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  1. DeadAgainst liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Swan Song   
    Ziggy Stardust no more,  David Bowie forever
    Brian Wilson on his site when he originally was talking about his new album, and at the time was going to have duets with Lana and Frank Ocean, he got bombarded on his facebook site with fans who wanted him to do nothing but what he already had done with the Beach Boys.
    And he flat out told them sorry, but he is entitled to do whatever he wants to do. It's his life not his fans or the media's imagination of what they want nor should he be forced to stay where they first heard of him, and not let him grow.
    Or as Lesley Gore sang "You don't own me" and "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to" (two new records for two different singers attempt to copy Lesley Gore but those two don't get it, they really don't get it)
    The possibilities are endless, the possibilities are intriguing.
    With the end comes the beginning.
    and as Neil Diamond wrote and the irony is dripping "and I saw her face now I'm a believer" which the Monkees led by David Jones and Mickey Dolenz sang.
    David Jones aka Davy Jones.
    Irony of course being that Ziggy Stardust was , the still vital, just released a new lp a few months ago David Bowie...nee:David Davy Jones who changed his name to David Bowie
    because Davy Jones was already taken years earlier. (yet the fucked up press and haters never said Bowie was inauthentic because he changed his name and style and vision many times over, or the same with Freddie Mercury).
    or as REM sang "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine"
    Maybe the helicopter had an even deeper meaning than second thought. (after all first thought was it was a breakup song when only the lyrics were available until the video appeared).
    Maybe Ultraviolence wasn't about a relationship with a person at all, and if that is so, then the 2 outliers on the album proper actually make more sense (I f'd my way to the top and money/power/glory)
    or not.
    Hollywood...where the legends keep you wanting more more more, applause long after one has left the stage
    Coming soon to a record store near you June 2018
    Rebirth. by Elizabeth Grant
    I'll be there.
  2. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by rdp in Honeymoon Sales   
    I feel like every single pop album released since 2011 is claimed to have the biggest sales drop since 143 b.c. or whatever

  3. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    2nd thought of the day perhaps unpopular-
    and this is why I love Ms. Grant- and this is what the haters do not get.
    It requires hundreds of hours now to fully understand and get Lana Del Rey.and once the 100 hours are finished, another 100 more and more and more
    It is impossible to direct anyone to one song and say, this is Lana Del Rey. It is impossible.
    It would be like telling a new person to read Gatsby (or any great book) and go to page 86 paragraph 3 (random number) and don't bother with the rest of it.
    It is why at Christmas time, one listens to hundreds of different songs all by different artists back to back but most don't have any clue who is singing any of the songs (and most radio stations
    never announce who sang any of them). The topic is the same, the artists different.
    So the more Lana releases, yes, the less likely for a newer audience. Kids don't have the patience, adults don't have the time.
    How many people will invest the time needed to start from the beginning and go forward, or if starting from the end, then to invest the time to go back.
    It is also why some will never be happy with what she sings in concert.
    Because she is removing the order and just giving a bit and piece, and like listening to someone who made up a bootleg out of order mix, it don't sound right if its not in the order
    it is meant to be.
    And that goes from her early stuff through BTD/Paradise/ultraviolence/Honeymoon
    One cannot say listen to Gods and Monsters and understand where it is coming from. Or Yayo. Or anything.
    It would be like starting a chess match at Checkmate. It would solicit a big "huh???"
    or someone just hearing the Beatles "Ob la di" or the Beach Boys "Fun Fun Fun in the California Sun" or Chuck Berry's "My ding-a-ling".
    and it is what makes Lana's useage of "Burnt Norton" doubly meaningful. And why it was included.
    and also the line about she will not change even if it means losing you, just to change.She is Elizabeth referencing Lana referencing Elizabeth referencing Lana. It is now clearly evident what she meant. As is the bus of the stars I referred to early on.
    and to add-
    she could at any time release a bonus song that is released as a single and is a great catchy single oriented one off or duet, however, that won't get a long term fan who isn't interested in the main set of releases and the real part of the album. It will just get a fly by night person, who most likely wouldn't pick up a complete cd anyhow.
  4. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I am convinced I got it right.
    Honeymoon is meant to listen to cuts 1 to 13 and then the last cut (and this is the reason there are no bonus songs) because the last cut is saying
    after listening to cuts 1 to 13 DON'T misunderstand what I am saying, and it requires the listener to then go back to the start and listen to
    cuts 1 to 13
    and get to cut 14 and Don't misunderstand what I am saying
    I believe it's Elizabeth Lana Elizabeth Lana Elizabeth Lana
    It is the inner conflict between everything and is not about one person proper other than herself
    Every single word makes sense in that context from the first note of Honeymoon to the last note of Swan Song to the specific wanting and using Don't let me be misunderstood
    to then instructing said listener to go back and listen again
    repeated endlessly like an Endless Summer
    (and to reference it- once again it is a journey and we are along for the ride
    I could suggest over 100 references, perhaps 500 specific references to this
    through every specific song
    From the first 2 lines of Honeymoon to the last
    I call it pure genius. But it might mean taking off the blinders and looking not only straight forward but out of the box to see what is actually right in front of one straight forward.
    and to add- Elizabeth/Lana is saying the ride will continue forever, but on HER terms as SHE wants it.
    (and if you don't like it you can BEAT it, beat it baby) as she said so wonderfully in Brooklyn Baby.
    (a second separate post on another possibly unpopular thought to follow)
  5. Elina liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Jamie XX: I worked with Lana on my album, but it didnt make the cut.   
    yet another person(s) name dropping Lana for their own selfish needs
    as if they are placing an advert and want Lana fans to rush out and spend money (oops sorry, haven't in the past, won't know, interests me not)
    btw,  is Jamie xx, is that like Magic Mike Bloomberg XXL
  6. yourboy liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Great post LynnLana
    and to add-
    Lana has now made 2 albums in a row that should be given Grammy's  for
    Best album of year
    Best producer of year
    Best song of year
    Best record of year
    Best video of year
    Best alternative record of the year
    Best artist of the year
    that Ultraviolence didn't, well, that is not her fault
    She should have won the Oscar for
    Young and Beautiful from Gatsby
    and been nominated for
    Big Eyes (although perhaps I can fly would have been better)
    If the Oscars had a best adaptation of a song like they do for screenplay
    Once upon a dream should have won
    Lana should have won Best new artist back in 2012
    Lana has been nominated for two grammys in the past (including Album of year for Paradise)
    She owes nobody anything and she cannot in the least be called lazy.
    Her family history alone, she is the prime caretaker for years of her two sibblings (not her parents, she is). That is a big responsiblity
    Lana has even in this album continually stated she loves music and the creation of music, the studio, the production, the mixing
    That is what an artiste does
    Lana also has had addiction problems, and being out of ones home or hometown, the temptation to fall back is so much greater than without ones support family right there.
    (I know when I myself go away like a few weeks ago when I went to Canada, it was 30 meals out, and 30 meals I overate, gaining like 10 pounds in 10 days that I have to work off and I am already working off other LOL)
    Lana also has stated she likes the "collective artist" environment, a close bunch of people, writers, studio people, her band that she can always do something with.
    Perhaps in the future she will hit upon  a place where she can play spur of the moment if she chose and people can come and see her in an informal setting.
    or keep doing club dates
    As she loves to be with the fans during the show in the front, a club situation is really a lot better than say Madison Square Garden where one isn't even seeing her, but watching the big screen.
    She could always tweet that she is on the beach by the pier in Santa monica or at some coffee house in two hours and everyone in range can come and have an informal singalong or something
    From all one reads, Lana looked very at ease talking to her fans in the meet and greets.
    or she could just sit in her house and get high by the beach (which doesn't mean getting high by addictives either, it could as easily mean high on life, an affirmative saying
    It's her life to do as she wishes.
  7. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I find Honeymoon to be a concept album from the first note to the end of the album, with Don't let me be misunderstood being the song that solidifies it, and tells said listener to now go back and listen again if one
    doesn't get it.
    It also needs to be listened to as a whole (like an opera not a pop song) and then listened to repeatedly as a whole
    Many kids these days of course don't have the attention span to do it
    But there are rewards aplenty for those that do.
    After all, one doesn't open up The Great Gatsby and read page 86 paragraph 3 and get the story. (note- before leaked-vision ad hominems me, I picked that number out of my head and don't have the book in front of me, didn't know the
    spelling police was on this board).
    (and of course it sounds like some here won't love Lana when she is no longer young nor beautiful, but I know I will be there for the ride as long as I am living and breathing).
    one doesn't drive from Brooklyn to Hollywood and decide to end the trip in the middle of the Mississippi river does one?) (and no, that has nothing to do with Jeff Buckley).(whose best song was a cover of Leonard Cohen).
  8. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by LynnLana in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Okay, I've really enjoyed just lurking in this and pre-release threads (latter was lots of fun and got me through several days of unpleasant illness). But here is where I can't stay silent, I'm afraid. I mean no personal attacks or arguments because I perfectly understand frustration. You really like/love someone's art and they prefer to go in hiding rather than share more of it with the world. I've been there. Really irritating, I know. 
    But about that last sentence. I heard it before. I had a conversation with a middle-aged lady who really meant well. When she asked me whether I plan to have kids and I said "No," she basically answered with the same words. Being able to become a parent is such a precious opportunity, and many people would kill to have it but they can't have children for medical or financial or other reasons. And I "throw it away." I really do because I don't want to use it. Guess for some people it's the same with career/artistic opportunities. 
    Does Lana effectively use all the opportunities she has? No. But who of us really do? After all, using opportunities is not an obligation, it's a choice. Talented people aren't obligated to use their talent to maximum just like fertile people aren't obligated to procreate. So while I understand and - to a degree - share frustration with Lana releasing an album with lots of potential and abandoning it when it could possibly grow into more interesting things and attract more people, I don't think even dedicated fans are in position to tell what Lana needs. We can only speculate about what we'd like her to do and how. Only Lana know what Lana needs and why she handles her career the way she does. 
    Again, I'm not against criticism or pointing out obvious facts (like, lack of promotion hurts sales), but sometimes it almost sounds like some people believe that an artist has some sort of obligation to them or to the world in general. Since when? If they want to waste their talent, that's their choice and it's completely okay. 
    On topic: though her releasing new album so soon after the last one made me have some doubt about its quality, and though nothing can replace UV as my favorite Lana's record, in the end I'm quite happy with Honeymoon. Despite having numerous flaws that were pointed out here several times already, it does offer something new, it's just as atmospheric as previous Lana's material, and for me it's strong enough to stand on its own, without any additional stuff like music videos. It's lush, it's heartfelt, it's unlike any other stuff being released nowadays, it even has some (intentionally or not) funny moments (seriously, I laughed several times during first listen). 
  9. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I find Honeymoon to be a concept album from the first note to the end of the album, with Don't let me be misunderstood being the song that solidifies it, and tells said listener to now go back and listen again if one
    doesn't get it.
    It also needs to be listened to as a whole (like an opera not a pop song) and then listened to repeatedly as a whole
    Many kids these days of course don't have the attention span to do it
    But there are rewards aplenty for those that do.
    After all, one doesn't open up The Great Gatsby and read page 86 paragraph 3 and get the story. (note- before leaked-vision ad hominems me, I picked that number out of my head and don't have the book in front of me, didn't know the
    spelling police was on this board).
    (and of course it sounds like some here won't love Lana when she is no longer young nor beautiful, but I know I will be there for the ride as long as I am living and breathing).
    one doesn't drive from Brooklyn to Hollywood and decide to end the trip in the middle of the Mississippi river does one?) (and no, that has nothing to do with Jeff Buckley).(whose best song was a cover of Leonard Cohen).
  10. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I find Honeymoon to be a concept album from the first note to the end of the album, with Don't let me be misunderstood being the song that solidifies it, and tells said listener to now go back and listen again if one
    doesn't get it.
    It also needs to be listened to as a whole (like an opera not a pop song) and then listened to repeatedly as a whole
    Many kids these days of course don't have the attention span to do it
    But there are rewards aplenty for those that do.
    After all, one doesn't open up The Great Gatsby and read page 86 paragraph 3 and get the story. (note- before leaked-vision ad hominems me, I picked that number out of my head and don't have the book in front of me, didn't know the
    spelling police was on this board).
    (and of course it sounds like some here won't love Lana when she is no longer young nor beautiful, but I know I will be there for the ride as long as I am living and breathing).
    one doesn't drive from Brooklyn to Hollywood and decide to end the trip in the middle of the Mississippi river does one?) (and no, that has nothing to do with Jeff Buckley).(whose best song was a cover of Leonard Cohen).
  11. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    this isn't really for anyone in particular except perhaps (lv). and answers about six or seven other posts in different parts.
    So not all is for any poster.
    you still have it wrong
    She doesn't want the paparazzi following her, or people breaking into her house thinking she is their personal friend when she is not in a public place and it is her private time.
    That was what High by the beach is about. The video showed it.  She treats everyone nice, and she gets taken advantage of.
    and she isn't disappearing-
    why start fake memes when there is no such thing
    she already stated she was doing a US tour next year and has done shows now every year somewhere.
    Festivals suit her along with her own shows.
    I would expect, unless she gets married and has a child, it to happen next summer.
    Kate Bush didn't tour for 40 years. She came back and sold out something like 50 shows. Had she done songs from her first part of her career I would have spent like 3 grand to go there and pick up a scalper ticket, plane flight, hotel (in the Marriott right outside the Eye). As she ignored those songs it wasn't worth it to me. Because unfortunately, Kate's not like Lana in that only some of her songs are good, but not all.
    and Lana has sold more records (in the USA) than Kate Bush ever did. At best, Kate updated her web site every once in a while, and sold limited edition signed stuff for a while
    (so she did have some income moving in).
    Kate probably would have died to have a #1 and two #2 USA albums
    but some are selfish- Lana doesn't do something for like 6 seconds and the world is coming to an end.
    and the false meme thing, starts out with a lie, then others think it is true, or half true and add on to the fiction without the others realizing the first wasn't true to start off with.
    Must give that poster LV (same initials as the great voice in the Gangster's paradise song), a big thrill.
    the more record company people and writers don't get her, the more some others are acting like professional record company people or professional writers.
    The #1 axiom in the entertainment industry is "leave the customer wanting more".
    as President Johnson said (actually to paraphrase it)
     "I could walk across the water tomorrow, and all the media would report is "Why is President Johnson so lazy that he can't swim"
    I bet some actually thought Lana would make a surprise appearance with Weeknd on SNL Saturday night. As if
    and to LV who referred to Lana as brand new? She has been around and recording for like 10 years now.
    Don't you think the wrinkle on one of her posts meant something? I took it to mean she is out of the rat race and doing things on her own terms. I was proven correct.
    And she didn't need Dan Auerbach to do it this time. She did it herself. Which is anything but lazy.
    I expect over the years for her to produce other artists, but not tour nor do publicity for those artists. That will be their job.
  12. whitman liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Interesting- to put things in perspective- Lana had more than enough sales to hit #1 in 40 of the last 54 weeks
    Janet Jackson is going to have the #1 album this week BUT it is under 100,000
    Selena Gomez is trending for the week after only having 85,000
    Looks like any week other than having Drake drop a surprise Lana easily would have been #1....in fact 40 plus in the last year
    (and btw, why did Drake lose 200,000 in volume since the last surprise drop he had? One doesn't find people questioning that. Why is it???
    Congratulations again Lana on having the sales to reach#1 in 40 of the last 44 weeks. (2 of which were Drake surprise releases.)
  13. Intriguing Penguin liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Swan Song   
    Ziggy Stardust no more,  David Bowie forever
    Brian Wilson on his site when he originally was talking about his new album, and at the time was going to have duets with Lana and Frank Ocean, he got bombarded on his facebook site with fans who wanted him to do nothing but what he already had done with the Beach Boys.
    And he flat out told them sorry, but he is entitled to do whatever he wants to do. It's his life not his fans or the media's imagination of what they want nor should he be forced to stay where they first heard of him, and not let him grow.
    Or as Lesley Gore sang "You don't own me" and "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to" (two new records for two different singers attempt to copy Lesley Gore but those two don't get it, they really don't get it)
    The possibilities are endless, the possibilities are intriguing.
    With the end comes the beginning.
    and as Neil Diamond wrote and the irony is dripping "and I saw her face now I'm a believer" which the Monkees led by David Jones and Mickey Dolenz sang.
    David Jones aka Davy Jones.
    Irony of course being that Ziggy Stardust was , the still vital, just released a new lp a few months ago David Bowie...nee:David Davy Jones who changed his name to David Bowie
    because Davy Jones was already taken years earlier. (yet the fucked up press and haters never said Bowie was inauthentic because he changed his name and style and vision many times over, or the same with Freddie Mercury).
    or as REM sang "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine"
    Maybe the helicopter had an even deeper meaning than second thought. (after all first thought was it was a breakup song when only the lyrics were available until the video appeared).
    Maybe Ultraviolence wasn't about a relationship with a person at all, and if that is so, then the 2 outliers on the album proper actually make more sense (I f'd my way to the top and money/power/glory)
    or not.
    Hollywood...where the legends keep you wanting more more more, applause long after one has left the stage
    Coming soon to a record store near you June 2018
    Rebirth. by Elizabeth Grant
    I'll be there.
  14. gothphetamine liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana is for freaks like us all over the world. Our voice so to say and as my signature says, Lana is our Edith Piaf.  Edith more than anyone was not in any way the typical looking or sounding star and the odds of her doing what she did...yet when she died, they say traffic in Paris stopped and tens of thousands or more lined the streets.)
    Though some here are referencing the 90s,(and nothing wrong with it, as many are from that time), it goes so much further back than that.
    Kate Bush (and I think among other reasons, Lana brought back the creative spark to Kate,a it would be hard to think otherwise, with her two albums and almost 50 concerts first in 40 years
    all in the same place last fall/winter in England. Almost as if Kate is saying, remember me? remember 40 years ago? (and to those not in the US, Kate was a niche artist, with almost no sales
    and no chart action in the USA.)
    but before Kate, there was Edith and there was Marlene Dietrich. Unique all 3, unique like Lana.
    But, the one difference between Lana and everyone else today is, Lana is coming from it as one of the boys, and doing something no current person is doing, which freaks out the critics
    but has the record companies wanting Lana Like but with new artists who will do everything they tell them to do and once those artists don't, will find another copy cutter (nothing wrong with that,
    that is what record companies and movies want (which is why historically when an actress reached 30 there were no more roles and they found another 19 year old they could mold into a star for a year or two before finding another.
    Lana is doing it "her way" and she should one day 40 years from now, as a lark sing "My way". It is the perfect song cover she could do.
  15. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    the Beatles used the mellotron especially in Strawberry Fields
    I said it before, would that be the sound at the very start of  Salvatore? Because that sounds like the ending after the fake ending of Strawberry Fields
  16. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Every song released both as LDR and any other name, and the demo's too.
    There is no filler. No bad song. No song that doesn't fit in each album. (and the bonus songs too, however, they didn't always fit the subject matter which is why they were bonus songs)
    100% and I can't say I ever heard anyone else come close to half of that.
    Most artists have 2 or 3 songs, and the rest is filler. (20 or 30% only
    And not putting other artists down, but as examples-
    Christina Perri- after she finally made it in 2010-11, I loved her big single, Jar of hearts (however, gonna catch a cold is a bad lyric there, maybe the flu or pneumonia made more sense), and then a few other songs.
    But in a way it was like Joan Osborne (Joan's "If god was one of us" was an amazing song, however, the other songs on the album had nothing to do in style or anything with that one, that proved If God
    was an outlier and not what she was. Unfortunately, I myself did not relate to the the other songs.
    Same with Sarah McLaughlan and Fiona Apple and others. A handful of songs, played in rotation with other artists. (Many of the Lilith artists the same, one great song, some others good).
    Same with those mega single artists like Mariah, (who literally slept with the head of Columbia to get hits and those hits stopped when he divorced her), Celine, Whitney- the numbers sold went down
    as time went on, and the quality went down.
    The artistic output I have never seen in volume and consistency.
    .and may I say again, millions of other artists would die to have their lifetime sales be as many as Honeymoon's first week sales. So would everyone who hit #3 to infinity down the chart. They would have died for a #2 placement.
    Lana at Urban O. taking time to chat with each of the 125 insures that decades from now, those people will remember and will buy the latest album, see the latest tour, and keep telling their friends
    (and their kids or grandkids and their friends ) and that is how to do it. Makes one their own PR person.
    as for her record company- her deal allows her outside projects, they take her for what she is, and she is a core artist that record companies like to brag having on their label.
    Every sale is going to someone who actively purchased it and wanted it.
    It is not like in the 1980s,1990s, artists shipped a million albums and six months later the stores returned 950,000 of them. (back then shipped got one gold record, now it takes actual sales).
    and Lana doesn't need money. That makes her free not to need to attain it.
    And Lana's record deal allows her outside projects so we the supporters get more music from her. Another label might not have let her do the movie scores as they came up.
    Or the duets.
    I can't wait until next year and the year after and the year after that. Just when one thinks she cannot release something as good, the next song comes out and it is.
    And I don't care if a negative person does not agree with me.(those people can put me on ignore if they choose).
  17. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    There is no issue with songwriting.
    IT is once again just the negative long post taken as a given when in fact, it wasn't true in the post it was in to start off with. It is called a straw man.
    And if repeated strawmen become fact, when it was never true to begin with.
    Her Honeymoon lyrics are actually quite witty, and also like me stream of conscious.
    And High by the beach, we didn't even know the true meaning until the video came out.
    More and more, Lana reminds me of Buddy Holly, and had Buddy Holly not died, he would be Lana Del Rey (conceptually).
    I always pictured Buddy had he lived remaining in music his entire life, producing himself and others as he got older, and playing with a bunch of friends
    in a community (in a way like Nashville songwriters do and the Wrecking Crew is (the Los Angelese studio musicians that populated thousands of albums in the 60s and 70s and 80s, etc.)
    More and more, it also reminds me of Brian Wilson, and how some of his fans just want it to be 1963-4-5 all over again
    and to only have Fun, Fun, Fun and wish everyone was California Girls and Surfin' USA and never wanting Brian Wilson to do what he himself wanted to do
    (Like the original Smile album not being wanted).
    But then some think Summertime Sadness (the original) was a happy bouncy fun lyric instead of it was about suicide.
    I hope Lana never changes from doing whatever it is she wants to do today tomorrow and forever.
    Perhaps Lana should send a message to the haters on her next album, next year- she should do My Way.
    Perhaps she could do it as a 3 way with Nancy Sinatra and Leonard Cohen.
    That would be a hoot.
  18. DeadAgainst liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    the Beatles used the mellotron especially in Strawberry Fields
    I said it before, would that be the sound at the very start of  Salvatore? Because that sounds like the ending after the fake ending of Strawberry Fields
  19. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by smoledman in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I honestly think the entire music industry still does NOT get Lana and what she's about. Thank god she's able to find talented collaborators.
  20. lernerderrey liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I am feeling it and I ain't gonna stop feeling Honeymoon.
    did anyone but me think that perhaps Ryan Murphy beg borrowed or stole Honeymoon and made it into Hotel?
    not to mention Freak and Art Deco (and I have thought from the start Art Deco was about Stefani anyhow).
    as the saying goes Lana please-, "Illegitmi Non carborundum".
    and I just got back from my workout, where I swam to Freak and Deco in perfect timing. That is now 5 of the Honeymoon songs that (without a waterproof player) I perfectly have in my head and in perfect
    time can swim along to.
  21. Kommander liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I wish she would do audio books/ reading poetry like her monolgues or Burnt Norton
    How cool would it be if she and James Franco did the audio to James Franco's book and they read each part
    Hell, if Bruce Springsteen could do an Outlaw Pete book.
    BTW- Summertime sadness is indeed about suicide.
    And as today I have Swan Song in repeat (up to the eight time) I still say the song is Elizabeth and Lana as the two people in the song. As is Terence as is one interpretation of HBTB.
    Who is to say it isn't?
    In Hollywood, everything is real even if it isn't.
    (Too bad it's not Lana tonight on American Horror Hotel...as Lana was the inspiration for the Lana character in AHS-Asylum and Lana figured prominent on AHS-Freak show too.
    How anyone can possibly say Lana's lyrics have something wrong with them...have their eyes Kubrick like wide closed.
  22. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana is for freaks like us all over the world. Our voice so to say and as my signature says, Lana is our Edith Piaf.  Edith more than anyone was not in any way the typical looking or sounding star and the odds of her doing what she did...yet when she died, they say traffic in Paris stopped and tens of thousands or more lined the streets.)
    Though some here are referencing the 90s,(and nothing wrong with it, as many are from that time), it goes so much further back than that.
    Kate Bush (and I think among other reasons, Lana brought back the creative spark to Kate,a it would be hard to think otherwise, with her two albums and almost 50 concerts first in 40 years
    all in the same place last fall/winter in England. Almost as if Kate is saying, remember me? remember 40 years ago? (and to those not in the US, Kate was a niche artist, with almost no sales
    and no chart action in the USA.)
    but before Kate, there was Edith and there was Marlene Dietrich. Unique all 3, unique like Lana.
    But, the one difference between Lana and everyone else today is, Lana is coming from it as one of the boys, and doing something no current person is doing, which freaks out the critics
    but has the record companies wanting Lana Like but with new artists who will do everything they tell them to do and once those artists don't, will find another copy cutter (nothing wrong with that,
    that is what record companies and movies want (which is why historically when an actress reached 30 there were no more roles and they found another 19 year old they could mold into a star for a year or two before finding another.
    Lana is doing it "her way" and she should one day 40 years from now, as a lark sing "My way". It is the perfect song cover she could do.
  23. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    most artists that have lots of material, only play 2-5 new songs in each different show.
    If Lana didn't sing the 10 biggest songs, people complain.
    Remember, most people don't go to many shows, and pay to see the biggest hits.
    Something all the superstars in the past faced.
    Elton John and a select few others adapted a concept where they just added 45 minutes to special shows and played an entire album in the middle of the greatest hits show when a new album is
    released, or its a special anniversary
    To do that, Lana would have to add more time to the show
    (If she goes back to Governor's ball and is on the main stage this time, she would have to play at least 30 additional minutes as the main stage was 2 hours not 90 minutes.
    Same in regular shows
    However-that would entail higher ticket prices (Lana's are relatively cheap).
    I myself would love to hear a one-off that is filmed with full orchestra and choir or backup singers and record Honeymoon in its entirety and then release it officially as a DVD/CD package.
    (and then go back and do such with all her stuff, but really, that is asking for too much.
    Harry Chapin at Lincoln Center in NYC one year, did a series of concerts where he played everything he had, A to Z. (or something like that). Each fan of course had to go every night to see the whole
    thing, and it was not filmed nor released. A long, long time ago. (think it was late 1970s).
    I would love to hear Salvatore in concert. More and more, this song reminds me of "Dance me to the end of time" that Leonard Cohen did (see on youtube the one where they put a couple up
    who aged at the end, and there is also a Scent of a woman(Al Pacino) video with the music.
    And I could also picture Salvatore in a new movie.
    two thoughts about the song - Lana reminds me of the girl Miriam (Guy's wife whom he wanted to divorce)(actress Laura Elliott who later was known as Kacey Rogers and was on Bewitched) from Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train who is with some friends and is followed by Bruno Anthony, and she buys an ice cream cone (soft ice cream) and seductively looks back at him as he follows her  in the amusement park ignoring the boys she is with, while licking the ice cream cone. (or one can picture Sophia Loren doing the same thing).
  24. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Every song released both as LDR and any other name, and the demo's too.
    There is no filler. No bad song. No song that doesn't fit in each album. (and the bonus songs too, however, they didn't always fit the subject matter which is why they were bonus songs)
    100% and I can't say I ever heard anyone else come close to half of that.
    Most artists have 2 or 3 songs, and the rest is filler. (20 or 30% only
    And not putting other artists down, but as examples-
    Christina Perri- after she finally made it in 2010-11, I loved her big single, Jar of hearts (however, gonna catch a cold is a bad lyric there, maybe the flu or pneumonia made more sense), and then a few other songs.
    But in a way it was like Joan Osborne (Joan's "If god was one of us" was an amazing song, however, the other songs on the album had nothing to do in style or anything with that one, that proved If God
    was an outlier and not what she was. Unfortunately, I myself did not relate to the the other songs.
    Same with Sarah McLaughlan and Fiona Apple and others. A handful of songs, played in rotation with other artists. (Many of the Lilith artists the same, one great song, some others good).
    Same with those mega single artists like Mariah, (who literally slept with the head of Columbia to get hits and those hits stopped when he divorced her), Celine, Whitney- the numbers sold went down
    as time went on, and the quality went down.
    The artistic output I have never seen in volume and consistency.
    .and may I say again, millions of other artists would die to have their lifetime sales be as many as Honeymoon's first week sales. So would everyone who hit #3 to infinity down the chart. They would have died for a #2 placement.
    Lana at Urban O. taking time to chat with each of the 125 insures that decades from now, those people will remember and will buy the latest album, see the latest tour, and keep telling their friends
    (and their kids or grandkids and their friends ) and that is how to do it. Makes one their own PR person.
    as for her record company- her deal allows her outside projects, they take her for what she is, and she is a core artist that record companies like to brag having on their label.
    Every sale is going to someone who actively purchased it and wanted it.
    It is not like in the 1980s,1990s, artists shipped a million albums and six months later the stores returned 950,000 of them. (back then shipped got one gold record, now it takes actual sales).
    and Lana doesn't need money. That makes her free not to need to attain it.
    And Lana's record deal allows her outside projects so we the supporters get more music from her. Another label might not have let her do the movie scores as they came up.
    Or the duets.
    I can't wait until next year and the year after and the year after that. Just when one thinks she cannot release something as good, the next song comes out and it is.
    And I don't care if a negative person does not agree with me.(those people can put me on ignore if they choose).
  25. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    lafleursavage and addicted-
    actually that  is reminiscent of the Leonard Cohen Hallelujah song. It is a song about an orgasm and glorious sex using methaphors and not religious at all. But most of the hundreds who copied the song didn't realize it (and most don't copy
    all the verses.
    great songwriters and singers think alike.
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