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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar

    So Legit

    I see you using mannish tanned lady gifs, Gaga her influence! Now I suggest you push the breaks on this whole thing and just leave it alone before mod action is required. Kisses xox
  2. Sitar

    So Legit

    Embodiment of pop, in need of no title? Slay a bit, flawless deity! Only the juggernaut of music!
  3. Sitar

    So Legit

    Sis did you read mine, I said I interpreted it as a general statement I'm not really here to argue your personal opinion idc
  4. Sitar

    So Legit

    I was taking your reply to be a general statement, as plenty of people cite her fans as a reason they don't like her. Plenty. I don't know what else you were implying, though, because it seems like you're saying that none of those things about Lana matter or are as terrible as they are on Gaga simply because her fans accept them?
  5. ~Rollercoaster Child~ ~Casino Oasis~ ~Glamour in the Gutters~
  6. Sitar

    So Legit

    I can't think of a stupider reason to dislike an artist than because of his or her fans. That's free thinking for you
  7. Sitar


    I don't think so, but it's better to have the cover in vinyl and CD. I have The Love Club on CD and will have Tennis Court on vinyl so it won't look like I just have two of the same item. Sadly no! Australians don't record concerts on their cell phones anymore, I guess...I asked a girl on last.fm who has scrobbled them and she said they were given to her on the condition that she wouldn't share. I think we'll have to wait for her US shows.
  8. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    I will try to choose three. More than anything, she's about musical moments, rather than say...lyrics. 1. After 2:50 in "A Princess Song" when the relatively cute song gets slightly more severe in the production and the repeated refrain until the end: "I'll stay in the field and I'll be waiting for you." 2. The robot voice toward the end of "Photography"--it's either saying "where'd you go?" or "ratchet girl" 3. The unintelligible bridge of "Black Roses" from 1:45-2:00, the way it wavers in and out, especially, "You're turning me OFF!" Okay three more 4. The chorus of "Art Bitch" at 1:24, where she seems to get more feeling in her voice. "ahh-art bitch at heart." 5. Her backing vocals after 3:14 in "Faar-i-kaal" 6. The final chorus of "Dinosaur Sex!", with those goddamn backing vocals! I'll stop there and leave everyone else something to write about. !!! What!!! (PS someone should gif 1:34-1:39 it's cracking. me. up.)
  9. Sitar

    So Legit

    Disclaimer: I've been a Lana fan long enough to know she's not a sell out, but I'm just saying that everything he said about Gaga (that I believe to be untrue) can apply to Lana (and similarly be untrue). But with the right perspective, it's all pretty similar. It just depends on who you prefer. No one on here is saying this stuff about Lana because they enjoy her music, etc.
  10. Sitar


    Hence why i got it on vinyl inb4 it's the album cover.
  11. Sitar

    So Legit

    My fucking god, there are a few reasons Lana is better than Lady Gaga and you managed to list exactly zero. I can say all the same things about Lana; in fact, it's almost like you're begging me to. 10-minute pretentious music videos? Generic crap dance songs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7071BFk97c Considering herself to be an avant-garde artist? Playing the victim? No sell out required? Everyone keep doing the most, meanwhile I'm not allowing this to be some kind of uninformed circle jerk. I won't say some of the things you people are saying about Gaga are untrue but there is some self-awareness that is sorely absent.
  12. Uh "Mariah Carey" is really good and practically all four of Charli's leaks are the most generic songs she's ever written So that confirms "You're Not the One" and "I Will" for the tracklist, at least...What will become of her album? Do you have any receipts?
  13. Yes Thank you. Now time to face the forum with my so legit set, too fun
  14. Sitar


    Just ordered this to console the crushing pain of missing the opportunity to see her first US show. 18+ and everything http://www.normanrecords.com/records/141740-lorde---tennis-court So, yeah, Tennis Court has a physical release! It's also available on US iTunes, which I didn't know...
  15. Sitar

    So Legit

    hnnng You were the indie queen of Coney Island All the girls thought they could sing, but they’re really not shit I don’t get it You’re looking like a duck, you’re talking like a baby How the fuck is your song in a H&M commercial, crazy? I don’t get it, your taste once exquisite What happened to Brooklyn, what happened to New York? What happened to my scene, what happened to sadcore, core? You called me the queen of the downtown scene, babe How the fuck would you go switch it up and then replace me? I don’t get it, I’m so legit Tell me, was it ‘cause I wasn’t platinum in jewels? That perhaps you thought I was a little bit even uncool Kid, was that it? Elizabeth, you suck, I know you’re selling twenty million Wish they could have seen you when we booed you off at SNL You’re hurt, I know my words don’t hurt, yeah Oh, girl, I see you walking around in your diamonds Thinking that you’re number one You’re so funny, ‘cause honey, you’re not What happened to Brooklyn, the last frontier? They said you could make it anywhere if you could make it here But where, no magic in the air What happened to Brooklyn, what happened to our scene, baby? Have we all gone Lana crazy? Remember when the streets used to be dangerous and we were born bad And we were born bad? Sadcore, sadcore The boys used to punch each other in the face and girls were walking around wasted And everyone had a good night, come back in sunlight Sadcore, core, core I love you Lana but I'm inclined to believe what @@DUKE / Lady Gaga said about the Brooklyn scene. Idk, I don't think there's much you can do to discredit the earliest struggling beginning of Gaga's career (other than her killing Lina Morgana ).
  16. Sad to see that Sky's leaks appear to have been overshadowed in her shared Lana + Charli fanbases. If those two new songs weren't in the mix for Lana, I'd say Sky had the best batch of the day. All three are so fucking good. Black Beauty, AFFA, and other peasant songs > Sky leaks > Charli's dismal output of that day JFC if you're a fan of all three like me then you got 13 songs in one day
  17. Sitar

    So Legit

    But this proves that Lana has always thought she was a special snowflake poet She's so legit. She is punk rock. I wanna know if she had a meltdown recording "Hit & Run" or if she transitioned to pop with a smile on her unique and artistic face
  18. I'm surprised it went beyond casual jealousy into something she dedicated time and energy to but this makes sense since the song proves that she'd go pretty nuts over the topic.
  19. Sitar

    So Legit

    Well I always thought Gaga was oblivious to lil Lizzy but now maybe they had some sort of relationship...Otherwise it still seems like she's addressing someone who betrayed her so maybe a boyfriend who went for Gaga instead, like I said. Also keep it light as fuck on Gaga okay people are allowed to like her and you can express your distaste but leave others' opinions out of it
  20. Sitar

    So Legit

    Wait Hiya, honey, how’s it going? Saw you skipping rope on TV, looking blue You’re shakin’, makin’ music and you’re famous Deep down you’re the same girl I knew
  21. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Gaga, no one wants you here
  22. Sitar

    So Legit

    inb4 Gaga stole ha man Lanalysis is ready
  23. Sitar

    So Legit

    You were the freak king of the piercing shop All the girls thought they could sing, but they’re really not shit I don’t get it You’re looking like a man, you’re talking like a baby How the fuck is your song in a Coke commercial, crazy? I don’t get it Your taste once exquisite What happened to Brooklyn, what happened to New York? What happened to my scene, what happened to punk rock, rock? You called me the queen of the downtown scene, babe How the fuck would you go switch it up and then replace me? I don’t get it, I’m so legit Tell me, was it ‘cause I wasn’t platinum in jewels? That perhaps you thought I was a little bit of an uncool kid Was that it? Stefani, you suck, I know you’re selling twenty million Wish they could have seen you when we booed you off in Williamsburg You’re hurt, I know my words don’t hurt, yeah Oh, girl, I see you walking 'round in your pearls Thinking that you’re number one You’re so funny, ‘cause honey, you’re not What happened to Brooklyn, the last frontier? They said you could make it anywhere if you can make it here But where, no magic in the air What happened to Brooklyn, what happened to our scene, baby? Have we all gone Gaga crazy? Remember when the streets used to be dangerous and we were born bad And we were born bad? Punk rock, punk rock The boys used to punch each other in the face and girls were walking around wasted And everyone had a good night, come back in sunlight Punk rock, rock, rock
  24. Oh awesome! You do a lot of stuff for Gaga and I'm in desperate need of several Gaga covers, if that's okay. I'll start you off with a live one, so as not to overwhelm...I mean, just Lady Gaga + Live + a nice live picture! And most of the live recordings I've kept have been her on the piano, so maybe something with that? But not the stud bikini Monster Ball piano pictures everyone knows...I don't really have a picture in mind, is there any way I could let you roam free on it? And we do still have avatar + sig requests so I'll keep you in mind!
  25. Sitar


    Her dancing a lip-syncing is kind of lazy...Still waiting for that mindblowing music video from this one Either way, did anyone rip the audio?
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