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Posts posted by DLT

  1. Norman


    Blue Banisters



    Lust for Life


    Born to Die


    I find myself gravitating more towards her recent work. As others have stated it just feels more real, honest, and relatable. Being closer to her age and kind of growing/maturing with her as her albums have been released has allowed each album to have it’s own time for/with me. That said we all grow, change, and move forward. 


    While Ultra and BTD are staples in her discography I have found them less relatable as I have gotten older. That said Honeymoon and Ultras compositions and just perfect concepts/execution keep them up in the rankings. 

    Both Chemtrails and LFL have some real classics/highlights but as a whole just are not as impactful as the albums ranked above. 

    I personally have always preferred Paradise as a whole vs BTD itself. I just think it is the better executed project. Not to say BTD is lacking by any means but just weighing the albums in full Paradise hits more for me. 



  2. As always everyone is entitled to our own opinion but I really don't understand the mass hate/disappointment lol.


    Okay, okay.. the lack of a bridge could be upsetting when told about it but that is why we don't always listen to insiders lol. I think it was pretty obvious where this song was going based off of the snippets, but that's me. I will say I do believe there prob is an alternate version. Maybe it is a version that was intended for an album or still could be intended for an album, we don't know. I can see them shortening it for the show and also for better/more easily accessible listening/replay value.


    Anyways for me this song is so dreamy and atmospheric. It's a flood of emotions and imagery! The melody and lyrics are just so beautiful! I personally think it is a great song and will be streaming the fuck out of it lol. I def think she accomplished what she needed with this song for the show. May be unpopular opinion but I also think that the length is perfect. I don't even notice how short it is lol. It honestly feels longer than 3:30 but it is 3:30 so that makes it perfect to listen to again.. again....again.....and again. I love stanning such a prolific and talented artist, we are truly a lucky fandom. Nobody has done and continues to do it like Lana but again that's just my opinion lol!



  3. Spoiler


    The song sounds so good/promising from the two snippets. 

    While I do get an acoustic vibe it def has a fuller/richer feeling to it. It is very cinematic which is to be expected but it is just really serving to me. I can def hear the pwyc/ultra/bb comparisons. To me it is kind of serving lust for life demo meets ultra meets a tinge of big eyes. Idk, very excited to hear in full. 

    The way that second snip unfolds, just yes. The melody. The lyrics. I can’t wait. This doesn’t feel like a Jack track to me. While it is simple enough it just kind of has a richness to it that is feeling more Gabe or Zach to me. Who knows though, may be someone completely different. 



  4. I know she originally wrote and gave Better Man to Little Big Town but let me just say this version is it! It is my favorite vault track too. Soooo good!


    Also ATW10 adds a lot more layers and interesting lyrics that further add to that story and experience. I really love that deeper dive and enjoy it very much. 



  5. I really haven’t followed Taylor very closely since Speak Now and Red but I did revisit this version and I must say it is a breath of fresh air and nostalgia. I’m really looking forward to a TV Speak Now. That will always be my fave TS album so very interested to see how a redone version with unreleased tracks will be. Taylor truly is a magical artist when you think about her growth and development. Personally for me she went in a direction that I just wasn’t as invested in with her releases after Red but you cannot deny her catalog and the talent/drive she exhibits and exudes. 

  6. One of my fave songs off this album and one of my fave videos. The simplicity and beauty of it paired with the song itself makes something magical. Love how you catch instances of her sadness but then she kind of pulls herself out of it knowing she has her sisters there. Love the kitchen/cooking scenes and just seeing her and chuck play around. Tex or Mex also making an appearance, just yes!

  7. I’ll go ahead and do a preemptive ranking lol. As always things may change as more time passes with BB.


    1. Honeymoon 

    2. Blue Banisters 

    3. Norman

    4. Ultra (Very close w/Norm. No denying it is a classic and true Lana staple. It really is in a league of its own. That said as I have gotten older and more mature I just find myself relating to it less, still one of her best though.)

    5. Lust For Life/Chemtrails 

    6. Paradise/AKA

    7. Born To Die 

  8. 39 minutes ago, Alison by Slowdive said:
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    omg i was actually thinking beautiful and a littleeeeeeee bit of violets for roses sounded like taylor lyrics, def not bbs and iyld though!!


    Beautiful did give me slight Adele and Taylor vibes as well. The question is who or what came first, the egg or the chicken so to speak lol. 

    As previously mentioned Lana has heavily inspired many current artists. So when we hear a Lana song and think of another artist is that truly the other artists impact or Lana’s herself lol. Just fun and crazy to think about. We love stanning a  modern/contemporary legend. 

  9. BB def hits for me. I’m going to sit with it a bit more before ranking the albums themselves. That said though it really is shaping up to be one of my favorites. As I said before it just feels so inviting. Like talking/reconnecting with an old friend. It has that classic feel/vibe. 

    Also let me just say how fucking happy I am to have/be able to actually hear the varied instruments in the songs. So fucking wonderful and beautiful. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

    manifesting it's not arcadia - it's just not the most accessible and commercial track and i want her to make the most of this promotional opportunity lol - manifesting she performs either thunder or living legend :wipe: or both :oprah4:

    I'd love Thunder, If You Lie, or the title track. While I think the last two are much less likely I do believe Thunder has a good chance of being the one!

  11. In regards to the whole Colbert thing I am thinking Arcadia or Thunder with the backing singers. I think the latter could be a real possibility if live live lol. I think she might feel more comfortable with them. That said it could be a whole pre recorded sit like the last one. Interested to see what that will be about!

    2 minutes ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

    what's the third word in 'if you lie down with me'?  i can't make it out

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    put your (?) on baby, giddy up. baby wants a dance, baby gets her way :hair:



    red boots 


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