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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Honeymoon Sales   
  2. DominicMars liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    The Grammys are so disgusting
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    Why would High By The Beach even get submitted! Its a decent song, but seriously 
    I'm furious with whoever even picks singles for Lana, like can they not hear properly. 
    This is such a mess. Is Lana's label trying to destroy her? She will not win. 
    Terrence Loves You should have been submitted for something
    This is pathetic 
  4. futuretro liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Lana's Style   
    Lana doesn't really have style. She can't dress to save her life 
    Have you seen her street style? She usually just wears the same ripped shorts from 2013 and a white t shirt 
  5. Starsx liked a post in a topic by American Money in Honeymoon Sales   
    I think a big problem is that US is now Lana's biggest market, which basically just enables her to promote even less. Back during BTD days when the US "hated" her due the SNL incident (she still had a reasonably large fanbase) while Europe and the rest of the world loved her, she was basically forced to travel the world and promote, making her an international artist (a good thing.) But now she has reached her vision of "Americana" or whatever. Once the US started to care for her music more, it's like she started caring less, which resulted in her only going on a small tour through the U.S. this year. Of course when she started putting the most of her extremely low amount of attention in promoting towards the U.S., the rest of world began to care less.
    Honestly, if she doesn't like the performance of HM, that's her own fault. If she wants her music to do better and be recognized more, she need to act like she cares and is willing to try to promote, and she needs to make music that is more appealing. Until she cares about that then oh well
  6. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Honeymoon Tour: Make a setlist   
    Dark Blue Honeymoon Tour
    1. Music To Watch Boys To
    2. Cola
    3. Art Deco
    4. Freak
    5. Brooklyn Baby
    6. High By The Beach
    7. TV In Black and White (I'm dreaming, but it could be possible)
    8. Swan Song
    9. Ride
    10. Jump (It'll never happen)
    11. Off To The Races (Even though she gets out of breath performing it)
    12. Hundred Dollar Bill (Keep hope alive)
    13. Fucked My Way Up To The Top
    14. Carmen (Jazz Cafe version)
    15. Florida Kilos
    16. Video Games
    All I want is to hear Lana perform TV In Black and White live, just once. Its just my favorite song
  7. intensely liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    Why would High By The Beach even get submitted! Its a decent song, but seriously 
    I'm furious with whoever even picks singles for Lana, like can they not hear properly. 
    This is such a mess. Is Lana's label trying to destroy her? She will not win. 
    Terrence Loves You should have been submitted for something
    This is pathetic 
  8. writtenxrabbits liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    Why would High By The Beach even get submitted! Its a decent song, but seriously 
    I'm furious with whoever even picks singles for Lana, like can they not hear properly. 
    This is such a mess. Is Lana's label trying to destroy her? She will not win. 
    Terrence Loves You should have been submitted for something
    This is pathetic 
  9. Starsx liked a post in a topic by renaissance in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    this makes me SO fucking angry. POP???????????????????????????????????? What the FUCK?
    WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT????? she would actually have a chance w/ alternative nomination but there is literally 0 chance she will even be considered for pop. 
    what the FUCK are they doing this makes me wild
  10. Starsx liked a post in a topic by strange weather in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    ultraviolence actually had a chance. honeymoon doesn't, imo.
  11. Starsx liked a post in a topic by JizzyLizzy in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    Why didn't they put her for Best Alternative?
  12. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I'll never forgive Lana if she doesn't make a video for Salvatore! 
    I need some mafia realness in the video 
    GoodFellas/Godfather Italian crime, lover, betrayal mashup perhaps? 
    She pulled off Kennedy, Jackie O, Marilyn Monroe, 60s vintage sex kitten in National Anthem, so maybe there's hope 
  13. joshuasean2900 liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Honeymoon Sales   
  14. Starsx liked a post in a topic by luckyonewithoutyou in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    Has anyone ever called Lana "Lizzy" or "Elizabeth" in public? Does she react to it in the same fashion that she does Lana?
  15. Starsx liked a post in a topic by joshuasean2900 in Honeymoon Sales   
    @@leaked_version I've been trying to avoid saying this but I can't hold back any longer: seriously, what is your problem? Honestly, are you only here to argue against people who don't agree with your opinion what is clearly the only true way to see things? "Honeymoon is a flop and if you say otherwise you're wrong. TBD isn't a career highlight because I SAID SO (but I'll pass it off as sarcasm later when I'm getting hate for it)." You're so negative - can you not say something positive without tacking something negative onto the end? What the fuck is your problem? This is a place where we discuss Lana, one of our favourite artists. I honestly think (bare in mind I've only been on the boards for ~ 2 months) that you're like the anomaly in a science experiment that drags all of the data down (except you're the negativity that drags the positivity of this otherwise lovely community). Have you always been like this? Do you genuinely spend your time on the LanaBoards (pretty much 8 months out of the past ~ 2 years) contradicting everyone and trying to get them to see your opinion the only way things can be interpreted? Maybe I'm just extremely naive and you're the biggest troll in the history of forever, but I think the moment I realised you weren't was when you told me that Lana was a pop singer signed to a major label. That's honestly the most vague thing you could ever say. That's the same as saying Lana's a fish in an ocean. If you genuinely spend all of your time in these forums slating Lana, you seriously need to evaluate what you spend your time doing.
  16. Starsx liked a post in a topic by American Money in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Swan Song is amazing and is one of my favorites from the record I had no idea people underrated it so much?
  17. BANNED liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Maybe in a few years Lana will feel inspired and motivated with her music again. I actually hope she decides to take a break to get things together. It feels like the Honeymoon era is over, even though it just began.
    At least we have her unrealeased music, albums, and videos to enjoy, especially things from the BTD era
  18. Starsx liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Honeymoon Sales   
    maybe she needs a flop to step her promo game up 
  19. Starsx liked a post in a topic by a11111 in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana is too bored to dress up properly, to brush her hair, to wash her car, or to do anything. Now I’m kind of sorry about Fran who got into this depressed woman just to fuck up his life. Barrie is fucked up nicely in Glasgow, the dumb rocker came to LA for her to light up her cigs during the concerts, now he moved back with his mom and he is starting his career from scratch. Lana’s is just too depressed for this business and she isn’t enjoying anything. At first I thought that she exaggerates but now I'm convinced that she is like that. She became unbearable to follow as an artist, her career became a travesty, she’s just throwing out albums and she doesn’t do anything with them, she hides from everything in the first month after the album's release. HM is shaping up to be an “milking” album for what is left from her fandom and she has one sensible thing to do in my opinion: call it a career. It’s time for her to announce a theater farewell tour and at the end of it she can throw out another album to milk the last standing stans and then she can go and fuck her(depressive)self. I'm so over her, some of you guys here were really nice people and I wish you all the best 
  20. Starsx liked a post in a topic by yyxy in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Guns and Roses is so underrated that I hate people for ditching it. 
  21. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Lad in Honeymoon Tour: Make a setlist   
    Honeymoon as a closer would make everyone leave and only her stans would stay till she goes down to take selfies.
  22. Starsx liked a post in a topic by luckyonewithoutyou in Honeymoon Tour: Make a setlist   
    The Black and Blue Tour set list:
    1. Cola
    2. High By the Beach
    3. Without You
    4. West Coast
    5. Music to Watch Boys to
    6. Ultraviolence (Shortened)
    7. Religion
    8. Black Beauty
    9. American or Blue Velvet
    10. Video Games
    11. Salvatore
    13. The Blackest Day
    14. Freak/Art Deco (shortened medley)
    15. Dark Paradise (Demo)
    16. Pretty When You Cry
    17. Unreleased song (Wayamaya or Never Let Me Go)
    18. Honeymoon (closer) ~dreaming away your life~
    I also agree with the person who included FMWUTTT because her saying "this is my show" would be totally badass
  23. Starsx liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in ~ FAN VIDEOS ~ (NEW: DEALER)   
    she's my sonic and visual soulmate, so i make these. hi everyone

  24. WaitForLife liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Honeymoon Tour: Make a setlist   
    No Born To Die, no video games, no paradise edition. I can't even
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