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Sky Ferreira

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I just don't get it like... I mean, "Guardian music video coming September 2015 (???? or was it 2016? whatever)" suddenly nothing. I mean, 2 years the music video still unfinished since she got "sick" ??? why didn't she just drop it then and tell it would take longer for the album but... I...


it's just messy. I feel bad that I read that and feel like heard it all before but that's how I feel.


Hope she's fine tho.

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her excuse makes sense I guess, but I just can't understand putting NOTHING out since 2013...

not even Guardian on iTunes? how hard is it to release one song?  :deadbanana:

I would never hurt you

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How is it even possible to feel sorry for her, honestly? To me it seems that she just has no respect for her fans and her supporters whatsoever. Asking us for support? Like, so many of us have been supporting her long before she even released her debut.


And she's only as harassed as she is because she's untrue to 99.99999% she says.


She needs some serious psychological treatment and she also needs to learn how to keep her mouth shut.

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Just leak 1 Way To Heaven



Just leak full Nightime My Time B-Side 2 and all the unreleaseds unless she's creating the new album with old songs from 2013 pretending they are all new




edit: 1 way to heaven sounds to be so good but when the "second verse" leaked (I remember when you said I was sick in the head) it sound unpolished....

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stan her! her first album is good but pretend that she retired and dont hope for new material lmao


I love it!! It's so addictive - especially the title track  :flutter:  but omg okay thank you for the warning! 


It's just as well I know now actually because I was starting to get pretty hyped thinking that Masochism would be out soon... 

giphy.gif ldrclashsmall3.png


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I love it!! It's so addictive - especially the title track  :flutter:  but omg okay thank you for the warning! 


It's just as well I know now actually because I was starting to get pretty hyped thinking that Masochism would be out soon... 

it's coming out soon since 2015

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