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  1. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Dua Lipa in What can be attributed to Lana's physical change after 2012?   
    I feel like during the honeymoon era she's began to wear loose fitting clothes and they don't really suit her. I feel like she should wear clothes that fit her better and fix those ugly bangs mess She'd look way better imo 
  2. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    if she ends up on kickstarter asking for money i am going to die of laughter.
    it will never get that bad, if she gets dropped someone else will pick her up easily. she may not be selling millions of albums but she's still popular with a fan base, even if its small scale.
    i really don think she has the interest of running her own label. she barely crawls out of bed to make videos now days, i doubt starting a company is something she'd be wanting to invest a lot of time in, it does require alot of work.
  3. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Dua Lipa in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Do we have a thread dedicated to how Ultraviolence Should have been? If not I'm making one. If we do, please direct me to it because i feel not a lot of people know what happened 
  4. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    if the UV era was like this, itd be orgasmic. i wish Brooklyn Baby, Black Beauty, and Florida Kilos got music videos
  5. Starsx liked a post in a topic by gloomyharlow in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Chuck is gorgeous and seems to be very sweet but I take better pictures then her. Her pictures have nothing special to them. Now Neil Krug is a different story. The man is a genius like Avedon and Scavullo was. Chuck gets work because of who her sister is and she is a perfect example of careerism. She should do something she's really good at instead. She's a tall, thin pretty girl. Get into modeling or something.
    As for the videos, I think the label is weary of just handing Lana money after the whole Tropico thing failed. I think Tropico should have never been made. She should have just made the videos individually with a lot less poetry reading. What worked for "Ride" and "National Anthem"  didn't work for Tropico.  
  6. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    chuck is such a bad photographer, lana should put a restraining order on chucks camera
  7. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Kommander in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    is that true ? Lmao everyday i learn something new about the UV era, that bottomless gold mine, that went wrong. Such a missed opportunity as a whole really ; it could have been a decade highlight in popular music and really transform her career. I guess now Lana herself must be so disgusted by the industry and how things never work out anyway. We should be glad she's just churning out benzodiazepine induced dark blues and getting chubby, & not turning back to booze, New Jersey and record executives.
  8. Starsx liked a post in a topic by BLOODSHOT in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Gorl... have you seen Neil's other photos of Lana? Miss Krug does not do HQ no matter the image size. 

  9. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Rem in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Yeah, I get that but I feel like they made the wrong choice.
    Lana would have been the controversial queen of 2014 and the streaming would have been HUGE for ha.
    I mean the cover promoting smoking (original cover) [badass and controversial]
    - West Coast (heavy drug use)
    - Shades of Cool (death scene in video right after controversial guardian interview)
    - UV (Jonestown omg)
    Honestly speaking, it was controversy (well on top of good music) what made Born To Die so huge and iconic. First the accusation of authenticity (Lips, Surgery, blah), Snl, etc.
    The UV era would have been truly "Ultraviolent", but it was intentionally tamed down.
  10. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I guarantee in the next era Lana is only going to release 10 second musty looking clips on Instagram and say its a music video
  11. Starsx liked a post in a topic by gloomyharlow in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    No more Nina Simone covers.
  12. Starsx liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    "I know your wife and she wouldn't mind"
  13. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Kommander in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    A truly reversed narco swing experience
  14. Starsx liked a post in a topic by thatsomason in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    It needed 37% more jazz and 42.8% more caffeine so Lana didn't fall asleep in every song
  15. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    it just feels like this album came out of the blue and has no real purpose. BTD was her debut. Paradise was an addition that took away the hip hop beats so she could broaden her genre. UV was aimed towards mocking the press and evolving her sound and showing she can sing. Honeymoon talks about the press and showing her vocal abilities (which was done many times before in UV) and talks about being young and stupid (which was done many times before in BTD)
    honestly, HM has very good songs, but its a pointless album. it just adds more songs to her registry she can perform live. this album didnt bring a new sound or a new meaning. after releasing a great album like UV and evolving her sound, i thought she would continue to show different sides of the 50s 60s and 70s but no. im not entirely dissapponted with HM but im not nearly satisfied either. its missing something and i cant put my finger on it.
  16. Starsx liked a post in a topic by gloomyharlow in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    For me the Honeymoon era has been a bit boring for me.
    I don't like the album's official photos, even though some of them are from the amazing Neil Krug. The album cover itself  
    The music, although beautiful, lack's something. There's little variety. The songs start sounding the same. Too slow. The album is good, but not great. BTD was brilliant. UV was brilliant. HM is just good.
    Had Dan Auerbach had his hands on HM, I'm sure he would have breathed some life into these songs. He and Lana would have fought a lot but I'm sure Dan would have done a brilliant job. Mark Ronson is another one who would have made something magical with Lana. Every time I hear Amy's Back to Black album, I can picture Lana singing songs like "Wake Up Alone" or "Love is a Losing Game". Too bad though. What could have been
  17. kristinaj liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I guarantee in the next era Lana is only going to release 10 second musty looking clips on Instagram and say its a music video
  18. WaitForLife liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I guarantee in the next era Lana is only going to release 10 second musty looking clips on Instagram and say its a music video
  19. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I guarantee in the next era Lana is only going to release 10 second musty looking clips on Instagram and say its a music video
  20. Starsx liked a post in a topic by whitman in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I feel like Ben or whoever's doing her management doesn't even care anymore and it's like "ok, Lana. Do what you want to do, if you want to announce a video one month earlier that's ok, you're famous now you don't need hype or tours or whatever". It feels like West Coast all over again 
  21. Starsx liked a post in a topic by strange weather in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I wait for you, babe,
    you don't come through, babe
    You never do, babe, that's just what you do

  22. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    at least lana doesnt look like an aunt at a barbecue in her HM music videos. seeing the outfits she wore in the endless summer tour scared me a bit for this era
  23. Starsx liked a post in a topic by #glimmeringdarling in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    This is so true . Hopefully she comes thru though.. like if she uses more than 50% of old footage and basic vintage filters I WILL DELETE HER EDITING APPLICATIONS MYSELF
  24. Starsx liked a post in a topic by gloomyharlow in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Shades of Cool was brilliant. The symbolism in that music video is incredible and emotional. It's her last great video in my opinion.
  25. Starsx liked a post in a topic by AKA Lizzy Grant in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Imo, SoC is iconic, I always find myself watching it. But other than that yeah i agree. BJ, BTD, VG, Carmen, Ride, and national anthem are just so amazing 
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