are incapable of living it. 4. Ribs - Other than the obvious lines "it feels so scary, getting old", this kind of captures that anxiety of growing up--but a teen growing slightly older, where you're feeling less like an infinite Peter Pan, as opposed to actually growing older. It kind of culminates in her almost begging for her innocence back--"it's not enough to feel the lack" and try to recapture it because she already has this pseudo-adult awareness. In the end, she finds child-like comfort in a really good friend or romance--"sharing beds like little kids." It doesn't necessarily have the sexual connotation, you see, if she were talking about a boyfriend. 5. Buzzcut Season - This one's a little more abstract? But it seems to be some kind of comment on the media and, similar to "Ribs", a personal realization. I'd actually be interested in a discussion on these lyrics because I have a lot of disparate thoughts. 6. Team - An anthem to small-town teen life, invoking grand imagery like "Royals"--the same message tbh. 7. Glory and Gore - Part of me thinks this is a pretty exaggerated statement on, like, partying with her friends. Another part is very confused. I can't imagine her getting in a lot of fights but you can imagine everyone being drunk and thinking they're a badass. Gossip maybe? Or maybe I'm selling her short in thinking all of these songs are about ~teen life~ 8. Still Sane - Kind of a promise to stay normal despite this huge fame affecting her life and friendships. At the same time, it expresses an excitement over all this acclaim. I'm little but I'm coming for the title held by everyone who's up. 9. White Teeth Teens - Reflection on an attempt to join some sort of clique but ultimately feeling out of place. 10. A World Alone - Now take everything I just said and put it one song. Recognition of newfound fame as seen in "Tennis Court" and "Still Sane"; the innocent, car-centric love story of "400 Lux"; the uniquely teen perspective of "Royals", "Glory and Gore", and "Team"; both triumphant loneliness and friendship as seen in "Ribs"; what appears to be a comment on media imo in "Buzzcut Season"; and "all my fake friends" recalls "White Teeth Teens". This being another reason why I harshly sideeye AWA haters.
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