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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. She’s probably celebrating she has a new excue not to put music out. Two - three weeks minimum delay.
  2. A fun song and definitely much more radio friendly and commercial then any lead she’s put out in a long time. But it’s missing what makes Gaga diffrent, that it’s not pushing boundaries and reinventing her. She needed to come out with a sound which was new and refreshing a bit like Billie. And quite honestly I don’t like the concept much or this aesthetic, it looks trashy and cheap. I prefer more dark and Avant-garde. She looks like she’s just turned up at a cosplay convention.
  3. ChaoticLipster


    This makes me feel better about calling it a weak album
  4. ChaoticLipster


    art angels > visions > miss anthropocene > halfaxa> geidi primes No at Miss A being better then Art Angels get a grip people
  5. Why can’t it be someone talentless that loses their voice...Halsey maybe. Kidding.
  6. Friday 21st wherever you are. it will leak tomorrow at the latest as it will be out in New Zealand.
  7. ChaoticLipster


    Yep! This is why I worry when Lana decides to have kids.
  8. ChaoticLipster

    Azealia Banks

    Yep! This is not rational behaviour. Problem is with certain mental health conditions, the person isn’t aware of the damage they are doing to themselves and others as in their head it feels normal. So any person that tries to help get’s pushed away and they end up alone...it’s very sad.
  9. ChaoticLipster

    Azealia Banks

    I feel bad for her she seems mentally disturbed and needs medication. I’m not saying that to mock her but seriously. She reminds me of my dad who has bipolar.
  10. CLXI did leak on like a dutch website like a week before.
  11. She’s going to get an Oscar for this. Seeing as everyone is up her ass
  12. It has to be said...Lana would have done a better job. This is a little but boring.
  13. It looks Nicki Minaj from the starships video. What happened to her avant garde style??
  14. ChaoticLipster


    I’m a grime fan but this album isn’t good apart from a few tracks. The concept is ok, but the songs seem uninspired and generic even. I think she’s been too distracted by other things in her life (baby, elon). We appreciate power was amazing then it all went down hill from there. She peaked with Visions and Art Angels. Hopefully she has a long break after this album and comes back with better songs.
  15. And on her other albums she dosn’t sound bored or has cliched lyrics? We can agree to disagree sis
  16. DIK chord progression sounds like a backstreet boys song
  17. It’s just too clever and lyrically well done for most of her half baked fans
  18. I think she keeps scraping singles and saying ‘well this is the lead’ because they flopped or didn’t commercially do anything. She’s hoping for a hit single and get some success. I’m not sure why Devil I know is the lead though when super duper exists. Perhaps she’s saving that as a last attempt.
  19. Lady Gaga the queen of absolutely the worst roll out of singles and albums. She fell asleep on several opportunities to release singles (grammys, super bowel pre show, several opportunities at the back end of last year). The show she did was really really bad for the first half...she looked bloated, sleezy and awkward and was vocally atrocious. Her asthetic for engima is awful, she looked like a gaga impersonator an tribute act, horrible neon colors...it’s like Katy Perry on steriods. She needs a new manager and artistic creative team. The fame monster era was perfection.
  20. Don’t worry she has the ‘spoken word album’ grammy in the bag for next year ...not unless billie decides to release one that is...don’t put it past her lol
  21. Again billie....Although she deserved this one
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