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Posts posted by DLT

  1. Originally I was really “sure” we would get this record this year but honestly now I’m kind of doubting/questioning that. 

    That’s okay though. While I’m really wanting the album asap at the same time I am kind of chill about it too. 

    For now I’m not going to anticipate or move unless it is something official or a trusted insider.  

    Excited nonetheless for whatever she has put together. I also highly doubt it is country lol! Could there be influences, sure but Lana always has a way of making the genres she plays with her own. I am expecting something a little more eclectic though.  

  2. I just wanted to say loved the American Teenager video so much. Really is a vibe. It's inspiring, nostalgic, and ominous all at the same time. Just love her so much! I love the inclusion/representation of the American South in her music, visuals, and her interviews. It isn't really something incorporated or discussed by a lot of artist's nowadays. Being from a small Texas town just gives me a sense of kindredness that I really connect with and love! Anyways she keeps winning, so ready for her Dallas show.


    Just to further add to the AT video, I really really love the reference to Christina's World. Like that is so telling and foreshadowing in a sense. Also just noticed the footage on the television the kids are watching is 9/11. That really takes me back even more so. I was 11 at the time and remember being in school during our period in the library and watching it on the tv in there. Wow, the feelings. Just instantly transports me back there. Really great video, very masterfully done and evocative of many emotions and feelings, yesssss.



  3. 7 minutes ago, JFKs Fine China said:

    Imagine the album surprise drops digitally on a random Friday in June. No announcement, no song teases, no album artwork preview. I would love the experience of going into a Lana album completely blind and seeing the cover art, tracklist and listening all the way through with absolutely zero idea of what to expect :wub:

    Would be soooo exciting and amazing but even if she does digital only I see her announcing ahead and building hype via the traditional method (singles, mags, photos, etc) before dropping. I think the label would want some type of momentum if they were to let her do that.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Vertimus said:


    If I had to choose, I'd much rather have a new album produced by Rick than one produced by Jack. And I'd love to see Emil Haney work with her again sometime.  

    I really do miss Rick! I mean her last albums have been great and I appreciate the shift/change/direction/growth but her and Rick just have something super special and it really comes across in what they create together. 

  5. I’m super excited that it is publicly being teased/discussed. Delulu hype part of me really is hoping for a digital release with physical pre orders but I just KNOWWWW Interscope will want the sales from the physicals to count towards her 1st week sales. The billboard rule is so idiotic! My mindset is she is going to GET the sales/revenue regardless so just let her drop digital first.


    Bens most recent comment is a tad confusing lol. Like grammar is our friend. To me it does sound like maybe he is referring to the album being another “songwriter’s” album. But maybe he is just referring to Lana herself. It also makes me wonder if he could be throwing shade at some less involved songwriters. Like maybe former clients?🤔


    I’m excited and will wait patiently but am not getting too hyped. Ben has “soon’d” us before and it didn’t necessarily turn out being as soon as one would expect lol. Either way am hyped to see how it all plays out. The uncertainty and mystery does make it fun!

  6. 6 hours ago, pin up galore said:

    she followed rick on insta :defeated::excited::hype::angie: she’s back 

    We won, I miss Rick so much. I mean it’s nice to have one track of his at the very least across each record but I miss him having more involvement. I feel like her and Rick really worked so so great together and just had/have this amazing connection. Truly magical. 

  7. Love love love Angel. This is a really beautiful record. It is a bit of a shift from the previous lp’s but think it is a great mixture of her various styles and vibes. She really is a master at creating a mood and making multiple sounds/genres work for her. On top of that the emotion and lyricism… just yes.  

    Initial faves 

    All The Good Times

    Dream Thing
    Right Now
    This Is How It Works
    Through The Fires


    That 1-2 punch of Right Now and This Is How It Works really really hits for me and is just super relatable. 

    Hopefully she adds some more US dates in addition to her Wild Hearts Tour and has a Big Time leg closer to me. She is amazing live. Was able to see her when she toured My  Woman and was just a great experience. 

  8. So I’ve been a casual Tei Shi fan for a while, mainly just listened to her on streaming but never really followed her. Just discovered this vid and wow, yessss. Wish more artists would do the @ home performance thing and upload like this. Anyways she is so amazing and talented, thought I’d share. 

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