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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar

    Lola Blanc

    Did no one get Come Closer wtf
  2. Sitar

    Tove Styrke

    Number One is amazing! Ego is her most basic song smh
  3. No But a necessary casualty in Violet's race to the crown
  4. inb4 Heavy Metal Heart music video
  5. Sitar


    This sounds like a Katy Perry song
  6. Legit can't tell if this is one of those joke scenarios because she does it so often and that's such a weird title EDIT: Nostradamus teas https://twitter.com/skyferreira/status/597988523409453056
  7. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    I suppose she been hot in Europe
  8. Sitar

    That makes sense! OMG All this news... It's really All My Love's time guys come on
  9. Yeahhhh guys don't mistake our inactivity on this thing for forgetting it, I'm just mostly here for waiting til the number is at least respectable. So open indefinitely as I personally beg people to submit
  10. Sitar

    Holyyyyyy I love the original but this is way less basic! Now the All My Love demo please
  11. Sitar


    Hopefully it's more Kill Kill repetitive than Guns and Roses repetitive
  12. Is this not fulfilling your surrealist David Lynch Fellini noir fantasy
  13. Easier to read: It's not very different from her past stuff at all but naturally the roses between my thighs line is great lel Happy era!
  14. Everyone knows I'm like Jessica Rabbit Though what if it IS a new song fuck
  15. bjslfkhkgjnf "Do Right" as in the song "Why Don't You Do Right" that I've been waiting forever for her to cover?
  16. I am all over that heinous neon blue belieDAT
  17. With the attention on Serial Killer lately, I've been remembering @@Madrigal's insistence (based on apparently nothing, though probably something secret) that Serial Killer and Paradise are from the same session. This is interesting because we don't really know the producer/cowriter for either of them (and the Paradise registration with Emile in 2013 corresponds to Dark Paradise, right?). I guess I'm hoping it's been long enough that one of y'all who gathered the same info will deem hoarding it useless
  18. It's real Serial Killer is so hip-hop though, I can't imagine it getting reworked
  19. I always thought the synthy UFO ending of West Coast has some potential for an extended band jam sesh while she pays respects to the front row
  20. Sitar

    Ryn Weaver

    Nice set Loved that video! I'm still not over the song When it climaxes hbkfdkbhd fuck me
  21. Everything is Embarrassing I Blame Myself My Name is Sky Ferreira and I Am Human Fecate
  22. Remember when she said NLMG would probably just stay on YouTube with all the other leaked songs Come through at last Lana
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