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Everything posted by BeautifulAnywhere

  1. Cam you PM them to me too please! Thank you in advance!
  2. I can feel it this season is going to be one of the best
  3. It's rumored that Lady Gaga's character is a fairy
  4. It's the RespectTheArtist fans they're reporting all Melanie snippets he shares
  5. This new song is lit https://youtu.be/IqafL2Cx2MI
  6. May you please pm them to me?
  7. Bitch shut the fuck up I was in a hurry typing that shit up. Your ass ain't going to tell me you've never done that before shut the fuck up and sit down. FYI: I'm always on edge when shit leaks
  8. I legit am dming the biggest fan sites on IG and sending them the snippet teas
  9. BeautifulAnywhere


    $WAGGOT Is a gay singer who shares the same YouTube channel with KOKAYNA FYI I'm pretty sure the Mario tracks are him because on bandcamp have the singer's name so when I get KOKAYNA it's her and $WAGGOT is $WAGGOT. There ya go enjoy.
  10. Lol well i stan both of them but I know what you mean some of his stuff is definitely "yikes" other stuff is pretty good I would say but that's personally my opinion.
  11. What do you guys think f the guy who she shares her youtube channel with $WAGGOT? I stan him too.
  12. HOLY SHIT. Just heard all of her songs I'm stanning.
  13. 4-7 weeks ago When was the last time you ran a mile?
  14. I thought she sponsored Coca Cola during God's & Monsters I mean she did drink from the bottle so I assumed so?
  15. 3 weeks ago When was the last time you bought am expensive body product?
  16. Bubblegum Bitch - Marina And The Diamonds
  17. UV outtakes Be My Daddy BBM Baby Resistance Life Is Beautiful Every Man Gets His Wish (V2) Dance For Money Super Movie
  18. http://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/30974/1/watch-brooke-candy-take-revenge-on-her-patriarchal-oppressor The Video has been realeased Paper Or Plastic along with an interview.
  19. 7 days ago When was the last time you woke up before 5:00am?
  20. BeautifulAnywhere


    Can I have a download link pretty please with sugar on top:)?
  21. Paper Or Plastic Music Video Teaser It looks lit talk about Opulence tease
  22. 7 months ago When was the last time you fought with somebody?
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