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Everything posted by TRENCH

  1. Her magnum opuses? but of course why wouldn't i??

    FKA twigs

    my bf knows those talking interludes word for word help me
  3. The way this is true. I feel that with BB including some old songs was like closing another chapter, and this new record will start a clean slate
  4. me asking for more detals about this album 😩😩😩😩😩
  5. i go once a week just thinking about this photo of them two ughhhhh

    Kanye West

    Beyonce (and her husband) wins once again by distancing herself from this lunatic years ago Also, yes, close it before it gets crazier than its bubbling to be; that's what the Sky Ferrari thread is for. I just wanted to bring this situation up for those who weren't aware that he is a grifter who's officially off the rails
  7. BTD dropped when i was a sophomore in high school and now I'm in my second semester of my master's degree (and dated one guy per album apart from NFR and after),,, crazy how I've grown up with these albums and vice versa
  8. I just need to know what the sound of the record will be can a sexy, strong, intelligent insider let us know what "genre" it will be please?

    Kanye West

    not me having a third eye 6 yrs ago
  10. TRENCH

    Kanye West

    https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ye-kanye-west-infowars-alex-jones-video-interview-elon-musk-rcna59693 the official, true final nail in the coffin
  11. YF.... You [little] Fuckers? like what she called us when we leaked lust for life
  12. me waiting for lana to announce her next AOTY Me after lana announces the next AOTY
  13. I'm second in line to hop on his spaceship cruise
  14. LETS GOOO 🚀🚀🚀🌃✨🎇🌙🌉🪐👩🏻‍🚀
  15. Me and my bosses at work have started to use Roboto as the standard for our documents and write ups, the stars are aligning
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