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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Paris, Texas is underrated. Probably the song I hum the most
  2. Peppers, A&W , Candy Necklace….a slutty, sexy 16 minute long film. Titled ‘American Whore a short film’
  3. Not Lana thinking all her fans are rich kids from the hills. Lana to her management- ‘They’d buy an $80 cinnamon flavoured pack of gum hahaha so dumb’
  4. I don’t think I care when songs were recorded, some of you’ll are like.. ‘IIT WAS RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 2ND 2013 aT 10:36pm! ThOUSE SAYING IT WAS 11:00pm are Rabid Liars fight me! Bitch!!’
  5. VOID a 2? Are you Anthony Fantano? Lol At least I agree with FAERIE SOIREE
  6. void sounds a bit like a grungy Fame Monster track
  7. It’s not that bad, I still like tunnel, womb, evil, Void and death, just the rest are slow and a bit messy. It’s probably a solid 7,5.
  8. So bored…it’s disgusting how it hasn’t leaked. These gays are so lazy
  9. This actually peaked my excitement it looks quite innovative! I was worried it would be just be a recycled BOTW with some gimmicks slapped on. But I can now see it’s more than that and looks like some very fun gameplay!
  10. Yes something I have struggled with on this record is the lack of narrative, it’s quite hard to really decipher. There isn’t much ‘story telling’ just her going from one thing to the next and it isn’t very coherent, but I guess this is what she meant by automatic singing. I’m not sure I personally like it much. I think it better suits her poetry. I think there is a slight bit of pretentiousness creeping into her music since NFR.
  11. Yep really bored of hearing about her family and friends, I don’t think she knows what else to sing about it. But she see’s a lot of her songs as personal and for her most of the time. Whilst she has done a few things different on this album it’s not hugely different or revolutionary. Some experimenting, but nothing super extraordinary.
  12. My ranking at the moment A&W Grandfather Candy Necklace Taco Truck Paris Texas Ocean Blvd Sweet Peppers The Grants Margaret Let the Light In FishTail Kintsugi Fingertip’s Jon Batiste Interlude Judah Smith Interlude I don’t dislike any song really part from the Judah interlude, Kintsugi and Fingertips are great but I don’t feel like they’re something I can listen to all the time. I’ve played them probably 100x and don’t feel motivated to hear them again for awhile. I suspect Margret and Let the Light in will go up.
  13. Still haven’t heard back from them about an incorrect item they send…..might have to do a chargeback if it isn’t resolved soon.
  14. Evil, Tunnel and Void are probably my faves, But I need HQ to really digest the other songs. The Mid quality leak from the listening party has all the production washed out and muddied and has gays talking over the top of it.
  15. That’s disappointing! I got one vinyl and the CD…I must be lucky. Hope your’s come soon 🙏🏻
  16. I have words about the slant review but I wouldn’t want to get banned from here
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