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Everything posted by DUKE

  1. Not necessarily... But let's face it: as if Sky's label invested in good colour vinyl...
  2. It certainly doesn't sound anything like the original (that's why it's a cover) and doesn't feature any Lana-esque elements (not a big fan of the Miley's vocal style) but the most annoying thing about this performance is the background vocals. I mean, really? Sounds like a bunch of gurfriends cheerfully singing along to their favourite song played on special radio program whilst having a sleepover.
  3. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    Are these iTunes Store positions or actual album chart positions? I am so annoyed by people always posting iTunes Store charts as if they represented the empirical figure for album sales. Bullshit, that's one outlet out of many.
  4. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    What is her sound then?
  5. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    Best Verses: "Dope" Best Chorus: "ARTPOP" Best Bridge: "ARTPOP" Best Production [we're talking about production here, not arrangement/composition, right?]: all songs produced by Zedd - from a pure technical standpoint immaculate! Worst Production [added by me]: "ARTPOP" due to high noise level and "Mary Jane Holland" due to embarrassing vocal edit failure Best Lyrics: "ARTPOP" Worst Lyrics: "Jewels N' Drugs" Most Gaga: What does that even mean? Most Commercial: "Do What U Want" Most Experimental: "Aura" Best Single Potential: Sexxx Dreams Best Video Potential: "Venus" and "Aura" Best Overall: "Gypsy" Worst Overall: "Swine"
  6. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    And you paid for that?
  7. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    The European print misses the "Marry the Night" writing here and the back cover looks like this. Apart from the countless cases of fully incorrect lyrics, I'd declare this an even more messy booklet than the one that comes with ARTPOP. Really? I don't hear that at all. And if by "buying" you mean scoring it out of my email sent to nobody less but Julian Peploe, then hell yes.
  8. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    The Japanese print of the booklet seems to be the only one without any mistakes in song lyrics. I've been reading through ARTPOP's liner notes for some time now (still on page three... googling names and studios) and the amount of printing errors is frightening. Here's two examples I came across so far: "Aura" [Japan] "You ought to pity me 'cuz there's only one man to love" [actual lyric as heard in the song] [EU/Australia] "You want to pity me 'cuz was arranged one man to love" [makes much more sense] "G.U.Y" [Japan] "Our sexes tell us no lies" [actual lyric as heard in the song] [EU/Australia] "Our sex doesn't tell us no lies" [um...] Also, the Japanese booklet lists Paul (DJ White Shadow) as musical director of the album, while he's denoted as co-executive produced in Europe and Australia. I don't know who's had the idea of designing two different booklets in the first place. Not enough that ARTPOP is being released at various times (to take advantage of some markets' respective chart week beginnings) - no! Of course there need to be different booklet. So much for all fans being equal. Julian Peploe (responsible for text layout of lyrics, track listings, credits and thank yours, according to my booklet), your lazy and incapable ass should be fired for this mess. Why the hell did nobody notice that utter crap has been submitted to whoever prints this? Why is there no proof-reading? Why are different lyrics submitted at all? My God, this pisses me off. I paid good money for this product. I didn't just buy music, if I wanted just that I would have bought it digitally, but I want to hold it in my hands. That means a meticulously executed product. Again, I paid good money for this. Part of me wants to rip the album in lossless and send it back to Amazon.
  9. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    I really hope there's a solo version, to be honest. Frankly, I don't quite understand why R. Kelly is on that song. His private life has certainly been scrutinised and has been subject to public exposure, yet his part seems kind of superfluous to me. This new verse makes much more sense in Gaga context, I think.
  10. You don't need avoid to the term as long as you use it correctly.
  11. I really don't mean to sound rude, but what exactly is there to determine at all? So little, almost nothing, is know about the songs and their respective production information. We can't determine anything. I don't know what you're referring to as a "composition" here but sticking to its musicological definition I couldn't but disagree with that statement.
  12. What a repetitive album. The question is... would the iTunes Store charge for each position of "Hollywood" separately?
  13. DUKE


    "Fuck my life" doesn't even remotely express how I feel. Just give thought to the fact that this old man agreed to posing with her. You do the Maths. Or Semiotics, or whatever. Again, are you even aware of what this means for her, having this old man's blessing? I am so done for today. My youth never felt this wasted.
  14. Oh, and while they're currently busy happily throwing out Sky exclusives... how about releasing those other albums that never were?
  15. OH MY GOD. ORDERED. So, if there is a first part, there must be a second part, right? However, I couldn't be more at the loose use of "b-sides." For Christ's sake, b-sides are the - wait for it - b-side on a vinyl release. Commonly featuring a non-album track or remix, they, as in the songs, are usually also issued as bonus tracks to CD or digital-only releases. Yet it's dead-wrong to apply "b-side" to an EP release of non-album tracks. I can't even explain how much this pisses me off when everybody goes off about wanting "b-sides" from an album.
  16. Well, at least we know that there's physical copies available. Somewhere, somehow...
  17. Sorry but... how stupid can you be? Making the effort to fake it and make it look legit, only to then make a fool out of yourself because of a shred of paper?
  18. M.I.A. - "Double Bubble Trouble" [Matangi arrived today... ]
  19. I like it. I like the entire album, no exceptions.
  20. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    Oh, I like "Summerboy." It's so cute and cheerful, I love it! One of her funnier songs...
  21. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    It sounds like a MIDI demo in the process of being properly instrumented, but they didn't meet the deadline, so they half-heartedly went with the MIDI demo. :duke:
  22. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    I am not liking the sound of this already, but perhaps it's just that the vocabulary of some Little Monsters is relatively limited which thereby narrows down their dislike to "worst song." Besides, on behalf of "Dope" I am actually taking offence seeing it written off as her "worst song" when there's... songs like "Starstruck," "I Like It Rough" and yes, even "Telephone." I mean, where do you draw the line?
  23. Well, her silence says a lot more than words ever could. I wonder what her problem with the Kardashians is.
  24. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    I like how the mentioning of "Artpop" kind of sets a frame for the album, like during the first song, "Aura," and the last one, "Applause," of course. I know I said this last night already, but I really really love how well-balanced this album is! Besides, I'm surprised she decided to have real horns in "MANiCURE" instead of synthesised ones.
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