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Everything posted by leavealighton4me

  1. SNL is just so bad at what it does. I've seen skits that were interesting, but they weren't something I'd classify as funny.
  2. this isn't really a hot topic (does that even matter?) but i felt like i had nowhere to say it - interstellar was such a terrible movie and i don't know why it was such a hit. i hated it and only made it all the way through because my dad likes it.
  3. omg she's scrapping it because she's releasing the album of 25 unreleased tracks we won
  4. Lana Del Rey Heardle #1056 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://lana-del-rey-heardle.netlify.app/
  5. Children Of The Bad Revolution, as I do at least once a day because of that bridge. It's one of the best.
  6. I woke up this morning and immediately remembered this. Been feeling so sad about it today. Mysterious Skin is an all-time favourite movie of mine, and Buffy is one of my favourite shows. Fucking heartbreaking.
  7. Lana Del Rey Heardle #1046 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://lana-del-rey-heardle.netlify.app/ This is so funny because I was thinking of this song right before I even pressed play, top 3 off that album.
  8. thirteen. my third time watching that movie, it's so good. i actually got to watch it with a friend, it was her first time watching it and it was fun to see her reaction to it all.
  9. i listened to the entirety of no kung fu purely because of this post and i can say that i 100% agree, the no kung fu version is SO much better like damn
  10. In Carmen I thought the lyrics were: "She gives them butterflies, that's a call to noise" "Her mind's like a diamond, partier tonight, she's still shining" I was also one of those people who heard 'diamond blue' instead of 'diet mountain dew', and 'sizzling like a snail' instead of 'sizzling like a snare'.
  11. Missing out on having a song in Priscilla bc she procrastinated too long
  12. Joseph Gordon-Levitt in Mysterious Skin and Ryan Gosling in Stay. Both characters were just extremely relatable to me, and that was what made their performances especially moving.
  13. Have you seen Midsommar? Personally I didn't like it but it is acclaimed and is about a cult. And I loved The Menu!
  14. I'm hoping that if Lana ever releases Hit & Run (which prob won't happen) she'll change the post-chorus part to something with a more depressing vibe, idk I just think that'd suit the instrumental of the 2nd version more P.S: Do we know for sure whether it's Hit It and Run or Hit and Run? To me it really sounds like she just says Hit and Run.
  15. For K Part 1 is better than Part 2, like way better. (I'm assuming this is unpopular because of how many people seem to not even know of Part 1's existence)
  16. i'm just thinking abt that coachella intro... can lana PLEASE release jealous girl she KNOWS we want it 😭
  17. Radiohead for me - I did like Exit Music, but that's about it. Tried listening to OK Computer because a friend really liked their music, but it was so boring to sit through. Also their most famous song 'Creep' just kinda had cringy lyrics. They reminded me of that one Jughead scene in Riverdale, "I'm weird, I don't fit in".
  18. 😭 girl how bc i searched the quote on google and youtube and this video did not come up
  19. So, I saw this TikTok recently of this little encouraging speech from Lana. It's really sweet, but I tried searching for the source of it and cannot find where she said this outside of the TikToks made to the audio of her speaking. It won't let me add a hyperlink, so I'll just put a link to the TikTok here: https://www.tiktok.com/@cherrybombsparkle/video/7385506169965546759 Can someone help me find the original video that this audio comes from?
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