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Posts posted by DLT

  1. Love the album!

    Will def be something you can appreciate more and more with each listen! Something to simmer a bit.


    I initially didn't like Love Song when the leaks happened but it really is beautiful!

    I'm even here for TNBAR and I'm a hardcore demo stan.

    HTD isn't so bad, I like the character of it. The main thing that bothers me with it is the mixing, how the volume goes up and down!


    Does the opening strings in NFR remind anyone of the Love Demo snippet? It's always kind of reminded me of that, beautiful.


    Fave songs: The Greatest, California, Mariner's (Still so fresh to me). Things will probably change up with added listens. Great record!

  2. Well well well thot we were being made homeless but queen had a different plan!  :hooker:  I know for sure I'm not going to listen to snippets this time around, singles (if she puts any out) yes but if she instagrams the songs again I'll avoid surprises / leaks this time around


    Every album cycle I wish I had this willpower lol! 


    You give me hope, I may give this a try this time around.

  3. I was reading this at like 2am and wanted to respond but didn't bc A. Mod Que and B. I needed to sleep but Lana is truly amazing. A fucking legend! I seriously wonder what her contemporaries think when she does shit like this. Consistent album artist who built herself up from the fiasco that was the start of her career. Talent wins!


    Either way so excited about this. Hoping it is an even more rock undertone. Thinking Springseteen or Neil Young vibes. Either will day fine for me lol!

  4. Did the guy from The Guardian even listen to the album or pay attention to lyrical content. He's obviously still carrying a certain impression of her that's no longer valid. Either way not surprised! Especially with him reviewing it. Meta listing that LA Times as an 80 is a bit low to me. The way they interpret articles is always off to me though. Almost seem biased in a way! As Yung said Lana isn't for everyone.

  5. what are your least fave songs off NFR?

    Mine would have to be Love Song, HIAB, Hope and BAR

    Literally every other song is flawless, this is such a good fking album

    This album really is flawless honestly. If I had to pick though I’d say BAR, the original was perfect. Hmmm first listen of Love Song was a little blah to me too as well. Those really are the only two things I can say “negative” about it.


    The HIAB slander is a choice though lol! Personally I love it. It is so beautiful. The opening lines and when she goes into the whole “don’t be a jerk” part, just yes. Honestly the whole song is perfect. I love it!

  6. The full album is out 2 weeks early, what are the chances of Lana and team publicly saying anything? Eclipse posted their e-mails asking people to let them know... it's currently 5:50 AM in LA. I'm excited to see how this plays out... (mostly for the meltdowns)  :toofunny:


    I would love to be able to see and know what Lana and her team have been doing for the last two days and how they will react now. Like they prob won't do shit publicly but I would love to see the behind the scene shit shows that are happening lol!  Oh to be a fly on the wall. 


    Either way nobody expect anything because it isn't happening till 8/30.

  7. something thats kind of upsetting me is how few songs on the album have proper bridges. Lana bridges are some of my all time favorites and looking through the lyrics, there seems to be only a few


    I was just thinking, where are the bridges on some of these. So I can understand that lol! That said though I do think her lyrical content is a lot better this time around so it kind of makes up for it. Plus there is a lot of instrumental focus, at least that's what I'm thinking! I haven't heard the full thing.

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