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46 minutes ago, YYY Paradise said:


Really? I think I got it wrong... Well... 


Yeah, I mean. "Letters" actually goes with a guitar too but the melody and the lyrics are very different from "You & Me"/"Me & You", it's slower too.

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she did an IG live a few nights ago where she said that Letters is the song she did with Nate Campany and the last one she wrote, it’s apparently melancholy but is about finding new love, and yes it should feature guitar. she basically said that the first portion of the record is more rap/electro, the mid-section is pure pop, and the last section has more live instrumentation (but i’m sure still mostly electronic). she hyped Clouds as the best song she’s ever done, and i think she implied Cowboys may also be a single some point down the line. she said there’ll be more surprises/fun things in the next few months to justify the far away release date, and she also hopes to start s3 in that time period, which she only has 1 song for atm. she also did another ig live last night, i don’t think anyone’s posted it yet though.

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is it weird i expected her numbers to be higher with troubled paradise? i mean her distribution is with universal so i just kind of expected more of a push..? it seems her direct twitter fan base are the only ones consuming her music to me.

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12 minutes ago, princessdollie said:

is it weird i expected her numbers to be higher with troubled paradise? i mean her distribution is with universal so i just kind of expected more of a push..? it seems her direct twitter fan base are the only ones consuming her music to me.


And it actually is only her twitter fan base. I think she's under some type of small print under Universal, but nothing huge. They probably do have some sort of deal and it seems like she actually got airplayed today on radio so that's good. Let's see whatelse they'll bring.

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I watched this entire live and took notes on things she said about the album.


What is Cowboys about?

“It’s about getting ghosted […] It’s about a cowboy yes… yes…”

“My country era is actually coming sooner than you think” 

Give us a visual album

“I do not have the budget to do such a thing, but I do have more visuals in the vault”

Top 3 faves from the Album?

“Troubled Paradise obviously, the title track, um Clouds is like my favorite song I’ve ever written I think, and I really like… Cowboys is cool cause it’s like country pop, I love that one but then I also love Serial Killer cause I wrote that song when I was like 19 so the fact that it’s coming out on my debut album when I’m like 24 is cool”

Tell us about Clouds

“It’s so sad. You guys are gonna hear it and be like… sad”

“Clouds… It’s my fav song on the album”

Fav song you ever made?

“Clouds or Troubled Paradise”

Is letters a sad song?

“Honesty it is. It’s a very sweet song. It’s not like sad necessarily but it’s like a little love song. Probably the last song that I wrote for the project”

What happened to Sunshine

“That was a song exclusive for that electronicon cassette […] It probably won’t come out officially but it’s on youtube I’m pretty sure”

What does Venom sound like?
“Its psychotic, it’s like… venom is like the craziest song I think i’ve ever made. It’s definitely like a party song. I would say Like Daddy AF with a way higher tempo, just like faster cooler, very neptunes-y, kinda has a Fergie vibe but like… demonic and crazy. It’s kinda like… I feel like it would be a good Tik Tok song”

Talk to me about that song that was like “you and me were meant to be”

“Um yeah that didn’t make the album but it’s a pretty good song”

Random Album Related Info

“Idk when I’m releasing the Dog House lyric video”

“The album goes from more like Rap songs into a pop section to more live instrumentation to happier vibes”

"The Nate Company song made it onto the album. It’s a beautiful song… Letters"

"There’s some acoustic different little moments"

"Serial Killer is amazing I love it. I wish I could do a music video."

"I’m gonna do some little things along the way that will keep everyone nice and fed"

"Talk To Me is not on the album actually"

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I try not to be negative but I really hope the person who leaked it rots in HELL.


Of course we knew this could happen, like the release is still far away and people've had it since August 2020. But a leak in early February.


WHOEVER DID IT, GO!!! FUCK!!! YOURSELF!!! Disrespectful fucker.


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