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Everything posted by TheBoss

  1. I know! I always tought they worked with outtakes or basic ideas, the fact that there's another full version of TLY produced by him makes me so excited lmao.
  2. Mark Ronson did an AMA in r/popheads, and talked about his session witht Lana in the early stages of HM. Q: Hey Mark, so excited to have you here! A while back in the Honeymoon era you worked with Lana Del Rey on some songs but apparently none of them were released. Would you want to work with Lana again in the future? I would love to hear what a Lana song would sound like with your style! Thanks so much for doing this! MR: we did an early version of Terrence Loves You which i still love. hopefully one day maybe
  3. TheBoss


    Oh my https://twitter.com/hernameisBANKS/status/1120794043963678721
  4. TheBoss

    FKA twigs

    Imagine is a stand along single
  5. TheBoss

    FKA twigs

    I'm not sure, someone uploaded the photo on ig and Twigs team asked him to take it out. Apparently it all hints for a friday realease, at least Tower Records in Shinjiku will be distributing posters of the cover art all over the city this friday. Video thumnail in better quality. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D42VVv2X4AA7TR3.jpg:large
  6. TheBoss

    FKA twigs

    https://twitter.com/feuillagejpn/status/1120715147331289089?s=21 Directed by Andrew Thomas Fucking Huang, okay, I'm ready
  7. TheBoss

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    I also REALLY like the feature song, it has such a cool vibe
  8. TheBoss

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    My PMs are open
  9. Wait, so they had a totally different idea for the movie? I'm so confused i tought it was based in a book hehe
  10. I've always wondered if she submitted the demo of LIB back in 2012, because as far as I know TAOA was in development hell for a long time mod note: user was warned for this post
  11. Ikr, I wasn't expecting so much, Arya was so fast lmao.
  12. I couldn't put my finger on how the singer was! It sounded so familiar, incredible song, she really fits with the GOT world
  13. I downloaded it but I haven't watched it yet I think I'll tease myself with some 10 mins of it and I'll just wait for it to air.
  14. So, the 2nd episode leaked
  15. Yeah, I'm sure that the quote is not about anyone in particular, but the fact that she indeed did that to Barrie, yikes
  16. "How’d you get to a happier place? Lana Del Rey: I made personal commitments. Commitments to what? Well, they’re personal. [laughs] I had some people in my life that made me a worse person. I was not sure if I could step out of that box of familiarity, which was having a lot of people around me who had a lot of problems and feeling like that was home base. Because it’s all I know. I spent my whole life reasoning with crazy people. I felt like everyone deserved a chance, but they don’t. Sometimes you just have to step away without saying anything." I actually agree with her statement, but that's just such a shitty thing to do to your partner.
  17. I'm so glad too, I rember using google trying to find news about her, then moving to facebook groups and then tumblr, It wasn't until dawncoloredlipstick made a Q&A back in early 2015 that I learned from this place. I still remember the pure excitement I felt about her persona, past, unreleased music, old videos, etc. She was such a mistery to me lmao.
  18. Yeah, just checked ATRL and someone was asking about the solo version and the user that got the vinyl said "We basically have it already." So I suppose is the version that @@Wild One posted. If that's the one then I'm a little underwhelmed, I was expecting something more special, I don't know, at least it's not the acoustic version.
  19. I'm not on DG so I honestly have no idea Wouldn't mind a link tho
  20. I think I read on ATRL that it's the same version just without Fonsi, so I guess it's like this one? It was a moderate hit, and it had better longevity than most Top 20 song imho.
  21. Thank you! I'm sorry but the solo version is really boring
  22. I was 13 at the time, and at least in my experience I remember that a group of friends I had that were really into the Tumblr scene loved her. I never paid a lot of attention until 2013, when I came across her VG performance in Corinthia Hotel and it just was love at first sight
  23. TheBoss

    FKA twigs

    Cute, she needs to drop something at the same level of greatness of Two Weeks or Pendulum to keep me interested for long term, I won't settle for anything less.
  24. TheBoss

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    Does anyone have the snippets from the scrapped songs from Curiosity?
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