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Posts posted by DLT

  1. The interview mag interview makes so much sense now that I’ve heard the album.


    How Jack mentioned breaking things down and Lana wondering if it was country or not being sure what genre.


    The album is eclectic in a sense that it’s hard to pin down but def a cohesive piece overall. 

    I’d venture to say this is her most personal and introspective work. I kind of feel like that’s why she isn’t that into talking about it or promoting it as much.  She kind of just wants to put it out there and have it taken however people take it. 

    Idk I’m really loving it.  I’m gonna sit with it some more before I rank it amongst her other albums. 

    Track Ranking:


    Dark But Just A Game

    White Dress

    Dance Till We Die

    Not All Who Wander Are Lost 

    Wild At Heart


    Breaking Up



    For Free


    This was hard lol. I’m sure it will change a bit but I’m fairly certain my top half will remain pretty consistent. 

    Dark and White dress really are those tracks. DTWD’s bridge alone is just iconic. Overall I think all the tracks are very strong.  Yosemite to me is so good minus the chorus. It really throws it off for me.  I love Breaking Up but I also want Lana to release a full country album so no surprise there lol. Tulsa does sit lower than I expected but it’s still very sexy and experimental. Just kind of all over the place a bit.  




  2. 13 minutes ago, cinnamongirI said:

    i think we should wait for the HQs before we judge :bebe:

    I’m sorry but I don’t think HQ’s are really going to make a difference here. That’s just my opinion though.

    The first pic is “ok” but the styling, coloring, and lighting really wash her out.  Like all the black against her skin paired with the lighting used just does not look good. The second pic is another story entirely. Lighting could not save that one. I personally can tell I will not like these photos even in HQ. It’s not something I’ll revisit lol. I won’t be eager to change my profile pic the way I was when the Interview photos came out. 

    That said though taste and opinions are subjective. So to each their own, but just not my jam.

  3. 12 minutes ago, lustforlife said:

    I’m going to say what I said on other thread lol. 

    Glad these are out because that means we could and SHOULD get the interview today. Whoever has it, come through!


    As for the photos. Not a fan, def not serving or on same level as cover photo. I really hope the other pics in the spread are better. That second one with the hair in her face and that expression on her mouth is literal wtf lol. Like what is this!



    Just hoping interview is insightful at this point. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Pico Boulevard said:

    Wait why does it say including a 15 track CD


    Maybe a deluxe version of COCC is coming in April :oprah2:

    I’ve never ordered or seen this magazine before but I’m thinking/assuming maybe it is kind of like a “playlist” for that particular issue but just in CD format. Like music that relates to that months issue. 

    Either way I ordered it. Hopefully we get some interesting insight and some nice inside photos!

  5. 1 minute ago, plastiscguy said:

    I would die... It's one of my favorite songs, I couldn't believe Lana sang it with Julia on the tour, so a studio version would kill me :defeated:

    Same!!!! I was dying when I saw she was going to be a guest and then they performed THAT song.  It was so good, perfect combination honestly!


    Side note for anyone who hasn’t listened to Julia Jacklin, please do. She’s amazing. Her last album Crushing was just beyond great. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, recklessdaughter said:

    Do we know why the artists who performed with Lana on tour are rereleasing their songs with Lana? First Hallucinogenics now Eat For Free.... is it connected or random? Imagine Lana put together an album of her covering songs with the original artists as duets.... yeah unlikely but that’d be cool. I do think it’s strange though since this is the second time someone’s rereleasing their song with Lana featured and the other one was pretty recently too. Anyway, I’m excited no matter where this leads.

    If this is true I def need her and Julia’s duet of Don’t Know How To Keep Loving You. I love that song so much and they sounded so great together. She was my favorite guest from the NFR tour minus Chris. 


    This one sounds really really good though. Very excited to hear it. Hopefully we don’t have to wait too terribly long!

  7. 6 minutes ago, Pico Boulevard said:

    So Eclipse mentioned Sun Ra

    I looked him up and he is a jazz composer and apparently known for experimental music

    And it also might be a little bit rockish 


    So White Dress will be jazzy and a little bit rockish and maybe something new & different in terms of Lana. I'm excited af now :trisha:

    The vibe I get also. And same, v v excited!

  8. I know we are trying to figure out the acronym and Eclipses tease but I was just sitting here thinking what if the white dress is supposed to symbolize like a virginal reference. White dress is like her pre fame innocence and now she is looking back on losing that and all that has come with her career and time in the industry. 

    Either way I’m excited! lol. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, domandapiano said:

    either that or maybe even the adoration and acclaim she has received since breaking through. 

    I was thinking more so along this vein as well. Like maybe the stardom/fame/and take off of her career made her feel like a god but now in retrospect and looking back it’s not all she expected. Like it took so much away from her and out of her to get where she is now. Idk. We shall see. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, lanabanana11 said:

    so which vinyls did you all get? I got the red vinyl alt cover target exclusive, and i got the standard indie store exclusive yellow vinyl!

    I got the red target exclusive as well! Also got the gray and transparent store editions. That will probably be it for me unless another cover pops up which I don’t think there is supposed to be. I’m really excited for the Alt Cover red one, it’s so pretty 

  11. 11 hours ago, kraljicabenzinske said:


    I've been wanting to read Crice for so long because I read The Song of Achilles (by the same author) and LOVED IT. 


    I'm curently reading "Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story" basically an autobiography of a gay man who was growing up in the 50s/60s and became a writer after graduating from Yale. Would totally recommend to all of you reading gays :wub: 

    You really should read it, it was soooooo good! It was very special for me. It’s one of those reads where after you’re like wow, still taking it in and kind of basking in the after glow.  

    I actually just read Song of Achilles after finishing Circe. Another great book! I’m on a roll lol. Now that they are done though I’m really kind of sad. They are a great duo and compliment each other very well.

    I will say while I love Patroclus and Achilles I really think Circe is the better novel. It’s just, wow. Very good lol!

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