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Posts posted by DLT

  1. 20 minutes ago, bornfree said:

    i cant with that title

    she needs to change to arcadia

    and dont make any sense now that she broke up with sean and the song is for him!!

    change the name and remove bb from the tracklist

    I personally love the title and am happy she kept it and the song. BB is the superior of the 3 after all, for me at least lol. 


    To me it makes sense because the song is literally about a man who made all these promises to her that they didn’t keep. Just seems very fitting.  


    We don’t know the actual dynamics of her relationships but I feel like this is probably a situation she feels like she finds herself in a lot. So it is nice to have a song to express that and tell her story so to speak. 


  2. While I think it is perfect as is and it resonates with me so fucking much imagine a re-recorded ITTJ with her more mature vocals. Higher highs and maybe more guttural lows. It’d be such a perfect edition!

    However saying that if the storyline/narrative is linear then it would maybe make sense to have songs with older vocals next to new ones, progressively.  I doubt that will happen but seems like a fun idea/thought. 

  3. Wild One, Color Blue, and ITTJ are the main girlies here. 

    They would be perfect for the album. I’m partial to Wild One and ITTJ, in that order, but Color Blue would work too. 

    As others have said if there is already a Target Edition cover then we have to be very very close!


    I think we fucking made it guys. Release/confirmation from Lana is imminent. I wondered if this day would ever come lol. 

    Super excited for this album though. Ready to see track list for one. I’m really curious how the narrative will go and if it truly will tell a story throughout all the tracks. Very intriguing. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:


    Color blue and WOY are the same song? 


    Do u mean wild one? 



    I did lol. Oopssie. I edited my posts. I have it saved from download link as Wild on you for some reason. I always knew color blue and wild on you were interchangeable but thought it was just another wild on you lol. 

    never mind I am blind. The link does say wild one. Either way. I want it!

  5. Just now, Elle said:


    Wild on You & Colour Blue are the same track - there's no confirmed title, so people usually assign it one of the two you listed. This is actually why I'm excited at the thought that it could be included (even though there's no true confirmation there) because we can finally learn the real title lol.

    I'm assuming you mean 'Wild One' as well where she sings, "I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me." x

    Thank you. Yes. Wild one. lol. Idk why it is saved in my email as Wild on you. It always confused me. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:

    I go back to alabama....TAKE A LOOk at my life....



    He said some songs were reworked. Some werent...


    Which leaked sounds like a demo? Color blue? Ittj?

    Honestly ITTj would be such a serve. I love it so much. The opening lines are very reminiscent of “there’s a picture on the wall”. It def tells a story. Idk. I really want it or Wild One. Color Blue is likely option but I’d prefer ittj or wo. 



  7. 9 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:

    YTH isn't on it..he said she could have added that.. :(

    oh I missed that part lol. Oh well that’s fine we have like so many YTH anyways lol. I always loved it though. 

    I’m really wanting Wild One, it and Color Blue seem most likely to me. However I wouldn’t be opposed to ITTJ, can’t help but stan it lol. I just feel like it would be a little less fitting but at same time could work. 

  8. 26 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:

    Omg. Boz said thunder and CB arent the only leaked songs...


    LL/COLOR BLUE/ITTJ make the most sense since everything else is out of the picture..or FRENCH REST? BECUZ OF U

    I caught that too. I’m hoping Wild One, Yes To Heaven, Color Blue, or ITTJ. 

    I’ve always loved Wild One, listening to it again right now. Gosh it would fit so well. Such a fucking vibe. She is wild and free, no man can handle her. 


  9. 7 minutes ago, be sweet said:

    ladies let's do the math :oprah3:


    5 outtakes (including Thunder, Cherry Blossom [idk if they count don't drag me], and 3 others)

    1 speculated outtake (or newly recorded) song with a Barrie credit

    4 original tracks (our triplets and title track hopeful Arcadia)


    that's 10 tracks so far and we're getting more than 11 so :excited:



    I’m expecting 14-15. Just from my own little intuition though lol. 

  10. Excited for the album and glad to finally be getting some fucking information! 

    Regardless of others opinions I am still hyped. Lana has never really disappointed me so I’m still living. 

    The whole negativity with “ballads” is so tiring lol. Lana is not the same woman she used to be. It’s to be expected. Expecting “bangers” is setting oneself up for disappointment lol. That said I am hoping they are more interesting and developed. The three singles that have been released are great indication that we are in for something special. That’s just my opinion though. Just to add further to my opinion, Blue Banisters is the ONE lol!


    Also the negativity that surrounds outtakes is understandable to an extent but also over exaggerated lol. Especially if they are outtakes we have not heard. Reused songs are to be expected. Lana has proven to be very prolific and it would make sense that she would find a space or want to revisit tracks that previously didn’t fit somewhere. She has a very large catalog to pull from. It just seems so tired bc so much of her stuff gets leaked lol. 

    Anyways I am ready lol! Still excited. Just wish she would start talking herself. I can patiently wait a few more weeks but it is time mam, let’s go lol!

  11. 1 hour ago, Writer In The Dark said:

    Tea about Lana and the Grammys from BlackoutZone on ATRL: 

    "Lana’s team has been submitting her to alt every era and they always moved her to pop. But in Kacey case they will probably move her to country no matter of the album sound" 


    The Grammys setting her up, she would have more chances in alternative categories. :biblio: I hope she will not submit Blue Banisters and Chemtrails. 

    Wow, here I have been thinking it’s her team/label submitting her to Pop this whole time. That’s fucked!


    I know the Grammys don’t matter but I really think it’s something that did/would mean a lot to her. That said though I think after this last go she may be somewhat disillusioned.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Style said:

    Bunch of new Kacey information about the new album shared on Twitter by @/KaceyAccess and some other accounts that I cant remember atm.


    New album is called Star-Crossed! It will be released before September 31st (apparently) and is listed for release on September 24th on albumoftheyear.org currently.


    Her lead single is alleged to be released this week (August 27th). 


    The album is about her divorce with Ruston Kelly, and is reported to be more psychedelic influenced than Golden Hour, and more pop oriented, but still has that country flare Golden Hour had. It will have 15 tracks. One of the tracks is called ‘If I Was An Angel’, another ‘Camera Roll’. ‘Peach Fuzz’ may be on there too.


    She will be performing at the VMAs according to @deuxmoiworld on Twitter.


    There is more in depth detail on the sound of the album etc in her interview with Crack Magazine, and across KaceyAccess’s Twitter page. I’m super excited! 

    Super excited for this! It's been forever lol.

  13. 7 minutes ago, mlittle11 said:

    yall are really weird for thinking it would be the media’s fault for taking that title the “wrong way”... it would be so wrong of her. period. but either way i think its 100% fake. 

    I definitely don't think it is a tasteful title or situation for her to reference or discuss but if she did choose to I don't think it would be with ill or malicious intent more so ignorance which we know she has a bit of. I just know it would be further added to her previous media issues and more magnified in a sense. At the end of the day though we all make our beds!


    I do agree that it is fake though. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    Is it a proper Lana era if she doesn't get cancelled and dragged tho? We had no real controversies lately so we are due to having one :thumb2::icant:

    Too true lol, it has been a little quiet! Don't get me wrong it wouldn't bother me none. But I just know the crazed masses of the internet will have something to say and in turn I wouldn't be surprised if sites/publications used it for clickbait. But bring on the controversy! Let's spice up this drought a bit.

  15. 1 minute ago, Crys10 said:

    There have been several songs with the same title in the past. Lana has also donated millions to a Native American organisation. I think she will be mindful if she chose a song with that title. 

    Mindful or not I don't think it would go over well. Especially with the whole cancel culture mess! She was previously accused of Native American cultural appropriation and then started talking about making reparations. Then we have all of her recent cancellations/issues. It would definitely be taken the wrong way and presented in a negative light, almost opportunistic. Do I think she would care, no lol. But I def think she would be dragged for it.

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