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Posts posted by DLT

  1. Very excited about this and love the concept and story the title invoked in my mind. It and and Behind the Gates seem like they’re going to be phenomenal pairing once both are out in the world.


    Idk why but her posts, the title, the glimpse into the most recent poems I’m really feeling an album more akin to Honeymoon. I really want a strong jazz influence, deep introspective lyrics, commentary on society and her experiences, just a more raw and dark vibe. I can def feel a more slower paced album. Not expecting big sounds but more stripped back retro vibe with raw and very frank subject matter.

  2. why people are saying "i hope she doesn't believe chemtrails"? is it something that you can believe or not? lol. is there some conspiracy therioes about them?

    The chemtrail conspiracy theory posits the erroneous[1] belief that long-lasting condensation trails are "chemtrails" consisting of chemical or biological agents left in the sky by high-flying aircraft, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public.[2] Believers in this conspiracy theory say that while normal contrails dissipate relatively quickly, contrails that linger must contain additional substances.[3][4] Those who subscribe to the theory speculate that the purpose of the chemical release may be solar radiation management,[3] weather modification, psychological manipulation, human population control, or biological or chemical warfare, and that the trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems.[2][5] - wiki.


    Contrails are the normal affect after planes, chemtrails are the conspiracy theory.

  3. Very very beautiful. Just amazing!


    Very excited for all these upcoming projects.


    Love the background music. It really gives me a Julie London vibe. I was just listening to Julie Is Her Name and I can’t help but crave Lana to do a jazz album. This makes me think of that so much, especially the content of the poem as well!

  4. If WHF is anywhere in that vein of THAT IG post, I am so here for it. I looovvvveeee Old Hollywood.

    Same. Love that idea!


    Off topic but currently reading a book that larks back to Old Hollywood a bit. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. You should check it out, v enjoyable.

  5. I’m still not a hundred percent sure if we are getting the spoken word album or an actual musical release. Either way it’s obvious Jack is in the main production seat. That’s not to say there won’t be others involved. Really looking forward to this upcoming release and hoping for more raw emotion and content. Seems like she has a lot to say and touch on.


    Really intrigued to hear more music from her and Zach Dawes as well, so kind of hoping he’s involved on a track or two! California was just magical so it’d be nice to hear them work together again. Not holding my breathe though!


    It’d be nice if her team would release a statement clarifying if it’s the spoken album or musical release. I don’t see that happening anytime soon though. Think they’ll let it simmer for a bit and build up anticipation as well as cool down the hot water she’s in. We may be in limbo a while lol!

  6. I’ve always been a more casual Charli fan. I haven’t searched out her unreleased but I have followed her last few releases with Pop2 probably being my fave out of those.


    That said I really like this one. I think I vibe with this a lot more than Charli. I def like that it doesn’t have collaborations as much. Some of Charli’s collabs are amazing but I really just like her doing her own thing.


    I just wanted to say that I see everyone talking about the three punch of P4U, anthems, and visions but what about 7 years, detonate, and enemy. Those three hit really hard for me. Anyways I’m only on my first listen so I’ll wait to do a ranking. So far really loving those three, party 4 u, pink diamond, forever, claws, and anthems.

  7. Do I think it’s possible, definitely. Her and Harvey def had a connection at that time. Now do I think it was predatory like his other encounters probably not as much. I’ve always felt Lana is the type of person knows what she’s doing. Good or bad, toxic or empowering. She is the master of her own decisions. He could have been courting her or maybe they did have relations, who knows. If they did I think she had more control than others in similar situations, ala you scratch my back and I scratch yours. Either that or she found his status and position enticing and had a fling w him willingly. I’ll be raked over the coals for saying this but there is a certain power in having control over your sexuality and doing what you want with it, even if it is advantageous. I don’t think Lana was some Bambi caught in the crossfire!


    Either way something happened there. We will never know. I def think whatever happened it ended with a bout of sour grapes. I’ve always thought Harvey was the one who blocked or had someone block Young and Beautiful @ the Oscars.


    Another note on this topic, even if this “relationship” is what gave Lana the opportunity to work on these soundtracks it’s not what made them as prominent and popular as they were. She did that! I guarantee you any other artist covering or penning original tunes for the movies she did at that time would not have been as well received. It was her talent and uniqueness that really made those tracks shine!

  8. Not Taylor Swift doing more promo than Lana herself, we stan.


    edit: PEOPLE ARE SO DESPERATE: https://twitter.com/globelamp/status/1205418374278324225

    it’s her 10th tweet or so.


    Can you link me to what Taylor said?


    Also I’m kind of wondering if she considered all the year end buzz her Grammy campaign. I can see her not really caring so much about pushing it. Maybe a win would be more meaningful to her if she didn’t advocate for it. Like vindication in a sense. Either that or she just doesn’t want to put in the work/effort.

  9. So looking at just US sales NFR is currently #2 on iTunes after Tool with Tay #3. Then we have Tay #1 on Amazon sales with NFR #2 and Tool #4 with NFR vinyl #11.


    Not sure about the streams/rankings on Spotify/Apple Music or the physical sales.


    What do we think the chances are of NFR pulling that #2 spot from Tool? Thats with us anticipating Tay to take the #1spot again.

  10. 3 ways to immediately improve HTD:

    - have her repeat « I’m always gonna be right here, no one’s going anywhere »

    Thissssss, really would make the song that much better for me. I honestly don’t mind the jingle bells and current production. It’s interesting and gives it character but the ending lacks that last little bit. When she performed it live I loved when she sang that line twice. They really missed a great opportunity there. Something that simple could have elevated that song so much more!
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