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Everything posted by TRENCH


    Hip Hop

    Geraldo Rivera on Kendrick Lamar: “Hip-hop does more damage to African-Americans than racism” http://www.salon.com/2015/06/30/geraldo_rivera_on_kendrick_lamar_hip_hop_does_more_damage_to_african_americans_than_racism/ Your mustache does more damage to America Geraldo
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cvu0Q4Cl7pU
  3. wow! imagine with a full on orchestra with big strings and her deep voice in the verses and high feathery voice in the chorus
  4. Im reading your weaves..jk I haven't read in a LONG time but I used to like The Vast Fields of Ordinary, Geography Club and 13 Reasons Why Also, I still have my elementary school Magic Tree House books
  5. Black and Platinum blonde....i need iconic blonde lizzy again
  6. Her Rainbow font is one of the few "iconic" fonts I have seen in a while, It may look plain but it has its own style and it comes off as strong and very readable
  7. Parker, Kahne and Nowles Emile is great too but his overproduction turns me off
  8. 1. Vegas - A - Love the simplistic instrumentals and beats. The vocals are clear and not a distraction. 2. Make A Scene - C - The vocals are a bit off, but I like the "70s" influence and how the synths are not annoying. 3. On The Regular - B - The lyrics are a bit corny, i found myself laughing. It's a fun, chill, upbeat song. The instrumentals is good. 4. Call It Off - B - Not a memorable song, but the "disco" influence is noticeable. Good production, but it "lacks" flavor. 5. Hot Mess - C - Interesting chorus and build-up. The feel of the song is ok, not grandiose.Also lacks "flavor". 6. Demon - A - Love the instrumental, but the drop was disappointing, i was expecting an energetic chorus. Yet I feel the emotions in both the vocals and music. 7. In For The Kill - A - Very chill, love the guitar; wish it was more incorporated into the song. Simple lyrics, yet relate-able. and the final chorus is the best part, It is a strong ending for a song. 8. Youth - C - Not a strong track. Very average and it feels like a calm mashup of the earlier songs that I already heard. 9. Darker - A - Reminds me of a slow version of Ray of Light by Madonna. Love the effects, creating an environment. I wish there was a part where the song would go all crazy and he would hit high notes but alas. 10. Head In The Clouds - B - another song that needs flavor, BUT, It is special in its own way because it actually has an individual sound, yet too similar to some other tracks. The ending falls flat yet it is colorful. 11. KC - A -Feels very original, and the guitar is amazing. Clean, soulful vocals. Overall a great track. BEST: Demon Vegas NAH: Hot Mess Youth I would give this album a B. I did not think i would find myself liking some of these song, yet rating it a B. I appreciate the originality, but some songs lack guidance. The production work is definitely a good one. I like how it is a cohesive artwork yet about 4 songs sound way too similar.
  9. we all know shes a interscope puppet ..chill...dont call us negro
  10. FORGOTTEN: - Legendary Lovers - International Smile not you comming for my faves "Oh it's the very handsome SitarHero,"
  11. It means both, AND that you can only access the video only IF the uploader or someone gives you the link
  12. to commemorate this event https://vine.co/v/OxKimzX0zKL
  13. Is his new monicker BazSongs ??
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