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Posts posted by DLT

  1. Spoiler

    It’s just so amazing and beautiful how emotive her voice is on this record. 

    Her voice has always been that way but there is something about this record that it’s even more pronounced and just so achingly beautiful. 

    I think it’s part lyrical content but also she uses her voice in many diff ways throughout the record. It’s an amazing listening experience  


  2. 38 minutes ago, Poor Stacy said:
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    I'm really scared for the reviews. :poordat: Like genuinely. :poordat: The anxiety is hitting me today.


    I kind of hate that I love the album so much because I'm going to get so mad if critics trash it.


    32 minutes ago, DCooper said:


    Same I'll be livid :burn:


    All I have to say is hope for the best and prepare for the worst!


    I love the album and really hope it gets the respect it deserves but I’m low key expecting a lot of biased reviews that are weighted more by her “damaged” image than her talent and music. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:

    wait a damn minute... 

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    the cameras are flashing they causing car crashes


    is this a Diana reference omgggg? i really think it is except if i’m dumb and i am :sass:


    also the bets are open ladies, i give it 2 weeks until a twitter hater or some blue haired lesbian who writes for the guardian calls her a white supremacist for saying white hot forever....

    That was also my first thought when hearing that line. I think it’s an interesting reference and I really like it. 

    I’m also waiting for the backlash from white hot forever lol!

  4. Just now, Lustformoney said:

    i love it too, but i wish there were sage green, light purple and dark blue variants too:gurl: instead of the picnic cover with 10 shades of mould vinyls

    Lol ? I can’t argue with that. That cover really deserved all the variants lol. Then the alternate cover could have been maybe the one with her sitting atop the piano or the Spotify picture disc pic.  Oh well, we have what we have I guess lol. 

  5. Just now, rightofjupiter said:


    i am more excited for BTIG than ever– wondering if it'll tie in closely to COOC like Violet did with NFR. and hope we get it this year! which i think is likely (or early '22) given that she's busy doing edits now.

    Same.  I’m really looking forward to it! I think it probably will pair nicely just how violet did.  I’m kind of hoping if it will have that interview mag energy. Like where did that come from, maybe Iron Gates. I’m low key wondering though if we will just get the book or another audio book/album since her and Jack hadn’t been able to really connect. I know it can all be done electronically but still just kind of makes me wonder what formats it will be. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Cacciatore said:


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    Let Me Love You Like A Woman is still hot garbage though I still can't believe she decided to release that horrendous song 



    It’s not that bad lol. In context of the record it’s nice but def weaker. 

    I really think she released it a. bc she really likes it lol and b. bc it is a more easily accessible sounding track on the record. 

  7. 25 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:

    It is unlikely she is going back to either Jack or Rick for the next record...


    I can see her working with either Zach or Emilie Haynie..


    I see her doing something radically different...



    Honestly I can see her doing something with Rick, I feel like they have a special connection. I don’t know if I ever really see her working with Emile again though.  

    I def think Zach is the most likely scenario for the next album. Whatever that might be, an LDR record or one of the mentioned covers albums.  

  8. 20 minutes ago, kitschesque said:

    First of all Nowels second of all he has nothing to do with this album so why him??

    We also have a temporary thread now?? Let me catch up lol

    Nowels. Oops lol. It was no shade. I love him. I was just waking up. Hadn’t been fully caffeinated yet. 

    But I think probably because they did sooo much work together. Especially during her formative period. I’m excited to read what he has to say. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Fireffie said:


    Lol @ the guy with the BTD vinyl. I always wonder, do people just go walking around in LA with a vinyl, hoping they'll find the artist?

    I’m pretty sure he is a seller. I’m sure he either followed her or was notified where she was by paps or something. 

    1 minute ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:

    I love her hair color.

    I agree. This is a really pretty color on her! Natural and rich looking. It’s really beautiful. 

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