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Everything posted by TheBoss

  1. They butchered the magic and cuteness of the demo
  2. Actually all of the films leaked on the web in DVDScreener quality, like always around "Screener Season", but I don't know if I can watch them, I'm in Germany right now and here they're really strict with piracy here and I don't want to get into trouble but I'm dying to see them
  3. I loved La La Land, can't find Moonlight in any theather tho I want to see it so bad, the same with Manchester By The Sea and Jackie
  4. The SNL performance was baaad I want her back at SNL tho, someday
  5. Is the Batgirl series old like from the 60's? I've heard that old comic books are really old fashioned and hard to follow, or is from like the new era of superhero comic? I know this is a problem with Marvel Idk with DC
  6. TheBoss


    I hope she's working with Arca again, the new Mark Bell I do believe that 2017 is too early, she says that she starts to write/record a new one after she finishes an album, because she feels more "lubed" , but I think that we willl not see anything new this year, she's still performing and doing Vulnicura VR
  7. TheBoss


    Yeah I remember hearing this too, I think she also said ot had a more utopic mood/theme
  8. No tea no shade, i'm not the biggest fan of Haynie's production, but DMD is a banger! Is sad that it's so repetitive. Plus, the demo will always be superior
  9. TheBoss


    You guys, today I heard the second half again and saw the light I still can't get into Harm Of Will, Heirloom and Sun in My Mouth are cute, but Unison tho, it's BEAUTIFUL I'm shook, that last chorus
  10. Seriously one of the best (if not the best) songs in BTD, and this is really unpopular but I love the fact that she keeps perfoming it, this song is just perfect and beautiful
  11. TheBoss


    I love It's Not Up to You, that melody
  12. TheBoss


    Okay I'm so sad, I've been trying to get into Vespertine for 3 months now and I can't, after Aurora the album loses a lot of strength for me, probably is my least favorite album of her (which is so sad because the first half is perfection)
  13. Okay I'm what you can call a BTD hater, she's a cute girl, not my favorite work of her, also not her worst (poor Paradise) I still remember the first time I saw her on youtube, It was on recommended videos Idk why, I really never cared about the music world I was totally a movie geek around 2013, and I remember seeing this video: Obviously my first tought was daaaamn she's hot, but than the song goes on and I start carefully listening to the lyrics and her voice, literally my world stopped. You know the felling of excitement when you discover something new? Well that was me I was so intrigued about her voice, why it was so deep and why I was feeling this kind of emotion that I've never felt for a song? It was sucha weird feeling, I feelt underwhelmed about the sensation of devoted love she expressed on her lyrics, it's like when you're in love and you have to wake up really early but you don't really care, you almost do it automatically because you know that person will be there and you will be able to see, talk and be with this person, it made me feel the magic she was transmitting through her track. It was really a magical experience and this will sound corny af but it change my world, I've never been so happy to have clicked a video in my life PLUS this two perfomances (my favorites) deserve more love! PS: @Paradixo I LOVE your texts, keep doing it king!
  14. I stan Tove Lo's ass since 2014 #LeakPerfectLoopV2
  15. I'm OBSESSED with Moments, the bridge is so
  16. TheBoss

    The Weeknd

    Holy fuck great video, I love the style of this era! I can't stop listening to the record, it has a lot of fillers, but the bangers fuuuuck
  17. TheBoss

    Lykke Li

    You should definetly start with Wounded Rhymes, I would recommend to start listening to the singles tho every era sounds quite different, Youth Novels is more indie pop, Wounded Rhymes is indie rockpop and I Never Learn for me is like the soulmate of UV (tho is Not Rock at all, but it has this heartbreak ballads )
  18. TheBoss

    Dua Lipa

    Today in Germany I heard No Lie followed by Blow Your Mind, my friends hated them, I was almost dancing...
  19. It's so chill, I love it, it remains me of Headphones by Bjork idk why because it doesn't sound the same at all but it gives the same feelings
  20. Idk If this is unpopular, but I love the Blue Velvet video
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