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Say Yes to Heaven

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Everything posted by Say Yes to Heaven

  1. It's nice I guess. Went straight to the bottom of my album rankings.... Dark But Just a Game is the best song, and one of the only redeemable ones. Still think Chemtrails (title track) is her best title track though!
  2. it's fake, as is about 99% of every other snippet that is sent here, always by you (no offense)
  3. Oooh yeah, of the Fleetwood Mac song. I forgot about that
  4. ACOUSTIC: Alone Black and Blue Empty Life Go On Away Hey Alice I Love My Ride Milky Way Oh, Carousel Time Flies Story of an Insomniac STUDIO SONGS: Drowning (Cry Baby outtake) King of The Arcade (Cry Baby outtake) Until Sunrise (Cry Baby outtake) Silence Says (Cry Baby / K-12 era) Paper People (K-12 outtake) MISC: Heart at The Door (confirmed by Melanie to be an idea written for someone else) Dead Body (Title for Band-Aid) I Don't Know (posted on her YouTube, as were others on this list, except no tell-tale sign to say what it is) UNSURE: Added (I remember seeing this one a long time ago, but I don't know if it was ever confirmed.) Blossoming (This one I wouldn't be surprised if its real, but there's been no confirmation.) Class Clown (This was a song rumored around the time Haunted, 99 Cent Store, etc, began to leak, but it never was confirmed) FAKE: Angels (though I'd not be surprised if we ever got a song with that title) Another Man Babies Are Fairy Tales Dreams (another title i'd not be surprised to see) Educate or Not Friendship Bracelets Nukes on Tuesdays (really?) Young Blood and Cigarette Dreams
  5. They do exist, it's just no one (as in Melanie fans or hoarders) has them.
  6. Well to be fair, the first time we saw Lana with Sean publicly (who the song seems to be about) was in September 2019, which is when his daughter confirmed them to be dating. Before then, Lana announced White Hot Forever as the record title the day NFR was released (aka August 30th, 2019), but if they had already been dating in September 2019, we don't know for sure when they first met/started seeing each other. If I remember correctly, Lana or Sean had said they'd known each other for 2 months before they started dating which could place it around June at the latest (that they met.) [yet we still don't know when they really began dating] So this would mean that White Hot Forever was conceptualized from June 2019 (unconfirmed, could have been earlier) - August 2019... The main problem with this is that during July and August, she was in Europe for some weeks, and I don't really see when she could've gone through the midwest if not during her NFR tour (where she obviously spent a lot of time in the mid-west) but then again, she wasn't seen for some weeks in June / July. With Lana, it's so hard to compute dates of writing and recording.
  7. While I am sure there are obviously demos/versions under the title of "White Hot Forever," I don't think WHF was 'reworked' into TJF. More just the name was changed along the way, like Young and in Love into Love or Cinnamon into Cinnamon Girl. I'm guessing she decided to change the title when she picked a different song to be the title track. I say this since we already know the chorus of Tulsa Jesus Freak still to be "White Hot Forever" repeated, probably leading to the conclusion that the song title was simply changed rather than a full rework or update.
  8. The way you put what I felt in words... I couldn't understand why I wasn't excited but this is it. And unlike when songs leak (with no snippets or teasing beforehand) we actually know when its coming and have for a while now, so it doesn't feel as... spontaneous. More like the usual teasing of songs we deal with without Lana's involvement. It will feel cool on the day of, but I'm afraid that I might feel "over" the album within a week, as I do with leaks. Sure they're fun to listen to sometimes, but...
  9. Say Yes to Heaven


    she's really keeping the june release date ? lol
  10. Maybe stick to the Charli XCX thread, in that case. This isn't really a question needing it's own thread! Best of luck, and welcome!
  11. Oh yes, I definitely understand that. I appreciate both aspects, but at least with past eras it felt more like... Idk how to say it without seeming rude, but it felt like she at least cared a little bit more. I obviously have no place to say how Lana feels, but this one just feels like "Okay I'm releasing this just to release it" so far... I very much am happy that we are getting high budget music videos at least! Also not to mention the songs released thus far are very different from each other in terms of how I personally liked them. To me, LMLYAW is her worst song in her discography and such a stain on everything Lana related, so thats making this album feel... meh to me already since I am going into it with a "Please don't sound like LMLYAW" attitude. Whereas Chemtrails is a very sweet song and my personal favorite title track from her, but I still have my doubts. I am not very into folk music and this is her folk album I guess, but I'm keeping an open mind as much as I can. Right now it's just... "Oh it's almost March 19th, that's cool" vibe
  12. That's because they're not demos, rather "mixes" And those mixes were the last ones done before the album was finished
  13. This is from the Honeymoon music video, it could be on Spotify due to them having it in their Local Files which would replace the normal Spotify version! The guy is Francesco.
  14. Hey guys! My video for Papercut got taken down by copyright and the title was revealed to be Papercuts (claimed by WMG)
  15. It's just a childish term for "germs" In the context of the song, it's about wanting to touch and love someone you have a crush on, aka spreading your cooties, or germs. Often children will say things like "Ew, you have cooties" in reference to (example) a kid having a crush on a girl, the boy would have cooties and the girl would find the boy gross.
  16. Everything Happens for a Reason is the best song on the album, but besides that I really love Homesick and Stay Numb and Carry on (besides the singles)... i just knew this going to be a serve
  17. ??? Doja is not even trashy.
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