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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Remember last year when there was a rumor that she was scoring some movie with a song called "Life is Beautiful"?
  2. Paradise is a hell-colored flame sky Like the quote from Lolita: "I still dwelled deep in my elected paradise — a paradise whose skies were the color of hell-flames — but still a paradise." Reminds me of "flame-colored paradise" from Velvet Crowbar.
  3. That makes a lot of sense! The beat is such a bopping earworm. And if you put it on repeat (as I am definitely doing), it doesn't even sound like it's ending...it's just a constant neverending loop of greatness.
  4. Lick My Twit - Sky Ferreira Plays on loop so easily
  5. My instincts tell me it should go between "Jimmy Gnecco" and "1949". Hopefully I can keep up with y'all the more my volumes deviate...
  6. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    :eartha: YES USING
  7. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    Yeah, it looks like she must have finished that last song! I'm excited to see how the indie rock + Rihanna influence that she tweeted about translates to her music, it sounds really interesting. I love the idea of a Rihanna-like song without having to deal with Rih herself so "Black Cherry" is like my most hyped right now
  8. Wild at Heart was an early album title, I believe! Wait LICK or SUCK? Because now I recall it being LICK but the leak says... Also is there any difference between this Paper Doll demo and the one we have? But otherwise AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY'RE SO GOOD LIKE...SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD.
  9. Spanish '50s Dancer Pin-Up Motel Sinatra Notorious Paradise Native Dying Elvis Wife Iconic Groupie Bitch
  10. Sitar


    You didn't like it? Now I can't just be that bitch to unlike your post but I'm doing it in spirit
  11. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    Yeah, the first one she released, only has two "danger"s in the beginning.
  12. Those are both cringey titles so I hope they're lyrics at most. But it does appear that this album will be inspired by poetry.
  13. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    True Romance is ~purple and scarred~
  14. I'm Not Alright (With This Release Date)
  15. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    @@naachoboy And Discovery Channel! Also, "Bitch is Ill" isn't the real name, it's "FLAPS", and the other song we call FLAPS is actually "FLAPS (Demo)". @ can you send me those instrumentals?
  16. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    I divided the songs into my own albums, if you post a screenshot or a list of what songs you have I'll tell you what you're missing, though!
  17. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    Depends on which version of Before the Expensive Taste you downloaded! They've had one or two updates.
  18. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    "Think critically for a minute or stop talking" As far as I'm concerned, leak or don't talk about it in public.
  19. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Welcome to LanaBoards, please hook a sister up with those studio versions It's "flop"
  20. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    A bitch admitted to doing "a session or two" for Britney's album on Twitter
  21. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    WHAT THE FUCK HOW PERFECT You better meet her and get that album tea Where'd you hear that?
  22. Born to Die - 16 Off to the Races - 21 Blue Jeans - 17 Video Games - 15 Diet Mtn. Dew - 15 National Anthem - 16 Dark Paradise - 14 Radio - 19 Carmen - 17 Million Dollar Man - 14 Summertime Sadness - 16 This Is What Makes Us Girls - 16 Without You - 20 Lolita - 17 Ride - 16 American - 15 Cola - 13 Body Electric - 15 Blue Velvet - 13 Gods & Monsters - 17 Yayo - 16 Bel Air - 5 Burning Desire - 16
  23. I hear "pull it over" and "howling like you're crazy".
  24. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    To be fair, while she was still touring and singing it she said there was no studio version. SO GLAD we finally have something. The snow/rain bit was lovely, all the food made it seem like an abandoned wedding or something. She looked kinda like a pilgrim with that hair, though. I'm just glad she posted it and we're a step closer to "Electra Heart".
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