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Posts posted by DLT

  1. 8 minutes ago, DCooper said:

    Boz just posted: On my side the album still has new title. Guess we will see eventually.

    We will see I suppose. I for one would love if it stayed BB but if it doesn’t then it will be what it will be. As long as she keeps the cover I am good lol!


    in saying that I’m not sure how his access works. Maybe this was a last minute change/decision and hasn’t been updated yet. It is a holiday weekend here in the states so maybe that information hasn’t officially been submitted/entered/ or updated yet. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

    I think Rust Dress is an alternative name for the Ultraviolet White shoot she did with Neil back in 2014 

    Really not sure what it means in this context though. Maybe she thinks the shoots were similar? Regardless, a reference by her to the Ultraviolence era has me: :wat: :cumming2: :trisha: 

    Love this info, did not know this. I can see how she thinks they relate in a sense. The play with color from that photo and the shoot kind of make sense. But yes we live for ultra references and this fucking cover! Her and Neil always make the magic. 

  3. Did anyone else notice Lana’s comment on Neil’s happy birthday post, she said “rust dress”. It was posted a week ago, not sure how I missed it. Maybe it is somehow related to this shoot or maybe not lol. Either way curious what it means. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Rachel97 said:


    True, the revenge bit might be the songs she scrapped, and now she's going for more personal and introspective songs if the three singles are on there


    Hoping the original concept is released at some point though

    Agreed! When Boz mentioned that almost all was scrapped that left me with a pang of wonder for what was! It is hard bc she is so prolific. Like I know we all want to hear everything but there is just so much and of course she cannot release it all lol. Maybe one day!

  5. 1 hour ago, Rachel97 said:

    If she does put Thunder and Cherry Blossom on there, I'm half hoping she'll put them as bonus tracks. If this is still her revenge album, they wouldn't fit in and I'd love an album of angry Lana with the three singles to kind of introduce it



    I don't get the vibe this is going to be a fiery/angry revenge type rhetoric. Honestly I think her revenge will be singing about the things she wants to sing about that people originally shit on her for. That and also not feeding into the media machine that scrutinized her. That said she kind of does feed into it with some of her antics and posts but I think she will make it a point to blatantly disregard them with the album rollout. I.e. interviews and things of that nature. We will see though! I was hyped for a fiery revenge mood when she first said that and I still wouldn't be opposed to some tracks covering that but I think she has shifted directions or never meant it in a more literal sense.

  6. Obviously way late to the party but just wanted to add my excitement to the mix!


    The cover/potential cover reveal is soooooo iconic and just an instant classic/fave for me.


    I know there is talk or concern about it being the official cover but I'm really thinking it will be. I honestly think she circled back to BB as the title and I love it so much. I think it is a great title and an amazing song to add. The cover really just encapsulates it's magic to me! I'm so excited based off of the three singles we have and then the new single teased. The melody and lyrics are already stuck in my head. I have a feeling this album is going to be very special. I'm personally anticipating September or October release but wouldn't be opposed to November!


    The mentioning of an alternate thread for CB from Boz and also his teasing of Thunder make me think we are finally getting the unreleased collection as well. Will I be happy to have those songs on the actual album, sure. But if they are for an unreleased collection then that means we know even less tracks intended for BB which is always nice. It is good to have some mystery lol!


    Either way Lana speaking out and not giving more bullshit dates is such a welcomed occurrence. I personally don't want the title of the album to change from BB but if it does she BETTER keep this fucking cover. I will not forgive changing the cover, this is too fucking good to not be the cover. Her and Neil always coming through with the best results!

  7. 3 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

    He produced Big Eyes and she did the soundtrack for it. Got a Golden Globe nom and was shortlisted for an Oscar. Also I’m pretty sure they were photographed together at parties in like 2016. 

    This is true, I did consider Big Eyes. He still could have put her in her place, so to speak, with Y&B. Kind of like see who is in charge here. It’s all speculation and personal conspiracy theories at this point. Maybe he had no involvement. Either way that was def a blatant snub that should not have happened! We will probably never know what really happened with it though.  

  8. 8 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

    The fact that YAB was sabotaged isn’t talked about enough. But honestly I don’t think it was Harvey who did it. If he was on the Paradise tour, he would’ve heard her perform it. Not to mention he was at the Hollywood Cemetery performance in 2014 where she opens with Cola.

    I have always thought that maybe Lana drew a line in the sand with him. Maybe he pursued her and she let him know hey that’s not how this is going to be or possibly there was something there but she put an end to it and he was bitter thereafter. I don’t think it was from Cola specifically.  I think there was something more behind the scenes and he didn’t necessarily like what happened so he had her blackballed. 

  9. The complete reworking of the album/

    scrapping majority of tracks does make me a little nervous. 

    It could really go either way, good or bad. 

    But still,  knowing this will kind of always make me wonder what the original would have been like. 

    I’ll be cautiously optimistic and have faith in the process lol. Just hope we get some actual concrete info soon. The riddles are getting a little old lol. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Jack Antonoff is a God said:

    Nothing against Jack, I just think Lana, Lorde, Taylor Swift, St Vincent, FKA Twigs, Clairo (and soon Phoebe Bridgers, probably) all working with him at the same time is overkill. 




    Fully agree! I mean he is very talented and I understand wanting to work with different people but to work with so many people in such a short time frame who all share similar sounds and audiences, I don’t know. I just feel like committing himself to so many artists at once kind of begs to create overlap and the inability to give 100% to each project. 

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