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Gods & Monsters

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Everything posted by Gods & Monsters

  1. yeah... this is going to be a HUGE money loss for Interscope. Hopefully they have a plan for all of the money they're going to have to refund.
  2. Be the one cheated on. WYR Eat a Sub off a very hair man's stomach or lick a hobo's foot?
  3. Boy, you are just as much to blame
  4. I don't think I can really see the question "Do people use pm" being in a FAQ section...
  5. This is why I love her. She's a mystery.
  6. I knew she lived in a trailer park. but I didn't know she lived in Nevada.
  7. I've been curious about this too. I'm glad you made this thread.
  8. Does anyone use it actively? I haven't used it at all but I'm new so I can't say I've been here long enough to know. Although it does seem to me that not many people would actually use it; however, I could be wrong. Have you personally used it or do you use it often? Or are you like me and you haven't used it at all yet?
  9. I like them both... but I LIVE for the dark bouffant. The wonderful thing about hair is that you can change it any time with wigs, dye, and hair pieces. So she could go cute blonde for a shoot and then when she performs go back to that sexy dark hair.
  10. Pepsi WYR Meet Lana Del Rey or receive a million dollars?
  11. Kill myself. WYR smash your arm 100 times with a hammer or cut off each individual finger from your hand?
  12. Obviously get bitch slapped by Lana. That's better then Regina George punching you in the face. WYR Never see your family again or Never see anyone other then your family again?
  13. For K 21 Next To Me 19 A Star for Nick 18 My Momma 7 Bad Disease 52 Out With A Bang 24 Try Tonight 28 Pretty Baby 27 Find My Own Way 4 Junky Pride 24
  14. Kill Kill 19 Queen of the Gas Station 21 For K Part 2 40 Jump 4 Mermaid Motel 38 Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) 16 Put Me In A Movie 25 Yayo 30
  15. Ride - 18 Cola - 32 Gods & Monsters - 10 Bel Air - 69
  16. Screw everyone for letting "Dark Paradise" die first.
  17. I was in a production over the weekend and in the boys dressing room I was playing Lana Del Rey on the iPod dock... "Cola" came on and everyone just turned around and was like. What are you listening to
  18. Myself see what I did there?
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