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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Imagine feeling that entitled to someone’s attention. She’s a musician, not your pet. Artists shouldn’t have to die to escape you.


I literally can't believe this debate is still happening in here.


People wouldn't mind if she hadn't launched the era one year ago. If she had not had us get our hypes up nor gone from giving a lot of information to simply disappearing for two months in November-December, then in February-March, then in April-May. Now it's a matter of decency. I'm not even saying that releasing the album within the past ten months would have been a matter of decency but that giving information about it would have been - and I'm not talking about daily updates, rather about just a couple of statements every two months to tell us that it was going to take so long - by the way, we still don't have any fucking idea as to why it took so long and still takes so long and the hypotheses we have all tend to HER being responsible.


She chose to spam her Instagram feed posting a million pictures that had absolutely nothing to do with her music and that's her choice but stop overdoing the situation like you guys are doing. The arguments were shown and explained so much times that I can't believe you still are sticking to this sHe DoEsN't oWe YoU aNyThiNg thing. The amount of times when unprofessionalism and disrespect jumped out over the past year is so high I can't even understand how you support this.

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It’s kinda cute when you guys get so pressed that you miss the point. It’s kinda predictable now. At least your meltdowns are entertaining though. Have fun being bitter and angry about everything. I bet that’s great for your mental health.


your arguments are really impressive, I bet a lot of people are changing their minds

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It’s kinda cute when you guys get so pressed that you miss the point. It’s kinda predictable now. At least your meltdowns are entertaining though. Have fun being bitter and angry about everything. I bet that’s great for your mental health.

Whats the point then darling? You’ve made like 50 and none of them make cohesive sense. And also its really unnecessary to insult people’s mental health, and cowardly to not even @ someone. Who are you directing this towards bb?? It really sounds like you might be just projecting your own feelings onto others, in which case I hope you get the help you need


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your arguments are really impressive, I bet a lot of people are changing their minds

Wait I was supposed to be changing your minds? No one gave me the memo that I was supposed to be a fucking missionary here. Let’s start over, someone hand me a bible or whatever so I can play the role you assigned me.


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Wait I was supposed to be changing your minds? No one gave me the memo that I was supposed to be a fucking missionary here. Let’s start over, someone hand me a bible or whatever so I can play the role you assigned me.

Babe stop playing victim. Go back to your husband and cats so we can actually talk about NFR


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Stopping to love an artist or liking them less than before because they haven't released their album when you wanted it is kinda sad.


If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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Wait I was supposed to be changing your minds? No one gave me the memo that I was supposed to be a fucking missionary here. Let’s start over, someone hand me a bible or whatever so I can play the role you assigned me.


i mean why the fuck else would you be constantly going after people? just to feel superior?

it's just the way i feel

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You keep replying, I keep answering.


Because you guys keep replying and it’s funny now lmao


well how could we deprive you of the only source of joy in your life?

it's just the way i feel

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sorry guys i gotta get back to listening to my music library of EXCLUSIVELY living, working, current artists who put out 2 or more albums a year and write me a personal letter every week xoxo

it's just the way i feel

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A nightmare. Literally a nightmare.gif

Well it's over.jpg

Try the chicken.gif

How to disappear.mp3

And all the other shit which is posted here daily and really describes what this thread and era are all about

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