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Miss Doing Nothing

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Everything posted by Miss Doing Nothing

  1. I guess this about the whole Corona situation. Interesting that they mention her health. I hope someone who is French could help us out
  2. I hope she doesn’t try to escape from problems by using addictive drugs. I agree
  3. I don’t want to speak this into existence, but I’m doing it anyways. If the ‘prediction’ is meant to be about Lana. It could be about her drug use. I feel a lot of her songs go about relationships with drugs, instead of men. Florida Kilos glamorizes coke/crack, but that’s obvious. Around the Lust for Life era someone asked in an interview if she did drugs and she said ‘no comment.’ She really wants to hide this side, but at the same time doesn’t. What do you think about this?
  4. - maybe it seems off topic, but I feel like it isn’t. I guess it is one of the main reasons black people are treated differently in the USA. In the Netherlands we all pay taxes, but everyone gets the same education You pay more when you earn more. We also demonstrate at the moment, racism is still a thing. For example we have a holiday called Sinterklaas. He comes to the Netherlands every december and brings black Pete which is basically a slave... While we all live together as a multicultural society
  5. But if I may ask... you live in America?
  6. It is right now in the US. If that’s what you mean? In other countries people pay taxes for everyone to profit from
  7. If the taxes go into one big deposit every school gets the same amount of money And could be regulated which depends on the size of the school
  8. I know white privilege is a bad thing, mostly because white people don’t know they’re treated differently. That’s also the reason white people can’t think how things must feel for the black community. Tho not everything has bad intentions
  9. I wish she would return to a more cinematic sound. She mastered it, but made just a few songs with that sound
  10. I have a feeling Ari had a feature on the album, but now they aren’t friends anymore
  11. Book releases don’t follow specific dates. Maybe she is talking about the spoken word album?
  12. Life is Beautiful, it seems so peaceful
  13. What if it her vocals were used for the trailer with cinematic instrumentation? Like Hypnotised by Years and Years for the ERDEM x H&M campaign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEANC3ipyws&app=desktop Just a thought
  14. Her album is short. And she’s only catchy. What is she trying to achieve?
  15. Full of rage forever In Dutch we say witheet, which means being very angry Wit= white and heet= hot
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