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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar


    My ass needs to proofread, I wrote that Crazy Kids makes sense when I meant the opposite.
  2. Sitar


    Recognize that anthem, brotha! Lemme do this... Warrior 6/10 - It has some good, trademark Ke$ha verses, but the chorus is beyond horrid and the breakdown pales in comparison to others on the album. A very weak title track. Also a re-hash of Gaga's "Bad Kids" in its cheesy chorus, more severe verses, and empowering theme. Fifty shades of basic. Die Young 10/10 - A perfect anthem with flawless delivery, very current. A really ace chorus. C'Mon 10/10 - Shows Ke$ha knows what she's been best at since Cannibal--putting out the best anthems of any pop girl. Perhaps too structurally similar to other Ke$ha songs with it's huge chorus and conversational/rap verses. This isn't the reinvention of pop that she promised. But it's still good. Thinking of You 10/10 - Unfortunately, everything I said about the previous two songs I can say about this one. I think it's my favorite of the three, though. Would be a very successful single, without a doubt. I know I'm giving these perfect scores, but I guess what tracks 2-4 lack is there's not much to say about them. Crazy Kids 4/10 - I hate this song so fucking much. It grows every day. It's probably my least favorite. I feel like she's trying to re-capture the greatness of "We R Who We R" and "Sleazy" all at once. The chorus is almost there. Almost, and then it just drops off a cliff and back into those shitty, contrived verses. I will loathe the several months I hear this on the radio. Lyrically, it actually makes no sense. She's just throwing shit together. Wherever You Are 8/10 - This is a very cute song, and the first evidence that these ballads vastly improve upon her past ballads. I've always loathed K$'s slow songs. I can't say that anymore. It sits at 8 because it's a touch too Disney. The pre-chorus is my favorite part. Dirty Love (feat. Iggy Pop) 7/10 - I wish I loved this as much as I wanted to. Ke$ha's parts are all great. Oddly enough, it's the music veteran fucking Iggy Pop who's holding this one back. Will not likely have longevity in my listening. Wonderland 10/10 - What kind of album highlight! is this really the girl who sang "TiK ToK"?! I'm so proud of her. Warrior and its ballads destroying me. Why couldn't this album had more of this Ke$ha? Only Wanna Dance With You 100/10 - My favorite song Move along, haters So much better than the demo! I'm very happy she pulled off having The Strokes as her backing band, it's a great bridge between the two. I just love this. Supernatural 10/10 - And you will deal. All That Matters 5/10 - Get this generic mess out of my sight. I will not give it my valuable reviewing time. Love Into the Light 5/10 - And here's where I'm losing hope...On the standard edition, really? This song is awful. It's reaching for something profound and empowering but it misses by so much. Last Goodbye 7/10 - Pretty much "Wherever You Are" 2.0, and just a touch worse. Cute, though. I will not bow at the altar of this song, but it's a decent pop jam. Gold Trans Am 10/10 - THIS FUCKING REDEMPTION, KE$HA! THIS IS WHAT I NEED FROM YOU. THIS IS MY SHIT. Out Alive 8.5/10 - It kind of lacks a Ke$ha touch, but the instrumental and chorus certify this as the most danceable track on the album. Very very very Britney. Past Lives 10/10 - Perfect ending, perfect production, perfect vocals. More songs like this are out there, from these Wayne Coyne sessions, and I can't have them. This song thereby inspires a wide spectrum of emotions. No really, probably one of Ke$ha's best songs and definitely her most sophisticated. Top 3: Only Wanna Dance With You, Past Lives, Gold Trans Am/Thinking of You/Supernatural Skip these: Crazy Kids, All That Matters, Love Into the Light
  3. Sitar

    Hit & Run

    Hit and run awhoooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  4. Make my title "Emoticon Bitch" and let me sort through them
  5. GET OUT. You are perfect. He is perfect, he soothes me like no one else, such a perfect quality to his voice. Should we do this again? Top 3, go. So far your taste is ace/10
  6. Sitar

    Hit & Run

    That's right, sis, accept that graceful defeat :love: You're right, Hit & Run is a great song about a full-on fling between Lana and a record official.
  7. Sitar

    Hit & Run

    Perhaps an indication that you should have stayed off. :airplease: Let me deliver you some life facts real quick: THAT IS FUCKING STUPID. I'd love a rebuttal to my airtight logic, but instead I get this failed attempt at sass and personal blows and it's just gotta go. Go ahead, I'll allow you to try again. Out of the goodness and generosity of my heart
  8. PrettyBaby = converted. WHO IS NEXT IN LINE TO SEE THE LIGHT? :flawless: I don't think they're about the same topic, just kind of...structurally? No. They're two sides of the same coin. A coin it took six years to flip, I guess. Come on, get drunk vs. come on, baby, let's ride. I can't express this well
  9. Sitar

    Hit & Run

    Or I could get you an IP ban for making a dupe account if you wanna try and get cunty here. Continue to quote that line and prove my point. FOR HER INTERVIEW. An interview with this fucking record executive. If he swept her off to London for upwards of two years, which DID happen, then he definitely wasn't like, "Well, that was nice once, but I really respect her." He was fucking her silly. Goodbye.
  10. Sitar

    Hit & Run

    She's "hit and run"ning basic bitches' careers Just because she says sings video games twice doesn't mean the song is about Halo.
  11. Sitar

    Hit & Run

    The whole song is influenced by the lines Hollywood and New York, Mr. Major / Then there’s me, little queen of the stage, yeah / He’s a god, one the stars call creator / Hail the king of the industry players and London town, you’ll watch out while I’m singing / Glamorous on the stage, boy believe me and You and me on a spree taking over / L. Del Rey, yay, wanna be your soldier. Mr. Major would not have helped her and flew her off to London if she only fucked him once
  12. Sitar

    Hit & Run

    This is not about a one-night stand. This "king of the industry players" was obviously helping her career with some perks on the side. Or maybe he was getting some perks on the side before he decided to help her career. Jet-setting to Europe a lot (her three-year "world tour"), trying to get that success. You and me, on a spree, taking over.
  13. 9/10 A+ quality/banter, C for length
  14. Kill Kill 53 Queen of the Gas Station 12 For K Part 2 57 Mermaid Motel 46 Yayo 17
  15. How many stars out 10 would you give Lana? Push aside your rocky opinions of her music. No doubt that St. Vincent is gorgeous, but I have a very specific way of determining a woman's looks, since I'm not sexually invested. Annie, I'd model a race after her, but damn if I'd be able to approach or hold a conversation with her. The word hot, I'd apply that to Lana or Marina or Charli. Yep, Charli! Happy to see her as an option. Amy Lee seems average to me, and has a gnome personality. No thank you. Love her deeply, but Florence is not hot Another fanbase competition. Lady Gaga is not the fourth hottest woman in music. Although I think she's a beauty
  16. Karen O has already won hottest woman in music before, so obvs I gotta vote for Lana. Do someone please tell me in what world she is not the most beautiful creature singing. Certainly I'd bed her sooner than most women on the list who are gay beautiful. (The only thing upsetting me here is that Grimes didn't make it far. Now that's an adorable bitch.) Although if I wanted any of them to bear my children, it would absolutely be Karen O. My girl Our exotic kids. She can offer something that Lana's flawless bone structure can't. What kind of fuckery is this when Evanescence tops the list...This ain't 2005
  17. Sitar


    Merged. (Still funny as feck.)
  18. Am I the only one who sees a connection between Get Drunk and Cola? Other than them being the number one and two best songs she's ever written?
  19. Wow, yeah! That could change some things. Although...was she waitressing at Ruby Tuesday's when she went to boarding school? Hmm... You're killing me, Trash, it's all true I'll say now that none of that highinthemind shit is entering the sanctity of this OP.
  20. Kill Kill 52 Queen of the Gas Station 14 For K Part 2 55 Mermaid Motel 46 Yayo 18
  21. Sitar

    Song vs. Song

    Dum Dum Dum Dum vs. Blue Jeans
  22. Yass, BVA and Lilo ain't got time for this trash Deliver them harsh critiques, boo
  23. This has to be one of my favorite Golden Girls moments ever.
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