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About Melania

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  • Birthday 08/03/1998

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    The White House
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  1. but isn't she in university? how's that supposed to go? 'sorry guys, i have to postpone the album release there are so many tests i have to study for like i wanna die, i hate everyone here, school sux lol'
  2. obama where are you when we need u mooost
  3. a mix of TBDT& UMS would be amazing
  4. idk, he's younger and smaller than her so idk lol
  5. no, they don't look good together.. i always imagined her to be with a big, older, biker type of guy in the future.
  6. PARADISE i mean cmon the legendary ride video, tropico, the h&m campaign, burning desire, young and beautiful released shortly after, etc..
  7. of course marina is a millionaire, her net worth is 3 million lol
  8. this blows my mind, like why would she do that to herself, she's above that, she already made more money than those people there will ever make she's freaking marina after all
  9. i'm all for philosophy but this gave me a headache
  10. Melania

    Do You Agree?

    yes do you agree that the southern accent is pretty? (i luv it)
  11. the comments on twitter are so disgusting, there's still a long way to go..
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