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  1. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Sitar in TV in Black & White   
    If you get lonely, think of me only
    Prison isn’t going to keep me from you
    Remember Coney Island and how we’d
    Wade into the water ‘til the waves turned blue
    Nobody does have to know that our love’s alive
    Keep it on the low, if you want to hide
    Got that same address if you want to write
    One/On Greenwich Avenue, wishing and thinking of you
    Living without you is like TV in black and white
    You turned me on and brought color into my life
    When I’m around you, suddenly I realize
    That I was blind before I saw the world through your eyes
    If you get lonely, think of this only
    Heaven hasn’t forgotten about you
    Though you can’t hold me, pick up and phone me
    Use your one phone call on your ex-girl boo
    I won’t tell a single soul how you spend your nights
    In that single cell, holding your pillow tight
    If you really are afraid, then you ought to know
    That you’re the one I want, the one I want forevermore
    Living without you is like TV in black and white
    You turned me on and brought color into my life
    When I’m around you, suddenly I realize
    That I was blind before I saw the world through your eyes
    I know you get scared sometimes, boy
    Nothing to be feared when you’re in my heart
    Troubles come in threes, but in your case
    They came in millions and trillions, but that’s alright
    Living without you is like TV in black and white
    You turned me on and brought color into my life
    When I’m around you, suddenly I realize
    That I was blind before I saw the world through your eyes
    Like TV in black and white (x4)
  2. fessle liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Did Adele Copy Lana's 'Paradise' Wrist Tattoo?   
    has she no pride? 

  3. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    i hope that i'm not stressing people out. it seems as if i like to talk about things people don't always seem to be comfortable talking about. the "underbelly" of humanity, i suppose you could say. its interesting, but can get a bit draining i realize. so please don't take what i'm saying too seriously -- these are merely my own observations and attempts at understanding her peculiar behavior, and why she lies and acts out in the way(s) she does. and its nice to generate discussion on lana in a more theoretical sense i guess =p 
    i think we should revive @@Moniker's thread about whether or not she'd be as loved if she weren't so beautiful. because i also wonder -- would she be as crazy if she weren't so beautiful? so histrionic (re: lip licking)? so vain and narcissistic (re: lyrics)? so paranoid and pessimistic (~anti me)? i kind of feel like the root of her insecurities / neuroses / eccentricities stem from the seemingly vast disconnect between her outer appearance and her inner world -- and the resulting disconnect between the way people perceive her and the way she actually is. i think this interviewer puts it best: 
    "she is capable of shifting swiftly from a kind of coltish innocence (*2) to vampish knowingness (*1). It’s a quality that is hard to pin down ... a kind of doubleness, a sense of duality and merging contradictions. She is a person into whom you can read a lot."
    (1) -- at 2:20 ... after the guy 'woops' at her, notice that knowing little "ha" she does. it didn't require any thought, and it barely phased her. it was rapid, like a reflex. she knows what she does to people -- men in particular 

    (2) on the other hand ... if you listen (to the interview below) from the beginning you sense that their interaction is full of sexual tension. not surprising since she's cooing more so than speaking. he's pretty forward at one point, asking if she ever takes people back to her room after shows or something (1:50) and lana like, yelps in surprise lmao. but then a few minutes later... he's like, oh, well i love the visuals and the palm trees on stage; so much so that i spent an entire song watching the screen instead of you (5:45). she's like ... oh, yea, yea, ok, blah, sonically, blah ... its good that they're there cause ... it... they... uh... [sad voice] you can look at them instead [/sad voice] 
    so on the one hand she's a true fucking vixen, on the other she's like a fragile ceramic doll. she needs to be loved, admired, adored. at the very least, she wants your eyes to be on her, it seems. how do you reconcile those two characters (jessica rabbit vs. dolores haze) into one person? i mean, i honestly believe that those are both parts of her true personality, and not some character that she puts on. but like i said before -- how must people in her everyday life perceive her? how do you trust that person when you can't understand or process their fundamental energy? if you notice, some of her lyrics are narcissistic praises of her own beauty right before she tosses some acid in 
    a large portion of her lyrics are heavily rooted in her beauty and how others perceive her beauty. it kind of shows how powerful / sickly pervasive that aspect must be in her life. on the one hand, its why some people are so drawn to her. on the other, its why some people are so repelled by her. its not like she has some obnoxious personality -- she's usually pulled back and rather reserved in her demeanor. so its like, how do you deal with that kind of hate? having a genuine ~anti me perspective? no wonder she seems bipolar -- adoring and grateful with fans when she's being admired vs. arrogant, elitist, and pessimistic when she's being criticized. on the one hand, she has to wonder: do people -love- me for my talent or my beauty? will they still love me...? or, do people -hate- me because of my beauty, in spite of my talents? (this has definitely been the case, especially in the beginning of her career)... she must wonder -- if they don't acknowledge my singing or songwriting, is it because they can't look past my face? or is because i don't even have talent? this might sound reductive, or shallow even, but i think there's a bit of truth along these lines. because like i said before, people seem to be ruled by their emotions and their emotions are rarely fueled or supplemented by logic. and nothing can surpass your brain and hit you in the stomach (or nads) faster than a beautiful person. and sadly, beauty tends to garner a disproportionate amount of interest (both positive and negative), and that happens to be a culturally / temporally transcendent fact
    all i'm saying is, it must be stressful to draw such vitriol from people for no reason other than how you look. it must be painful and irritating to have your talents refuted for reasons other than an actual lack of talent. i feel like she has to downplay her focus on looks because people will automatically deem her to be superficial. there are lots of things she has to be careful about doing or saying -- because like the interviewer says; she's the type of person you can read a lot into. people are going to be quicker with their snap judgements. and if you're uninformed or unfamiliar with her or any of her work, you're likely to hold a very wrong opinion
    TL;DR -- beauty spurs a wide range of emotions in people. can it play a negative role in a person's development? distort perceptions of themselves and the world around them? fragment your personality? am i stressing people out?
  4. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in What Outfits would you like to See Lana wear?   
    I want her to wear this at the Oscars.

    She has to look regal when she accepts that statuette for "Best Original Song".
  5. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    School's out, children playing~
  6. edcool liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    lmao @ topiary 

    this pic is so funny. her smiling creepily at an inanimate pony made out of like, earth
    which she later buys for $3000. crazy ass 
  7. vmbb liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    lmao @ topiary 

    this pic is so funny. her smiling creepily at an inanimate pony made out of like, earth
    which she later buys for $3000. crazy ass 
  8. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by sjrq in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    As long as Lana keeps writing and recording great music, I'm happy.  I can't believe some of the things I've read in this thread; it's like a few members forgot Lana is the very same gal who recorded as May Jailer with a southern accent.  She sings with a strong New York accent on many songs, yet when she talks I've heard it disappear.  She doesn't mind playing a role, plus she has always been a little testy when interviewers skew towards her personal life, especially her past.  Her idols are Kurt Cobain and Jim Morrison; think about that for a second...
    I don't care if she is the sweetest girl or the biggest bitch on the planet, I just love her music.  I also want to see her in concert in America, and she needs fans here to book concerts.  I think if we love her for her singing and songwriting, she will love us back for it and book some concerts around the country.  We don't want her to think her fans are so shallow they would dump her because she caught an interview with someone who wanted to concentrate on everything imaginable except for her amazingly successful European tour, huge album sales, and writing the words and music that made it all possible.  Instead, the interviewer provoked her with questions about patriotism, politics, feminism, and her personal life.  Lana responded to her with what seemed to be mostly a barrage of bullshit.  Fine with me.
  9. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    Aww, I know what you guys mean. I got so frustrated I went and took a tiny nap and now I feel a lot better :3. I'm also super happy with how everyone's been transcribing/translating the interviews, you guys are already making this easy for me.

    I have to admit, I feel really overwhelmed right now with the amount of work I have to tackle. My problem is that I asked for volunteers when I myself wasn't ready or prepared for the influx of interviews I'd be getting. When I made the original list of 2011 interviews to be translated/transcribed/typed/found, I was already working on another task of formatting 25 other interview threads. I should have finished those interviews first before putting more on my plate.   

    I would ask another moderator for help (as they already have access)... but do you know when you're spearheading a project and you have an odd process of organizing things in your head and you just know how it works, like exactly what needs to be done and what considerations need to be made and all of that? It's just very hard to convey everything you need to when you're intimately acquainted with a project and know the ins and outs of it. I just need to finish up certain things, and set up certain paramaters so that you guys can be brought in, see the set up and formatting, and not have to deal with any loose-ends. You'll just be able to choose an interview, transcribe/translate/type it, and make your own thread according to the format laid out for you. (That is, if you want. If you want to stick with what you're doing, that's cool too). I hope I'm making some sort of sense. 

    So because of this, I'm going to ask that we actually halt work on the interviews just so I can at least get my head above of the water and get all caught up. @ can continue working on her interview, and anyone that has already claimed an interview but has yet to finish it can still post theirs too. Other than that, please refrain from any more work on this project. That means you too, @@Quentin!
    I promised a glimpse of what I've been doing, so here are some snapshots of what's been going on behind the scenes.   This is still in development and there are still some things I'd like to change here and there! (Don't mind the spelling mistake I made in the album title )
    My hope is that once I get caught up, this can become even more of a collaborative project. We'll all have access to the subforum so we can discuss any changes in format, troubleshoot problems, etc. I don't think it's terribly fair to work on a portion of a project without seeing the bigger picture, giving your input, and seeing how the project develops and grows... which in my opinion is the coolest part of collaborative projects!
    A really big thanks to everyone that has volunteered and donated your time and effort. You guys are the best!  
  10. Bel-Air liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    lmao @ topiary 

    this pic is so funny. her smiling creepily at an inanimate pony made out of like, earth
    which she later buys for $3000. crazy ass 
  11. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in RILO KILEY   




    Rilo Kiley is an indie rock band made up of members Jenny Lewis (vocals, guitar), Blake Sennett (vocals, guitar), Pierre de Reeder (bass, keyboards) , and Jason Boesel (drums).



    Ok, so they may have broken up in 2011, but they are still one of the best female-fronted bands since Blondie tbh.  Although you may recognize the lead singer as a child actress (Troop Beverly Hills, The Golden Girls, etc.), the band is best known for their incisive lyrics, fierce vocal stylings, deft guitar playing, melodic bass, and thunderous drumming.  


    And they have just come out with RKIVES, a collection of unreleased tracks + b sides- and I still pray that they will one day reunite. (Even though I highly recommend Jenny's solo stuff + her album with boyfriend Johnathan Rice) Here is just a sampling of their flawless repertoire:








    What are your favorite Rilo Kiley songs???? How far down do you bow, etc.

    If anyone needs help to DL links (including one for RKives) I can help you! 


    There is genuinely not one RK song that I don't like so I hope someone here loves them too!  

  12. AmericanLolita liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    i sense a growing ego ... 

  13. DUKE liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    lmao @ topiary 

    this pic is so funny. her smiling creepily at an inanimate pony made out of like, earth
    which she later buys for $3000. crazy ass 
  14. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in NEW: Lana Del Rey - Interlude - The Trio feat. A$AP ROCKY (Urban Noize Remix)   


  15. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    lmao @ topiary 

    this pic is so funny. her smiling creepily at an inanimate pony made out of like, earth
    which she later buys for $3000. crazy ass 
  16. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    lmao @ topiary 

    this pic is so funny. her smiling creepily at an inanimate pony made out of like, earth
    which she later buys for $3000. crazy ass 
  17. ExoticFlower liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in What Outfits would you like to See Lana wear?   
    i can see her wearing lots of acne cause their shit is always weird / trashy / glam

    i like this shirt, its made out a really gorgeous polyester fabric. yea, luxurious polyester. see how its so fitting? and it says collage lol
  18. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
  19. Mileena liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in What Outfits would you like to See Lana wear?   
    i can see her wearing lots of acne cause their shit is always weird / trashy / glam

    i like this shirt, its made out a really gorgeous polyester fabric. yea, luxurious polyester. see how its so fitting? and it says collage lol
  20. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I don't have time to respond to this entire post right now, but I couldn't not respond quickly to this part:

    You could, you know, respond to what I've actually written or ask me to clarify what I've written rather than putting words in my mouth and making straw arguments. I never said all the media criticism was valid nor did I endorse any of the accusations you listed. What I did say is that she accused the media of slander against her and her family about things she continues to lie about in the same breath, and that she falsely claimed that she doesn't have money and that her family never had any money. In the same response that she mentions media slander, she says, "Everything they wrote was fucking crazy. Like about my dad, about me, like having millions of dollars, and all this shit." While I don't doubt that there were lean periods for her family financially, or that her father may have sustained large losses in the market during the bursting of various bubbles, or that much of his net worth was merely on paper, or whatever caveats you'd like to add, I'm quite confident in concluding that her father did have at least a million dollars (if not millions), and what you yourself wrote supports that conclusion. Later in the interview she says, "Saying I came from billions of dollars is crazy. We never had any money." I think it's telling that she moves the goalposts from millions to billions mid-interview, because I think she knows her dad probably is worth a couple million. No one ever said she came from billions of dollars, although she certainly did rub elbows with her dad's business contacts who were billionaires. At any rate, even if I am somehow wrong about her dad having millions of dollars, her claim that her family "never had any money" is just patently false. One need not even consider her father's business assets to determine this. It is obvious considering the property her father owns and the cost of tuition at Kent. Again, I never said anywhere, and do not necessarily believe, that her dad significantly funded her career (though I also don't think he was completely uninvolved in her career either). If Lana defended herself against this accusation by saying "My dad didn't fund my career" I would simply leave it at that. But that's not what she says. She says, "We never had any money" when the opposite is true. And if lying about coming from privilege weren't shitty enough, she has the gall to accuse the media of slander for saying so.

    And it gets worse. Later in the interview she says, "Before I had no money. And now everything I make, I lose. So I don’t have money again, because I lose half." Perhaps she's referring to all the other people she has to pay, but presumably she's referring to taxes. It's one thing when rich people bitch about how much they have to pay in taxes. (And I confess, most of you would probably consider me rich, and I've been known to express sticker shock about how much I've had to pay at one time, but not that it was unfair. In fact, I think I should have to pay more.) But it's a whole 'nother thing for the rich to not only claim that they're not rich after taxes, but that they don't have any money afterwards. Boo fucking hoo. Tell it to your topiary pony, Lana.

    On a final note, I really take issue with this:
    Frankly, this is an incredibly presumptuous and rude remark, especially considering this was your first post made mere hours after joining the forum. You might take some time to familiarize yourself with members' views and contributions to the forum before making insulting comments like that toward them. If you're going to wing in here and question other fans' presence on a discussion forum for expressing their honest criticism, then, I may ask, why are you here?

    Welcome to LanaBoards!
  21. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Angel Haze Recorded a "Blue Velvet" Remix (Unreleased)   
    i wrote this in 5 minutes and its dumb but still better than ha's imo
    someone write the rest and rap it 4 me we'll make our own remix~~   
  22. NEAL liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    i hope that i'm not stressing people out. it seems as if i like to talk about things people don't always seem to be comfortable talking about. the "underbelly" of humanity, i suppose you could say. its interesting, but can get a bit draining i realize. so please don't take what i'm saying too seriously -- these are merely my own observations and attempts at understanding her peculiar behavior, and why she lies and acts out in the way(s) she does. and its nice to generate discussion on lana in a more theoretical sense i guess =p 
    i think we should revive @@Moniker's thread about whether or not she'd be as loved if she weren't so beautiful. because i also wonder -- would she be as crazy if she weren't so beautiful? so histrionic (re: lip licking)? so vain and narcissistic (re: lyrics)? so paranoid and pessimistic (~anti me)? i kind of feel like the root of her insecurities / neuroses / eccentricities stem from the seemingly vast disconnect between her outer appearance and her inner world -- and the resulting disconnect between the way people perceive her and the way she actually is. i think this interviewer puts it best: 
    "she is capable of shifting swiftly from a kind of coltish innocence (*2) to vampish knowingness (*1). It’s a quality that is hard to pin down ... a kind of doubleness, a sense of duality and merging contradictions. She is a person into whom you can read a lot."
    (1) -- at 2:20 ... after the guy 'woops' at her, notice that knowing little "ha" she does. it didn't require any thought, and it barely phased her. it was rapid, like a reflex. she knows what she does to people -- men in particular 

    (2) on the other hand ... if you listen (to the interview below) from the beginning you sense that their interaction is full of sexual tension. not surprising since she's cooing more so than speaking. he's pretty forward at one point, asking if she ever takes people back to her room after shows or something (1:50) and lana like, yelps in surprise lmao. but then a few minutes later... he's like, oh, well i love the visuals and the palm trees on stage; so much so that i spent an entire song watching the screen instead of you (5:45). she's like ... oh, yea, yea, ok, blah, sonically, blah ... its good that they're there cause ... it... they... uh... [sad voice] you can look at them instead [/sad voice] 
    so on the one hand she's a true fucking vixen, on the other she's like a fragile ceramic doll. she needs to be loved, admired, adored. at the very least, she wants your eyes to be on her, it seems. how do you reconcile those two characters (jessica rabbit vs. dolores haze) into one person? i mean, i honestly believe that those are both parts of her true personality, and not some character that she puts on. but like i said before -- how must people in her everyday life perceive her? how do you trust that person when you can't understand or process their fundamental energy? if you notice, some of her lyrics are narcissistic praises of her own beauty right before she tosses some acid in 
    a large portion of her lyrics are heavily rooted in her beauty and how others perceive her beauty. it kind of shows how powerful / sickly pervasive that aspect must be in her life. on the one hand, its why some people are so drawn to her. on the other, its why some people are so repelled by her. its not like she has some obnoxious personality -- she's usually pulled back and rather reserved in her demeanor. so its like, how do you deal with that kind of hate? having a genuine ~anti me perspective? no wonder she seems bipolar -- adoring and grateful with fans when she's being admired vs. arrogant, elitist, and pessimistic when she's being criticized. on the one hand, she has to wonder: do people -love- me for my talent or my beauty? will they still love me...? or, do people -hate- me because of my beauty, in spite of my talents? (this has definitely been the case, especially in the beginning of her career)... she must wonder -- if they don't acknowledge my singing or songwriting, is it because they can't look past my face? or is because i don't even have talent? this might sound reductive, or shallow even, but i think there's a bit of truth along these lines. because like i said before, people seem to be ruled by their emotions and their emotions are rarely fueled or supplemented by logic. and nothing can surpass your brain and hit you in the stomach (or nads) faster than a beautiful person. and sadly, beauty tends to garner a disproportionate amount of interest (both positive and negative), and that happens to be a culturally / temporally transcendent fact
    all i'm saying is, it must be stressful to draw such vitriol from people for no reason other than how you look. it must be painful and irritating to have your talents refuted for reasons other than an actual lack of talent. i feel like she has to downplay her focus on looks because people will automatically deem her to be superficial. there are lots of things she has to be careful about doing or saying -- because like the interviewer says; she's the type of person you can read a lot into. people are going to be quicker with their snap judgements. and if you're uninformed or unfamiliar with her or any of her work, you're likely to hold a very wrong opinion
    TL;DR -- beauty spurs a wide range of emotions in people. can it play a negative role in a person's development? distort perceptions of themselves and the world around them? fragment your personality? am i stressing people out?
  23. HollywoodHills liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    i agree; she shouldn't have to answer personal or grating questions. some of these questions in particular aren't even just grating -- they seem really transparent. like, "do you have opinions on healthcare reform, or . . .?" to me, that question in itself is out of scope, irrelevant, and judgmental / condescending in undertone (especially when paired with those fucking ellipses). this is an artist interview in 'electronic beats' magazine, not some 20-something cocktail party or a med school interview in the caribbean. like, to me, it seems as if she's trying to gauge her intelligence and/or expose her ignorance. can you imagine the interviewer asking florence welch that same exact question? kanye? beyonce? pretty much anyone else? i don't think so. but i also think i might be a tad bit cynical ... 
    lana probably doesn't know shit about politics. but she doesn't want or deserve to have that fact exposed to the world. it kind of seems like that question was a calculated one. there was no smooth or necessary segue between american imagery ---> obama ---> healthcare
    i think this is basically how the interview went now that i've had time to overlanalyze the absolute shit out of it --
  24. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Angel Haze Recorded a "Blue Velvet" Remix (Unreleased)   
    I like that she rhymed pain with pain. Has she been taking rhyming lessons from Pitbull?
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