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Everything posted by sparklrtrailrheaven

  1. Lolita, Burning Desire, Fucked My Way Up to the Top, Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
  2. is Catch and Release a 2009 or 2010 track? i've always had it down as 2010, but i'm getting conflicting reports
  3. As strange as it sounds, I can actually see it being "wide"-- considering the lyric "I do my hair up, all high and wide" from Trash Magic
  4. You know, I don't think it would be that difficult! Drive By is the earliest of her 'death row' songs, no? (and certainly the most literal of them)-- so, that was recorded in 2005... that means K, or whoever was on death row, if anyone was, was already there by 2005. Presuming this took place in New York, NY didn't completely repeal the death penalty until 2007, so the timeframe fits. If there were a list of death row inmates in NY around 2003/5, I'm sure one of the great sleuths here could dig up some possible candidates.
  5. Eliminate: Radio, Freak, Music to Watch Boys to, Ultraviolence Immunity: Off to the Races, Shades of Cool
  6. Eliminate: High By the Beach, Radio, Freak, Music to Watch Boys to Immunity: Florida Kilos (), Shades of Cool
  7. If sis trayer's theory is correct, then here's what I think: I think Lana's lyrics about a man on death row, one who we presumed to be K, was still someone she legitimately knew and loved. I think the death row sentence was very real, as was the man, as evidenced by the constant recurrence of the theme and the personal nature of the lyrics/subject. However, I think K was used interchangeably with this other man she also cared a lot about-- in essence, she melded Josh and this man on death row together (two of her great loves, possibly) to create this hybrid dream man who also suffers a poetically beautiful fate.
  8. iconic queen of sleuthing... i'm amazed that the K Code may have finally been cracked!!!! although it loses some of the poetic appeal of him being on death row/dying, it's still incredible
  9. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS THIS IS A GROSS MISUSE OF ELIMINATION GAMES HOW COULD Y'ALL but, anneways... eliminate: Oh Say Can You See, For K Pt. 2 immunity: Raise Me Up
  10. Eliminate: High By the Beach, Freak, Art Deco, This is What Makes Us Girls Immunity: Off to the Races, Florida Kilos
  11. You do you sis, but I can't believe you'd eliminate the heavenly bops Kill Kill and PMIAM over FKP2... it's a very good song too, but still... this is GODLY territory we're getting into now
  12. Eliminate: Oh Say Can You See, For K Pt. 2 Immunity: PUT ME IN A MOVIE (just call me miss @CrazySister because I'm going to fight for PMIAM to my GRAVE and BACK! this is my favorite bop of Miss Lana Del Rey's entire career, so y'all best not knock the good sis out now. no ma'am )
  13. I've been relating to Black Beauty a lot in particular, lately. Knowing that Barrie's depression is part of what broke he and Lana up, combined with Lana's writing on Black Beauty, has really put me closer to Lana lately. I am also dating someone with severe depression right now, so I really relate to Lana's statements that hers and Barrie's relationship was "challenging, but rewarding" or something along those lines. It's tough to deal with a significant other with depression, and it's that way every single day. It raises a lot of doubt in myself, and there are times where I get so close to letting my girlfriend go, because it seems too difficult-- but, like Lana said, it's also "rewarding" in a lot of ways to hold on and stay, because I really do love her, and the good times are very, very good. The lyrics of Black Beauty hit home with me in a major way. My girlfriend's depression causes her to see the world in such a skewed way-- she's very cynical, she doesn't trust anyone, she believes the whole world is, at its heart, bad and evil. I, being someone with limitless faith in everyone and everything, have felt so backed into a corner by this. Life's so beautiful to me, but like Lana in that song, I can't make her see that. My hands are tied. There's nothing I can do to change her, so I try to change myself and see the world how she sees it (with varying degrees of success-- I'm such an optimist at heart.) It's frightening sometimes, and always very disheartening and depressing, because there really is such a lot of wonder and beauty out there, but I can't get that through to her. Leave it to Lana to hit me right through the heart with her lyrics
  14. #1 is one of her best looks ever, and most unusual Serving straight-up 1973 McCall's sewing pattern realness with that dress
  15. 9, an ICONIC Lizzy pic and one of my very favorites. Pretty edit of it, too
  16. Eliminate: Summertime Sadness, High by the Beach, Dark Paradise, Art Deco Immunity: Radio, Florida Kilos
  17. FTE/YLM: More Mountains, In Wendy Sirens: Drive By, A Star for Nick, Junky Pride AKA: Kill Kill, Pawn Shop Blues, Put Me in a Movie BtD: Off to the Races, National Anthem, Carmen P: Ride, Yayo, Bel Air UV: Shades of Cool, Brooklyn Baby, Black Beauty, Florida Kilos HM: Terrence Loves You, High by the Beach, Freak Unreleased: Afraid, Are You Ready (Oooh Baby), Back to tha Basics, Dance for Money, Disco, Driving in Cars with Boys, Elvis, Everyman Has His Wish, Gangsta Boy, Greenwich, Hangin' Around, Hollywood Movie, Marilyn Monroe (Puppy Love), Never Let Me Go, Noir, Pin Up Galore, Prom Song (Gone Wrong), Ridin', Take Me to Paris, Television Heaven, Tired of Singing the Blues, Trash Magic/The Man I Love, TV in Black & White, Wayamaya, You're Gonna Love Me, Your Band is All the Rage, 1949
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