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Everything posted by iloveguineapigs

  1. And none for the US, bye. Why can't she love us?
  2. top 5 MATILDA Everything is Illuminated Addams Family Values I Heart Huckabees The First Pokemon Movie
  3. Live performance at Glasslands, look it up on youtube honey
  4. Anthony Mandler? What song do these early/rough draft lyrics originate from? "Everybody told me I was falling in love, I said you would fall too if you knew what I was dreaming of"
  5. omg not Whoopi I'm only 20...please don't say you're younger than me.
  6. So pretty and talented and I love the EP and mixtape!! I feel I'm in the minority when I say that Aquababe is her best track!
  7. Omg I'm horrible. I just realized that before BTD, the last album I BOUGHT was LAMB by Gwen Stefani, when it first came out I used to be an avid music buyer, and have like tons of old cassettes and CDs but these days...
  8. The crappy playlist at work "I'm feeling free at lasssssstttt" by no one cares. I need a new job!
  9. I have a huge circular mirror/vanity in my bedroom...I find it suffices for this ritual to Blue Godvet.
  10. Maybe, she'll change outfits before launching into the live debut of future UK top twenty smash Cola?
  11. I mean...no. They're fine, I'm well. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2: Just have better taste, I guess
  12. The hate/deafness Those are the top two...in that order...
  13. I guess they're just here for pop Lana It's not my favorite on the album, but it's mainly because I don't love the AKA version, but I can still appreciate it for it's dynamics and melody and lyrics more than say...G&M (the true weak link on the Paradise edition)
  14. These "causal" outfits she's always in (blue skinny jeans/oversized white t-shirt/white button down/dirty flats/this hideous brown jacket she's wearing recently/grandpa sweaters) REALLY bother me for some reason. Same with her black hair. Just makes her look so...basic. Like if I had no idea who she was and just saw her walking down the street, I would still think she was pretty but I definitely wouldn't think she was a star, you know? She just kind of fades in this pedestrian wear. One of the things that drew me to her in the beginning was her styling, and how she was super glamorous but with a street sensibility with the big hoops, gold jewelery, sneakers, etc. Now, it's like we're lucky for her to have a good hair day AND I feel I'm in the minority of people who thinks that her plastic surgery is good: flawless nose and her lips are amazing, I actually like them bigger. My friend who also loves Lana says I have Lana lips because my top one if bigger than the bottom one
  15. :creepy: Kill Kill 49 Queen Of The Gas Station 19 For K Part 2 46 Mermaid Motel 44 Raise Me Up 5 Yayo 29
  16. He seemed a bit controlling to me...like forcing her away, but maybe he just knows how she is and how she goes on and on with her fans and stuff I feel like he could have done it will some semblance of a smile though, i think the douchebag thing is coming from how pissed off and annoyed he looks.
  17. Kill Kill 48 Queen Of The Gas Station 19 For K Part 2 45 Mermaid Motel 44 Raise Me Up 7 Yayo 29
  18. Back tew lyyyyyfe, back to reeealiteeeee
  19. overall theme: Scissor Sisters- Skin This Cat (lulz) the song that plays when you kill your first zombie: Lana Del Rey- Burning Desire the song that plays when getting chased by the horde: Royksopp- Happy Up There the song that plays when you kill a loved one: Kate Bush- Get Out of My House (lol) the song that plays when you find a group of survivors: Charli XCX- I'll Never Know the song that plays when you meet the love interest: Vampire Weekend- White Sky the song that plays at the final stand: Metric- Grow Up and Blow Away the song that plays when you think you've survived it all: Bikini Kill- Blood One the song that plays when you discover a bite mark: Lady- Twerk (OMG) ending credits: Grizzly Bear- Knife :defeated: my shuffle is ALWAYS a mess
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