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Posts posted by DLT

  1. 4 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    She’s owning the whole narrative that her artworks are “bad” by making that selfie the artwork. I don’t see how that’s different from Taylor Swift, for example, owning her reputation of being a “snake” and employing the snake as a symbol for her album. Yes, it’s not aesthetically pleasing compared to her other covers, but that is the whole point.


    For anyone who’s struggling to reconcile the cover and her usual creative output, maybe frame it like this: Lana’s true genius is in her intent and artists provoke thought, even if it’s not conventionally appealing. She’s doing just that, which, to me, shows artistic growth/evolution (in a sense)! 

    So eloquently said and totally agree! I may not love the cover but I do love the intent behind it and the fact that she is doubling down. I'm a bit of a stubborn ass myself so I relate lol!

  2. Summer comes, winter goes

    Spring I skip, God knows

    Summer comes, winter goes

    Spring I sleep, heaven knows


    This part really hits for me. The whole song hits but this paired with the production, just speechless. This song is the perfect combination of reflection, yearning, melancholy, support, and the presence of hope and strength in sadness. I don't know def very special. I'm done ranting.

  3. 1 minute ago, Pale Fire said:

    girl if this is the one I saw, the titles are fucking horrendous and I’m mad you made me search that shit.

    I mean... “Miss your Ultraviolence” “Lost my lust for life” “Bloody moon” “Where’s Norman?”


    Lol I found one that was 17 tracks long but I don’t think it’s legit. 1. Too many already “heard” songs and 2. RCS is supposed to have been renamed.  

  4. 1 minute ago, landofGodsandMonsters said:

    The only way the physicals will count towards first week sales is if they are shipped out on album release week, and from what we have been told the album isn’t even finished, so I doubt that will happen.


    Also, I think we have yet to see the official album cover. She wouldn’t have an album cover the same as a single cover, right? Or would she? :teehee:

    If she did this it could provide more time for the album physicals to be produced. Like create the build up/anticipation as far as the wait. The only way I see this happening is with first week physicals. The label will draw the line on the physicals counting the first week. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, landofGodsandMonsters said:

    Guys I really think the theory that she is going to release songs in 3’s is true. I think she will release that way until the album is fully out and then release physicals.


    I don’t expect a “lead single”... she’s doing it her way this time, which is very unexpected - as the insiders said.


    Im here for it! First week sales will be awful, but we gotta come through with the streaming!

    If she did do this I don’t think first week sales will be so bad. Her primary sales are physicals which people are going to buy regardless, even  if they have heard all the songs. In fact if she did this it may help build her streaming numbers because all the tracks would have been previously streamed over a period of time. It’s a very interesting concept and I personally wouldn’t be opposed to it. It’s like we get the chapters leading up to the full release of the book. **to edit my thought about the streams. That’s if the streams ahead of release count towards the albums first week sales.  I thought they did but not 100 percent certain.”**

    It would be very different and experimental to say the least. Is it possible yes, I’m still on fence if label would be on fence with something so outside the norm though. They do have their limits after all. 

  6. 44 minutes ago, Contemplating God said:

    Really happy that a lot of people who I never expected to like the songs are enjoying them, but acting like these tracks are some huge leap from Chemtrails sonically is silly. If White Dress was released in this set of tracks, I would have thought they were from the same session. Following that, if I had no idea who produced Blue Banisters, I would have assumed it was a Jack track. You look and sound ridiculous 

    I can agree that it isn’t a huge shift sonically. There are similarities for sure.  For me it is the ambient background production in BB specifically that kind of separates it for me.  It just feels fuller to me in a sense.  That said no hate to Jack, NFR and Chemtrails were both amazing and beautiful.  Idk I guess the fuller sound with the dive into the deeper lyrics just make them feel a bit more prominent. 

  7. 1 minute ago, recklessdaughter said:

    I’ve actually been thinking it could be her too because the “don’t be a muse, be happy too” advice sounds so much like something she’d tell someone (also made me think of her lyric “you thought I was your muse/but all along it was you” from Dogwood). Then when Lana says “happy” in the long twang in the next line, it reminds me so much of Jenny Lewis’ song “Happy”. But I told myself I’m probably connecting nothing as usual :bebe:


    I honestly think it is! Everything is adding up to that. Why would “Jen” be writing with Lana and Nikki? The lyrics and connections you’ve noted just further solidify it. So as far as I’m concerned no one can tell us otherwise lol! 

  8. So when the songs initially came out everyone was wondering if Jenny was Jenny Lewis or someone else. 

    I remember someone saying that Jenny and Nikki were friends as well. 

    I’m really thinking it was Jenny Lewis based off that and the lyric we were “writing” with Nikki Lane. 

    Anyways that makes BB even more special to me because Rilo Kiley will always hold a special place in my heart!

  9. I'm still very intrigued and wanting to know what BOZ meant by just the beginning and I can't believe she is doing this.


    There was a theory I believe I saw on twitter where it said she would release songs in threes up until album release.

    Do I believe that, not really. It is an interesting concept though. I don't think it's traditional to release a full album before the "release".


    I guess we will just have to wait and see. I def think the lack of speaking/promo is a conscious choice.

    The theory that it's kind of a fuck you to the media would make sense, in a sense.

    We all know how headstrong she is!


    In regards to the label/mgmt caring or not, as others have stated they have other big acts that are the pop push artists.

    I feel like Lana is just kind of an auto pilot artist for them. They know she is consistent and has a very strong following.

    They know no matter what she puts out it will be successful. She doesn't have to do much to make them and herself money.

    Are there probably conversations about her doing more, most likely. Again though, she is very stubborn.

    I can maybe see them being used to this and just kind of picking their battles lol!


    As far as the new songs, I have had them a cple days and I can say they are all three so meaningful and beautiful. 

    They evoke so much more feeling then a lot of her recent tracks and I am so fucking excited.

    I think it is funny how WW was the one hyped up most but the other two are def standouts to me.

    I'm leaning towards BB being my favorite but it does go back and forth between it and TB.

    There is just something super special about BB though, it really hits. It is just so heartbreaking and hopeful at the same time.

  10. 2 minutes ago, littleredpartydress said:

    Questionably Fake lyrics on here 


    endless fights on atrl


    silence from lana


    truly a special pre release day 

    Just a normal day stanning Ms. Del Rey, def can never say it's not entertaining!


    Anyways ready for tomorrow!

  11. We all knew that it wouldn't be released in July lol but we better get the title track soon! Listening to the snippet again and I really need that lol. 


    Excited for her and Mike working together. Def think it will be nice to have things shaken up a bit.


    I really don't know what to expect, it is exciting.


    Not necessarily expecting some huge turn but I am def anticipating a fuller sound and maybe more personal somewhat provocative subject matter.


    We will see, currently resigned to not receive BB before September. I would certainly love to be proven wrong though!

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