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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Come on BVA, I put aside Gaga for Lana, you can do the same with Britney
  2. I'm 18+ and I didn't want to see that BTW I edited the title to be a little more specific. I think each look is gorgeous but "Lizzy" just seemed so much more vibrant and happy although she was still recording very depressing music, I miss that.
  3. Sitar


    Oh I was interpreting it that she sang it recently...but just singing it in general, yeah that's probably a label thing. It basically vanished off the radio because no one wanted to play it due to the title + the shooting.
  4. Sitar


    I think it's about singing it in light of the Connecticut shooting (i.e., children dying young) than its place on her album.
  5. Dimitry, how complete would you say your collection is?
  6. Should have put Nicki Minaj under white.
  7. Oh my god this is all the validation I need and I will bookmark this if anyone ever tries to tell me Without You isn't the best song
  8. Yeeeikes, here you go: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/47-your-lana-collection/ Locked
  9. I think the only thing to gain from that promo might have been a good quality Hey Lolita Hey, which we still don't have as far as I'm aware.
  10. Ugh someone hacked my mom's Paypal so I won't get The Singles boxset in time for Christmas what even is this shit
  11. Uh the covers-themed Reydio show was the first time I ever listened to the "Chet Baker" performance
  12. Sitar

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    Well, the album was already finished when they got that honor, so... If you mean for the fourth record, I kind of hope not. I want either a brand new style (probable), or if there's any return to form then something like Is Is. It's Blitz had its place but if they do that style again, oh the cries of "sellout" I'll have to endure. Perhaps a Zero-esque anthem with less electronics, because the spirit of that song is great and singular among the YYYs' discography. I can't even believe another album is finally so close, I hope it's more of a March-April spring than May. SINGLE NOW.
  13. For Christmas, I bought one friend Letting Off the Happiness by Bright Eyes and another Rhythymnals by Luke Lalonde, but I added them to my computer before wrapping and am bopping.
  14. Sitar

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    YOU GUYS I JUMPED UP AND DOWN WHEN I FOUND OUT, IT'S COMING Not big on Skeletons and I straight dislike Soft Shock, so this could have worked for me.
  15. Kill Kill 34 Queen of the Gas Station 4 For K Part 2 34 Mermaid Motel 22 The best songs remain
  16. Tell your "brother" he knows nothing of my forum impact and not to call me a fag :mmm:
  17. Sitar

    Song vs. Song

    Brite Lites Brite Lites vs. Diet Mountain Dew (Demo)
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