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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. This thread is enough to convince you that you need all of this stuff so I suggest you run way quickly.
  2. Who will get me an autograph That's so great. You're a very lucky guy. Your experiences with Gaga and Lana are definitely something I aspire to.
  3. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    FInally something.
  4. Sitar


    What is up with all the leaks? I remember BCK saying nothing else was leaking for a long time after Vampire.
  5. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    So based on the uploader, that's confirmed real? The "bro step", as Andrew says... Here's to Black Roses. Oh! I submitted a lot of the lyrics to songmeanings.net because they're user-based so I can go in and edit things. Two or three of the more popular songs were already there so they are wrong. http://www.songmeanings.net/artist/view/songs/137439061666/ Better to have an official thing than a post on a Lana Del Rey forum, I guess.
  6. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    What a time for my lyric masterpost to be completely unedittable.
  7. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Oh my god, to be honest I forgot about Your Eyes because no one ever gave me a download some time ago when I was begging. My Charli library just seems messier day by day, I have a random Like a G6 cover but I'm missing now two songs that everyone seemed familiar with. Are you gonna be my soldier, cimb? Can I bother you for that download? Again?
  8. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Skip the rest Oooh got an email saying my Charli shirt is in tha mail
  9. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Goddddd Valentine is my favie. You have yet to drop the words that will ensure you've gotten the full Charli experience, though: END OF THE WORLD Wait you started listening today and you're already making plans to see her. HER POWER.
  10. I've been waiting far too long for my Summertime Sadness vinyl.
  11. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Unless she randomly gets really popular with her album (I Love It's chart placement is worrying me), I'm counting on it being pretty good. Praying for us both.
  12. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    It has like two lyrics so I don't really care. It's so dull and she does her weird whiny "laaaaaaaaaaaahhh" thing too much, which only really works in Forgiveness.
  13. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    *Glow, Glow, Glow *Super Ultra Explain this. I don't get it. I think it has almost no redeeming qualities.
  14. Sitar


    Thanks, I agree. Except "day and night", keeping that. Seeing the sunrise, etc.
  15. Sitar

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are on the cover of the latest Spin magazine. http://www.spin.com/articles/yeah-yeah-yeahs-mosquito-karen-o-cover-story-march-2013?utm_source=spintwitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=spintwitter It talks as much about Mosquito as it does the history of the band, which is pretty cool. Also Karen says this album will have a lyric booklet, unlike any of their previous albums, because she's tired of seeing people get the lyrics wrong. This has been a constant struggle for me as a fan, so yeah, big news
  16. All I do is beg in the Sky and Charli threads anymore but if someone could send me the final version of Shiny Toy that'd be great. Can you spill the beans?
  17. Sitar


    Sweet, I love this song. Does that make the first one a demo or is it a LQ or fanmade scenario?
  18. Sitar


    Final mix of Pretty Lady? What's different? Hook a brotha up?
  19. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    It was arguably her worst until I heard "B!TCH ZO SXC".
  20. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Moments in Love You can get her mixtapes by signing up for her newsletter.
  21. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    OMG I was supposed to oversee the slaying, this is unprecedented. WHAT DO YOU LOVE?
  22. Sitar


    250 which seems like a stupid number but I've had it since the Flaming Lips album leaked. Only take it if you're not gonna spit and search for something else because my internet is fragile.
  23. Sitar


    It was on a Flaming Lips album. How they first came to collaborate. I will send it if you send me What the Hell.
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