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  1. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    i hope that i'm not stressing people out. it seems as if i like to talk about things people don't always seem to be comfortable talking about. the "underbelly" of humanity, i suppose you could say. its interesting, but can get a bit draining i realize. so please don't take what i'm saying too seriously -- these are merely my own observations and attempts at understanding her peculiar behavior, and why she lies and acts out in the way(s) she does. and its nice to generate discussion on lana in a more theoretical sense i guess =p 
    i think we should revive @@Moniker's thread about whether or not she'd be as loved if she weren't so beautiful. because i also wonder -- would she be as crazy if she weren't so beautiful? so histrionic (re: lip licking)? so vain and narcissistic (re: lyrics)? so paranoid and pessimistic (~anti me)? i kind of feel like the root of her insecurities / neuroses / eccentricities stem from the seemingly vast disconnect between her outer appearance and her inner world -- and the resulting disconnect between the way people perceive her and the way she actually is. i think this interviewer puts it best: 
    "she is capable of shifting swiftly from a kind of coltish innocence (*2) to vampish knowingness (*1). It’s a quality that is hard to pin down ... a kind of doubleness, a sense of duality and merging contradictions. She is a person into whom you can read a lot."
    (1) -- at 2:20 ... after the guy 'woops' at her, notice that knowing little "ha" she does. it didn't require any thought, and it barely phased her. it was rapid, like a reflex. she knows what she does to people -- men in particular 

    (2) on the other hand ... if you listen (to the interview below) from the beginning you sense that their interaction is full of sexual tension. not surprising since she's cooing more so than speaking. he's pretty forward at one point, asking if she ever takes people back to her room after shows or something (1:50) and lana like, yelps in surprise lmao. but then a few minutes later... he's like, oh, well i love the visuals and the palm trees on stage; so much so that i spent an entire song watching the screen instead of you (5:45). she's like ... oh, yea, yea, ok, blah, sonically, blah ... its good that they're there cause ... it... they... uh... [sad voice] you can look at them instead [/sad voice] 
    so on the one hand she's a true fucking vixen, on the other she's like a fragile ceramic doll. she needs to be loved, admired, adored. at the very least, she wants your eyes to be on her, it seems. how do you reconcile those two characters (jessica rabbit vs. dolores haze) into one person? i mean, i honestly believe that those are both parts of her true personality, and not some character that she puts on. but like i said before -- how must people in her everyday life perceive her? how do you trust that person when you can't understand or process their fundamental energy? if you notice, some of her lyrics are narcissistic praises of her own beauty right before she tosses some acid in 
    a large portion of her lyrics are heavily rooted in her beauty and how others perceive her beauty. it kind of shows how powerful / sickly pervasive that aspect must be in her life. on the one hand, its why some people are so drawn to her. on the other, its why some people are so repelled by her. its not like she has some obnoxious personality -- she's usually pulled back and rather reserved in her demeanor. so its like, how do you deal with that kind of hate? having a genuine ~anti me perspective? no wonder she seems bipolar -- adoring and grateful with fans when she's being admired vs. arrogant, elitist, and pessimistic when she's being criticized. on the one hand, she has to wonder: do people -love- me for my talent or my beauty? will they still love me...? or, do people -hate- me because of my beauty, in spite of my talents? (this has definitely been the case, especially in the beginning of her career)... she must wonder -- if they don't acknowledge my singing or songwriting, is it because they can't look past my face? or is because i don't even have talent? this might sound reductive, or shallow even, but i think there's a bit of truth along these lines. because like i said before, people seem to be ruled by their emotions and their emotions are rarely fueled or supplemented by logic. and nothing can surpass your brain and hit you in the stomach (or nads) faster than a beautiful person. and sadly, beauty tends to garner a disproportionate amount of interest (both positive and negative), and that happens to be a culturally / temporally transcendent fact
    all i'm saying is, it must be stressful to draw such vitriol from people for no reason other than how you look. it must be painful and irritating to have your talents refuted for reasons other than an actual lack of talent. i feel like she has to downplay her focus on looks because people will automatically deem her to be superficial. there are lots of things she has to be careful about doing or saying -- because like the interviewer says; she's the type of person you can read a lot into. people are going to be quicker with their snap judgements. and if you're uninformed or unfamiliar with her or any of her work, you're likely to hold a very wrong opinion
    TL;DR -- beauty spurs a wide range of emotions in people. can it play a negative role in a person's development? distort perceptions of themselves and the world around them? fragment your personality? am i stressing people out?
  2. NEAL liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    i hope that i'm not stressing people out. it seems as if i like to talk about things people don't always seem to be comfortable talking about. the "underbelly" of humanity, i suppose you could say. its interesting, but can get a bit draining i realize. so please don't take what i'm saying too seriously -- these are merely my own observations and attempts at understanding her peculiar behavior, and why she lies and acts out in the way(s) she does. and its nice to generate discussion on lana in a more theoretical sense i guess =p 
    i think we should revive @@Moniker's thread about whether or not she'd be as loved if she weren't so beautiful. because i also wonder -- would she be as crazy if she weren't so beautiful? so histrionic (re: lip licking)? so vain and narcissistic (re: lyrics)? so paranoid and pessimistic (~anti me)? i kind of feel like the root of her insecurities / neuroses / eccentricities stem from the seemingly vast disconnect between her outer appearance and her inner world -- and the resulting disconnect between the way people perceive her and the way she actually is. i think this interviewer puts it best: 
    "she is capable of shifting swiftly from a kind of coltish innocence (*2) to vampish knowingness (*1). It’s a quality that is hard to pin down ... a kind of doubleness, a sense of duality and merging contradictions. She is a person into whom you can read a lot."
    (1) -- at 2:20 ... after the guy 'woops' at her, notice that knowing little "ha" she does. it didn't require any thought, and it barely phased her. it was rapid, like a reflex. she knows what she does to people -- men in particular 

    (2) on the other hand ... if you listen (to the interview below) from the beginning you sense that their interaction is full of sexual tension. not surprising since she's cooing more so than speaking. he's pretty forward at one point, asking if she ever takes people back to her room after shows or something (1:50) and lana like, yelps in surprise lmao. but then a few minutes later... he's like, oh, well i love the visuals and the palm trees on stage; so much so that i spent an entire song watching the screen instead of you (5:45). she's like ... oh, yea, yea, ok, blah, sonically, blah ... its good that they're there cause ... it... they... uh... [sad voice] you can look at them instead [/sad voice] 
    so on the one hand she's a true fucking vixen, on the other she's like a fragile ceramic doll. she needs to be loved, admired, adored. at the very least, she wants your eyes to be on her, it seems. how do you reconcile those two characters (jessica rabbit vs. dolores haze) into one person? i mean, i honestly believe that those are both parts of her true personality, and not some character that she puts on. but like i said before -- how must people in her everyday life perceive her? how do you trust that person when you can't understand or process their fundamental energy? if you notice, some of her lyrics are narcissistic praises of her own beauty right before she tosses some acid in 
    a large portion of her lyrics are heavily rooted in her beauty and how others perceive her beauty. it kind of shows how powerful / sickly pervasive that aspect must be in her life. on the one hand, its why some people are so drawn to her. on the other, its why some people are so repelled by her. its not like she has some obnoxious personality -- she's usually pulled back and rather reserved in her demeanor. so its like, how do you deal with that kind of hate? having a genuine ~anti me perspective? no wonder she seems bipolar -- adoring and grateful with fans when she's being admired vs. arrogant, elitist, and pessimistic when she's being criticized. on the one hand, she has to wonder: do people -love- me for my talent or my beauty? will they still love me...? or, do people -hate- me because of my beauty, in spite of my talents? (this has definitely been the case, especially in the beginning of her career)... she must wonder -- if they don't acknowledge my singing or songwriting, is it because they can't look past my face? or is because i don't even have talent? this might sound reductive, or shallow even, but i think there's a bit of truth along these lines. because like i said before, people seem to be ruled by their emotions and their emotions are rarely fueled or supplemented by logic. and nothing can surpass your brain and hit you in the stomach (or nads) faster than a beautiful person. and sadly, beauty tends to garner a disproportionate amount of interest (both positive and negative), and that happens to be a culturally / temporally transcendent fact
    all i'm saying is, it must be stressful to draw such vitriol from people for no reason other than how you look. it must be painful and irritating to have your talents refuted for reasons other than an actual lack of talent. i feel like she has to downplay her focus on looks because people will automatically deem her to be superficial. there are lots of things she has to be careful about doing or saying -- because like the interviewer says; she's the type of person you can read a lot into. people are going to be quicker with their snap judgements. and if you're uninformed or unfamiliar with her or any of her work, you're likely to hold a very wrong opinion
    TL;DR -- beauty spurs a wide range of emotions in people. can it play a negative role in a person's development? distort perceptions of themselves and the world around them? fragment your personality? am i stressing people out?
  3. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    i hope that i'm not stressing people out. it seems as if i like to talk about things people don't always seem to be comfortable talking about. the "underbelly" of humanity, i suppose you could say. its interesting, but can get a bit draining i realize. so please don't take what i'm saying too seriously -- these are merely my own observations and attempts at understanding her peculiar behavior, and why she lies and acts out in the way(s) she does. and its nice to generate discussion on lana in a more theoretical sense i guess =p 
    i think we should revive @@Moniker's thread about whether or not she'd be as loved if she weren't so beautiful. because i also wonder -- would she be as crazy if she weren't so beautiful? so histrionic (re: lip licking)? so vain and narcissistic (re: lyrics)? so paranoid and pessimistic (~anti me)? i kind of feel like the root of her insecurities / neuroses / eccentricities stem from the seemingly vast disconnect between her outer appearance and her inner world -- and the resulting disconnect between the way people perceive her and the way she actually is. i think this interviewer puts it best: 
    "she is capable of shifting swiftly from a kind of coltish innocence (*2) to vampish knowingness (*1). It’s a quality that is hard to pin down ... a kind of doubleness, a sense of duality and merging contradictions. She is a person into whom you can read a lot."
    (1) -- at 2:20 ... after the guy 'woops' at her, notice that knowing little "ha" she does. it didn't require any thought, and it barely phased her. it was rapid, like a reflex. she knows what she does to people -- men in particular 

    (2) on the other hand ... if you listen (to the interview below) from the beginning you sense that their interaction is full of sexual tension. not surprising since she's cooing more so than speaking. he's pretty forward at one point, asking if she ever takes people back to her room after shows or something (1:50) and lana like, yelps in surprise lmao. but then a few minutes later... he's like, oh, well i love the visuals and the palm trees on stage; so much so that i spent an entire song watching the screen instead of you (5:45). she's like ... oh, yea, yea, ok, blah, sonically, blah ... its good that they're there cause ... it... they... uh... [sad voice] you can look at them instead [/sad voice] 
    so on the one hand she's a true fucking vixen, on the other she's like a fragile ceramic doll. she needs to be loved, admired, adored. at the very least, she wants your eyes to be on her, it seems. how do you reconcile those two characters (jessica rabbit vs. dolores haze) into one person? i mean, i honestly believe that those are both parts of her true personality, and not some character that she puts on. but like i said before -- how must people in her everyday life perceive her? how do you trust that person when you can't understand or process their fundamental energy? if you notice, some of her lyrics are narcissistic praises of her own beauty right before she tosses some acid in 
    a large portion of her lyrics are heavily rooted in her beauty and how others perceive her beauty. it kind of shows how powerful / sickly pervasive that aspect must be in her life. on the one hand, its why some people are so drawn to her. on the other, its why some people are so repelled by her. its not like she has some obnoxious personality -- she's usually pulled back and rather reserved in her demeanor. so its like, how do you deal with that kind of hate? having a genuine ~anti me perspective? no wonder she seems bipolar -- adoring and grateful with fans when she's being admired vs. arrogant, elitist, and pessimistic when she's being criticized. on the one hand, she has to wonder: do people -love- me for my talent or my beauty? will they still love me...? or, do people -hate- me because of my beauty, in spite of my talents? (this has definitely been the case, especially in the beginning of her career)... she must wonder -- if they don't acknowledge my singing or songwriting, is it because they can't look past my face? or is because i don't even have talent? this might sound reductive, or shallow even, but i think there's a bit of truth along these lines. because like i said before, people seem to be ruled by their emotions and their emotions are rarely fueled or supplemented by logic. and nothing can surpass your brain and hit you in the stomach (or nads) faster than a beautiful person. and sadly, beauty tends to garner a disproportionate amount of interest (both positive and negative), and that happens to be a culturally / temporally transcendent fact
    all i'm saying is, it must be stressful to draw such vitriol from people for no reason other than how you look. it must be painful and irritating to have your talents refuted for reasons other than an actual lack of talent. i feel like she has to downplay her focus on looks because people will automatically deem her to be superficial. there are lots of things she has to be careful about doing or saying -- because like the interviewer says; she's the type of person you can read a lot into. people are going to be quicker with their snap judgements. and if you're uninformed or unfamiliar with her or any of her work, you're likely to hold a very wrong opinion
    TL;DR -- beauty spurs a wide range of emotions in people. can it play a negative role in a person's development? distort perceptions of themselves and the world around them? fragment your personality? am i stressing people out?
  4. lola liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    you shouldn't get so sad and/or upset -- the reason we are all here is because we feel connected to her in some way, and to some varying degree. there's a strong emotional investment in her. while i wouldn't say that she's a friend (because there is a difference between being a stalker and a psycho), i will say that i when i -do- have a (real, physical) friend, i put an emotional investment in that person. so if we hear (or read) something from that person that we disagree with, well, its ok to disagree. i fight with my friends every now and then. the worst or most dangerous kinds of relationships are the ones where you can't tell the other person to go fuck their own ass and die. constant harmony is not possible or recommended. but again, i'm a bit of a cynic
    just because you disagree with someone or your perspective on that person gets shifted in a different direction doesn't mean your feelings for them necessarily have to change. since she's still a celebrity, and really, more of a distant entity in our lives, we're probably even less likely to allow negative opinions to influence our overall feelings. because no matter what she says none of it really changes the music. and i'm pretty sure she's got some fans for life. but music isn't the only aspect i adore. i think i love her. like, really. capital letters, hand-signing, hue-changing L-O-V-E. so as a result, i'm gonna call her a bitch when she's being a bitch. but whatever, she can say or do what she wants to fucking say or do. i don't really care, but it doesn't mean i won't have an opinion about it. interviews will always offer another glance into her as a person (whether intentional or not). and i'm not gonna lie, i'm very interested in her as a person. everyone here is, no? 
    i don't think anyone here is making her out to be a horrible person. a child, maybe. but part of me thinks that no one ever really grows up, as a result of everyone still being controlled by their emotions (whether they realize it or not) ... anyway, she's just a fucking spaz NBD KK
  5. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Honestly, I never expected this interview would cause such a strong reaction. I haven't read all pages of this thread, so I apologise in advance if I say something that has been stated before. Please don't feel offended or personally addressed when I indirectly quote any of you... it's just kind of inspired my train of thought.
    To me, it seemed like she really needed to get some things off her chest. Although the interviewer didn't ask her any provocative and insensitive questions, I got the impression that she felt the need to set the record straight on some things. I have read some opinions on here saying that she's obviously lying or telling half-truths but personally, I don't think that's the case. I think she has been very open in this interview and seemed genuinely interested in being understood. I have seen people say that she denying things that have been proven to be right. Is that really the case? Because I don't think so. Nothing is really cleared up about her past. There's a cluster of tiny bits of information from here and there that us fans and the media have tried to put together, but who besides Lana herself knows if that is 100% accurate (nice keyword, coming to this a paragraph later)?
    I feel like she's constantly struggling to define her public image. @@Monicker and @ discussed her apparent "personality disorder" and I agree that she seems quite bipolar at times. In opposite to journalists claiming that she's well in charge and extremely controlling of everything, I believe that she is very insecure and extremely overwhelmed with the challenge of being a celebrity figure. I see Lana Del Rey, the enigmatic and beautiful artist, Lana Del Rey, the good-hearted and loving person that's all sweet with her fans [insert infamous laugh here], Lana Del Rey, the shy and modest private person, and then I see a few other fragments here and there. I am totally unable to put all the pieces together. I sometimes get the impression that she is just as lost like we are when it comes to her, and that she therefore tries to carve her past, her present and future into the oh-so dramatic "work of art." 
    All those contradictions in interviews, be it print, audio or video, kind of reflect that struggle of hers, and I am pretty sure that she's far away from coming to terms with herself. I am convinced that all those inaccuracies and thereby emerging misconceptions/interpretations (mine's probably just as wrong here) do eat her up and pretty much force her to constantly change details about things she's already talked about. Do I even make sense at this point? So, I see why many people get upset over this interview.
    I think this interview marks a turning point of her. That, however, remains to be seen... All these assumptions and speculations on my part are obviously based on my understanding of the interview. I just got home from today's Pragmatics course (part of English Linguistics, which I study) so I was in the mood for a little pragmatical conversation analysis. Fair enough, but I'd have to see a taping of this interview, or at least hear a recording of it, in order to be able to judge properly. 
  6. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I think it's a tenuous thing to diagnose a person from afar, but I think Lana definitely has some problems that are coming across in this interview. I've had a lifelong problem with depression and various chemical substances, but I can only imagine being barely recovered and then having this barrage of hate and scrutiny directed at you. It would be enough to change anyone for the worse. Personally I'm not offended by her mood, seeing as I have social anxiety myself and can come across as angry and awkward and aloof, but rather by what she's saying--essentially ignorant elitism and just pure bullshit.
    My main point is, I feel like if you have a degree in something, you should be able to talk about it. If she spent four whole years studying philosophy, I feel like she should be able to better articulate its ideas and seem aware/passionate/interested in questions regarding it. Her quotes about religion/philosophy seem underdeveloped at best and immature and misunderstanding at worst. She seems to fumble in talking about the topics  that supposedly influenced her growing up and music so much--nihilism, hedonism, free will, spirituality, fate--which should be very intimate and familiar to her. Remember that cringe-worthy interview where she defined metaphysics as "mathematically proving the reality of god"?? Maybe she was too high on ~methamphetamines~ through college to pay attention to the thing she was majoring in.
    It's certainly a difficult thing to reconcile the stupidly hateful Lana in recent interviews with the Lana who kisses her crying fans and the Lana who wrote the sheer brilliance that is "You and Me." I suppose that's the real topic of philosophy here: human nature, having so many facets and quirks and flaws and rapid changes. Lana's only human--but a different person to everyone she meets, apparently.
  7. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    There were some really interesting answers through all... that. But at some point it was an annoying mix of pretentiousness and endless justifications that she doesn't have to give really. I don't know why she gets like that in some interviews, does she dislike the journalist, is she having a bad day, I can't tell. 
    anti-me ~

  8. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I think most of you weren't responding to me on the topic of being a critical fan versus being a hugely supportive fan in the last few pages but I appreciate the insight on the difference between the two (@@Monicker @@TrailerParkDarling @@maru @@evilentity @). Recall I thought this thread was getting a little heavy on the denouncing but in actuality it's just really heavily concentrated, warranted criticism. Just...very heavily concentrated I'm facing a difficult paradox as someone who is particularly attached to Lana Del Rey as a person because I'm mostly in agreement with the naysayers but still holding myself back from obligatory defense...
  9. milliondollaman liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    you shouldn't get so sad and/or upset -- the reason we are all here is because we feel connected to her in some way, and to some varying degree. there's a strong emotional investment in her. while i wouldn't say that she's a friend (because there is a difference between being a stalker and a psycho), i will say that i when i -do- have a (real, physical) friend, i put an emotional investment in that person. so if we hear (or read) something from that person that we disagree with, well, its ok to disagree. i fight with my friends every now and then. the worst or most dangerous kinds of relationships are the ones where you can't tell the other person to go fuck their own ass and die. constant harmony is not possible or recommended. but again, i'm a bit of a cynic
    just because you disagree with someone or your perspective on that person gets shifted in a different direction doesn't mean your feelings for them necessarily have to change. since she's still a celebrity, and really, more of a distant entity in our lives, we're probably even less likely to allow negative opinions to influence our overall feelings. because no matter what she says none of it really changes the music. and i'm pretty sure she's got some fans for life. but music isn't the only aspect i adore. i think i love her. like, really. capital letters, hand-signing, hue-changing L-O-V-E. so as a result, i'm gonna call her a bitch when she's being a bitch. but whatever, she can say or do what she wants to fucking say or do. i don't really care, but it doesn't mean i won't have an opinion about it. interviews will always offer another glance into her as a person (whether intentional or not). and i'm not gonna lie, i'm very interested in her as a person. everyone here is, no? 
    i don't think anyone here is making her out to be a horrible person. a child, maybe. but part of me thinks that no one ever really grows up, as a result of everyone still being controlled by their emotions (whether they realize it or not) ... anyway, she's just a fucking spaz NBD KK
  10. Sitar liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    you shouldn't get so sad and/or upset -- the reason we are all here is because we feel connected to her in some way, and to some varying degree. there's a strong emotional investment in her. while i wouldn't say that she's a friend (because there is a difference between being a stalker and a psycho), i will say that i when i -do- have a (real, physical) friend, i put an emotional investment in that person. so if we hear (or read) something from that person that we disagree with, well, its ok to disagree. i fight with my friends every now and then. the worst or most dangerous kinds of relationships are the ones where you can't tell the other person to go fuck their own ass and die. constant harmony is not possible or recommended. but again, i'm a bit of a cynic
    just because you disagree with someone or your perspective on that person gets shifted in a different direction doesn't mean your feelings for them necessarily have to change. since she's still a celebrity, and really, more of a distant entity in our lives, we're probably even less likely to allow negative opinions to influence our overall feelings. because no matter what she says none of it really changes the music. and i'm pretty sure she's got some fans for life. but music isn't the only aspect i adore. i think i love her. like, really. capital letters, hand-signing, hue-changing L-O-V-E. so as a result, i'm gonna call her a bitch when she's being a bitch. but whatever, she can say or do what she wants to fucking say or do. i don't really care, but it doesn't mean i won't have an opinion about it. interviews will always offer another glance into her as a person (whether intentional or not). and i'm not gonna lie, i'm very interested in her as a person. everyone here is, no? 
    i don't think anyone here is making her out to be a horrible person. a child, maybe. but part of me thinks that no one ever really grows up, as a result of everyone still being controlled by their emotions (whether they realize it or not) ... anyway, she's just a fucking spaz NBD KK
  11. Leo liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    you shouldn't get so sad and/or upset -- the reason we are all here is because we feel connected to her in some way, and to some varying degree. there's a strong emotional investment in her. while i wouldn't say that she's a friend (because there is a difference between being a stalker and a psycho), i will say that i when i -do- have a (real, physical) friend, i put an emotional investment in that person. so if we hear (or read) something from that person that we disagree with, well, its ok to disagree. i fight with my friends every now and then. the worst or most dangerous kinds of relationships are the ones where you can't tell the other person to go fuck their own ass and die. constant harmony is not possible or recommended. but again, i'm a bit of a cynic
    just because you disagree with someone or your perspective on that person gets shifted in a different direction doesn't mean your feelings for them necessarily have to change. since she's still a celebrity, and really, more of a distant entity in our lives, we're probably even less likely to allow negative opinions to influence our overall feelings. because no matter what she says none of it really changes the music. and i'm pretty sure she's got some fans for life. but music isn't the only aspect i adore. i think i love her. like, really. capital letters, hand-signing, hue-changing L-O-V-E. so as a result, i'm gonna call her a bitch when she's being a bitch. but whatever, she can say or do what she wants to fucking say or do. i don't really care, but it doesn't mean i won't have an opinion about it. interviews will always offer another glance into her as a person (whether intentional or not). and i'm not gonna lie, i'm very interested in her as a person. everyone here is, no? 
    i don't think anyone here is making her out to be a horrible person. a child, maybe. but part of me thinks that no one ever really grows up, as a result of everyone still being controlled by their emotions (whether they realize it or not) ... anyway, she's just a fucking spaz NBD KK
  12. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    As a newbie I would just like to say that it's fricking fantastic to find a place like this where so many people care so much about Lana that they wanna discuss her even if it means that the debate gets a little heated.
    Lana is like a beautiful clock. Showing the time is the primary function that makes us appreciate it, nothing will change that, but every now and then you might get curious how it looks on the inside, what makes it tick. So you open up the clock and starts poking around inside. And I guess that's what we're all trying to do here, open up Lana and poke around and I'm right now realizing how my metaphore is backfiring grossly. As we can't open up Lanas mind and get all the answers we try our best dissecting what she says and does,  and sometimes we find something that's not as pretty as we expected, and I think it's ok to talk about it. Of course there's a line where curiosity becomes way too scrutinizing, but that line differs from person to person, and so we get this heated debate. 
    At the end of the day we still don't know Lana, but we're having a good discussion and we all love what she does.
    And Lana? She's probably laughing all the way down to the bank right now so there's that. 
  13. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    .... you guys are really annoying me and twisting words. no one here is like OMG IM DONE WITH LANA DEL REY IM LEAVING THE FORUM. 
    we're allowed to have our opinions, just as you have yours. if you want to think everything she shits out is 100% gold, that's super cool but we're allowed to think otherwise, and that doesn't mean we aren't fans or that we don't support her. if we weren't fans, we wouldn't be on this forum. being a fan doesn't mean you're always LANA DEL REY IS MY QUEEEEEN etc. at the end of the day, I think it was a discussion ~ not any sort of uprising against Lana as some of you are making it out to be
  14. sweetlana liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    you shouldn't get so sad and/or upset -- the reason we are all here is because we feel connected to her in some way, and to some varying degree. there's a strong emotional investment in her. while i wouldn't say that she's a friend (because there is a difference between being a stalker and a psycho), i will say that i when i -do- have a (real, physical) friend, i put an emotional investment in that person. so if we hear (or read) something from that person that we disagree with, well, its ok to disagree. i fight with my friends every now and then. the worst or most dangerous kinds of relationships are the ones where you can't tell the other person to go fuck their own ass and die. constant harmony is not possible or recommended. but again, i'm a bit of a cynic
    just because you disagree with someone or your perspective on that person gets shifted in a different direction doesn't mean your feelings for them necessarily have to change. since she's still a celebrity, and really, more of a distant entity in our lives, we're probably even less likely to allow negative opinions to influence our overall feelings. because no matter what she says none of it really changes the music. and i'm pretty sure she's got some fans for life. but music isn't the only aspect i adore. i think i love her. like, really. capital letters, hand-signing, hue-changing L-O-V-E. so as a result, i'm gonna call her a bitch when she's being a bitch. but whatever, she can say or do what she wants to fucking say or do. i don't really care, but it doesn't mean i won't have an opinion about it. interviews will always offer another glance into her as a person (whether intentional or not). and i'm not gonna lie, i'm very interested in her as a person. everyone here is, no? 
    i don't think anyone here is making her out to be a horrible person. a child, maybe. but part of me thinks that no one ever really grows up, as a result of everyone still being controlled by their emotions (whether they realize it or not) ... anyway, she's just a fucking spaz NBD KK
  15. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    you shouldn't get so sad and/or upset -- the reason we are all here is because we feel connected to her in some way, and to some varying degree. there's a strong emotional investment in her. while i wouldn't say that she's a friend (because there is a difference between being a stalker and a psycho), i will say that i when i -do- have a (real, physical) friend, i put an emotional investment in that person. so if we hear (or read) something from that person that we disagree with, well, its ok to disagree. i fight with my friends every now and then. the worst or most dangerous kinds of relationships are the ones where you can't tell the other person to go fuck their own ass and die. constant harmony is not possible or recommended. but again, i'm a bit of a cynic
    just because you disagree with someone or your perspective on that person gets shifted in a different direction doesn't mean your feelings for them necessarily have to change. since she's still a celebrity, and really, more of a distant entity in our lives, we're probably even less likely to allow negative opinions to influence our overall feelings. because no matter what she says none of it really changes the music. and i'm pretty sure she's got some fans for life. but music isn't the only aspect i adore. i think i love her. like, really. capital letters, hand-signing, hue-changing L-O-V-E. so as a result, i'm gonna call her a bitch when she's being a bitch. but whatever, she can say or do what she wants to fucking say or do. i don't really care, but it doesn't mean i won't have an opinion about it. interviews will always offer another glance into her as a person (whether intentional or not). and i'm not gonna lie, i'm very interested in her as a person. everyone here is, no? 
    i don't think anyone here is making her out to be a horrible person. a child, maybe. but part of me thinks that no one ever really grows up, as a result of everyone still being controlled by their emotions (whether they realize it or not) ... anyway, she's just a fucking spaz NBD KK
  16. Quentin liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    you shouldn't get so sad and/or upset -- the reason we are all here is because we feel connected to her in some way, and to some varying degree. there's a strong emotional investment in her. while i wouldn't say that she's a friend (because there is a difference between being a stalker and a psycho), i will say that i when i -do- have a (real, physical) friend, i put an emotional investment in that person. so if we hear (or read) something from that person that we disagree with, well, its ok to disagree. i fight with my friends every now and then. the worst or most dangerous kinds of relationships are the ones where you can't tell the other person to go fuck their own ass and die. constant harmony is not possible or recommended. but again, i'm a bit of a cynic
    just because you disagree with someone or your perspective on that person gets shifted in a different direction doesn't mean your feelings for them necessarily have to change. since she's still a celebrity, and really, more of a distant entity in our lives, we're probably even less likely to allow negative opinions to influence our overall feelings. because no matter what she says none of it really changes the music. and i'm pretty sure she's got some fans for life. but music isn't the only aspect i adore. i think i love her. like, really. capital letters, hand-signing, hue-changing L-O-V-E. so as a result, i'm gonna call her a bitch when she's being a bitch. but whatever, she can say or do what she wants to fucking say or do. i don't really care, but it doesn't mean i won't have an opinion about it. interviews will always offer another glance into her as a person (whether intentional or not). and i'm not gonna lie, i'm very interested in her as a person. everyone here is, no? 
    i don't think anyone here is making her out to be a horrible person. a child, maybe. but part of me thinks that no one ever really grows up, as a result of everyone still being controlled by their emotions (whether they realize it or not) ... anyway, she's just a fucking spaz NBD KK
  17. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    you shouldn't get so sad and/or upset -- the reason we are all here is because we feel connected to her in some way, and to some varying degree. there's a strong emotional investment in her. while i wouldn't say that she's a friend (because there is a difference between being a stalker and a psycho), i will say that i when i -do- have a (real, physical) friend, i put an emotional investment in that person. so if we hear (or read) something from that person that we disagree with, well, its ok to disagree. i fight with my friends every now and then. the worst or most dangerous kinds of relationships are the ones where you can't tell the other person to go fuck their own ass and die. constant harmony is not possible or recommended. but again, i'm a bit of a cynic
    just because you disagree with someone or your perspective on that person gets shifted in a different direction doesn't mean your feelings for them necessarily have to change. since she's still a celebrity, and really, more of a distant entity in our lives, we're probably even less likely to allow negative opinions to influence our overall feelings. because no matter what she says none of it really changes the music. and i'm pretty sure she's got some fans for life. but music isn't the only aspect i adore. i think i love her. like, really. capital letters, hand-signing, hue-changing L-O-V-E. so as a result, i'm gonna call her a bitch when she's being a bitch. but whatever, she can say or do what she wants to fucking say or do. i don't really care, but it doesn't mean i won't have an opinion about it. interviews will always offer another glance into her as a person (whether intentional or not). and i'm not gonna lie, i'm very interested in her as a person. everyone here is, no? 
    i don't think anyone here is making her out to be a horrible person. a child, maybe. but part of me thinks that no one ever really grows up, as a result of everyone still being controlled by their emotions (whether they realize it or not) ... anyway, she's just a fucking spaz NBD KK
  18. lola liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    this is why i think she's an INFP -- she gets really, really, really sensitive to everything in her environment because she's able to intuit / draw connections from really abstract or subtle details that eventually influence her mental and/or emotional state. i mean -- hanging up on a (phone) interview for no specific reason other than a 'feeling' is kind of ... dramatic. but maybe she just feels strongly? 
    "I think we should just end this because, I don't know. I feel like you don't really like it."
    so it could be something as simple as like, a micro-expression or an inflection in tone of voice, a shift in body language, etc. or its just another person's energy, or the energy in the room, in the atmosphere -- which can't really be defined in any logical way. ever walk into a room thats neither dark nor bright, but the way the light hits your surroundings, it just makes you feel weird? or like, when you hear a song, and see a color... you don't know why, it just happens. you can try to explain it away all fucking day but you'll never know the true reason why you see or feel what you see or feel. i think the same can be applied to any situation. the energy from this room makes me feel grey. the energy from this person makes me feel pink. of course that's really simplistic, but just as examples... because maybe that's what happens to her, on some level? like, this interviewer is giving me shit vibes, so i'm gonna react in this way because shit brown brings out my shit green. i'm high as fuck. i think she's really attuned to her surroundings, and this level of perception just causes her to spaz out every now and then. everyone knows that feeling of being overwhelmed. its like pulsating / buzzing / dizzying and then at a certain point, in certain situations, or with certain people, you just shut down and you're no longer yourself. or functional at all. i imagine that being in the neverending spotlight would cause your personality to seem fragmented for sure 
    if britney shaved her head and wielded an umbrella ... what is lana going to do? pls don't cobain urself bby
    *brb, symbolically killing myself*
  19. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Different people, different concepts of intimacy, I guess, but I'd much sooner answer the brand of tampon question or some other equally silly and ultimately harmless "invasive" question than talk about my political affiliation or any other type of ideology with some journo - especially considering our increasingly PC-obsessed / easily offended society. Even more so if I were famous; my motto would definitely be "not here for the drama".
  20. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I know. She listens to only singles by music legends (The Doors! Elvis! Bob Dylan! Frank Sinatra! Biggie!), strictly reads canonized literature (Lolita! Leaves of Grass! Howl!), and only appreciates classic films (The Godfather! The Godfather Part II! American Beauty!). Her taste isn't nuanced or inspired (see: "Oh, I just like the masters of every genre"). It's laughable when she claims that she has a ~true appreciation for the arts, she lives and breathes it, and simply can't be bothered to be affiliate with those she believes doesn't~ when it seems her current* taste is dependent on whether or not the artist/work in question has reached a revered status. 
    Her inspirations read like a compilation of ~the best of the best~ from the who-sayers and taste-makers of "classic" work, these influential, "renowned" American media institutions. It's almost as though she trailed her finger up and down Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Artists of All Time, American Film Institute's Greatest Films and Greatest Contemporary Works of the 20th Century** when choosing her influences...
    No one can truly call into question something as deeply personal and visceral as one's passion for any given thing. It is impossible for me to make the case that Lana's excessively trite influences somehow diminish her ability to "...care about music deeply..." or to "...really [live] it and [breathe] it." Still, if I can't definitively say that Lana's passion for music is diminished because of her cookie-cutter influences, then who is she to say that others "...don't actually care about music and art" and that "they want to be cool"? Who said that she's the absolute authority in appreciating music and poetry and art? Even more compelling: Why is the person who ruthlessly had their authenticity called into question early in their career (to the point they went on to call it "lies" and "slander" in this very interview, mind you) suddenly calling into question the authenticity of fellow artists? What fucking hypocritical bullshit. She sounds like a real prick. She'll need all the good luck she can get finding that "high-class group of musicians" to be a part of because with that elitist attitude I suspect she'll have a really difficult time. 
    *Sigh. I miss the kitschy, unabashedly low-brow Lizzy Grant that said she wanted to kiss Antony of Antony and the Johnsons. YEAH I'M GOING THE TYPICAL "I MISS LIZZY" ROUTE, DEAL WITH IT
    **Let's pretend Whitman is a contemporary poet so that my snarky point still sticks
  21. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Sarcasm aside, I actually don't think the two things are mutually exclusive. I think we're confusing musical elitism with actual passion for music, to be honest. Sure, I'm a full album type of person who thinks that listening to The Dark Side Of The Moon in any way other than in its entirety and in the right order should be punishable by imprisonment, but who am I to say that my passion and appreciation for music is bigger than that of someone who only listens to singles, or deletes the tracks they don't like, or listens to Pink Floyd albums on shuffle?
    She's been making music for a living for years now; I think it's safe to assume she loves and appreciates it, even if it is in her own particular and unorthodox way.
  22. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Hey, so, i'm going to spend two years telling people that i'm more of a singles person and that my favorite songs are Hotel California and Wicked Game (which i will continually refer to as Wicked Games) and all the hits by the masters of every genre, like, uhm, Bob Dylan and Kurt Cobain and Eminem, and then lament the fact that i just can't meet anyone with such a deep passion and appreciation for music like my boyfriend and i have. You know, people who really live and breath music? Never mind, no one understands.  
  23. HollywoodHills liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    even though i'm quoting your post this isn't necessarily a response to it. the (common) perception of her being 'fake' and a 'liar' just got me thinking. i mean, i get why people think these things. and she is a liar. but not always, and not completely? anyway, i just love lanalyzing her in the head i guess
    you know i have a friend or (three) that specifically do not trust any girl that they find to be beautiful? i'm not saying that they're right or wrong i'm just saying i have them. one of them is a guy and has insecurities about them cheating, the other two are girls (ENFP, ENTJ) and they just assume that they're manipulative or conniving or at least more likely to be so. i don't think thats an uncommon thing. everyone has insecurities, even lana. especially lana? seems to me like pretty girls can sometimes be the most insecure. but also the most confident. or at least the ones i've known (and known of). see how there's already an inherent contradiction that's probably confusing to her and those around her? given that she has those 'abilities' to see the world, eat cake, see what other people don't -- she probably also sees the darker sides of humanity too. she probably sees (and is the target of) other people's insecurities because she inadvertently draws them out. she's smart, quiet, and beautiful; i imagine that a combination like that would draw very strange / very pessimistic / very cautionary 'energy' from (some, but not all) people. over the course of 27 (?) years though, that number of negative interactions or realizations probably adds up. she's probably internalized that energy and its probably made her feel guilty, or something?
    "i don't wanna think i'm wrong -- just for feeling pretty"

    she's probably all defensive / adolescent / emo cause she's consistently being ~misunderstood by the world and the (american) public. funny that this is the 2nd gramma quote that's been relevant to this discussion. maybe that's the song that's most true and most personal for her, like trailerparkdarling said. i mean ... there are like 7 (?) videos. not sure if i'm just building up a house of cards in my head lmao
  24. Intriguing Penguin liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    "i'm a psycho!" 

    *nah, but rly guys. i'm like, crazy and shit k. so make sure you put that on the cover n' everything*
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