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Lana's "Mystery Illness" in 2014

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Just now, avenue said:

in all seriousness though this is an invasion of lana’s privacy 


it’s none of our business unless she wants to make it our business (and she doesn’t) :true:

This logic is so weird. I'm assuming you don't listen to any leaked songs considering they're "an invasion of lana's privacy"?



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I understand the concern regarding her privacy, but she said all we need to know in an interview, it's not secret information. That said, it's not unusual for musicians, especially those with newfound fame and on the road for so long to get depressed, so no need to speculate further on it imo.

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2020 might have been the turning point to start talking about mental health issues without shame or saying it’s a « physical illness ». I’ve read into that 2014(?) interview that she could be suffering from anxiety / panic attacks that do manifest physically. But given that it was/ still is taboo to talk about those important issues publicly, it could have been written as a « physical illness ». Of course it’s not my business to « diagnose » anyone with health issues or anything else, but that’s my interpretation of the whole thing. 

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Pretty sure she was never sick, she just didn't want to go through with certain engagements, like her David Letterman appearance and her private Virgin Radio concert in Paris (which she cancelled twice :creep:).

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19 hours ago, eyelovelefteye said:

This logic is so weird. I'm assuming you don't listen to any leaked songs considering they're "an invasion of lana's privacy"?


i mean leaked songs are different. this is dealing with her health and body issues which are incredibly personal, even more than her music. while i could see why you’d make this an argument, they just aren’t on the same level of privacy 


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22 hours ago, BartenderDeco said:

i doubt it ever existed

ahe probably just wanted to get out of interviews without being rude

its giving sky ferreira 



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1 hour ago, bigspender said:

i mean leaked songs are different. this is dealing with her health and body issues which are incredibly personal, even more than her music. while i could see why you’d make this an argument, they just aren’t on the same level of privacy 

Pouring your blood, sweat, & tears into a song just to have it leaked is an extreme invasion of privacy that not only messes with you mentally it also fucks you financially. Look at how Madonna, Charli, Marina & GaGa have reacted to their leaks. Charli is literally traumatized from the XCXWORLD leaks...Marina called the cops when Living Dead leaked... being concerned about someone you care about & their health (after they mentioned an "unknown illness" publicly) is far less of an invasion of privacy than music that's been stolen/scammed & shared online (which Madonna calls "artistic r**e") especially when there's zero medical records involved, just speculation. So strange hearing anyone preach about someone's "privacy" when they're members of a website dedicated to said person + their life-past, present, & future.


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1 hour ago, eyelovelefteye said:

Pouring your blood, sweat, & tears into a song just to have it leaked is an extreme invasion of privacy that not only messes with you mentally it also fucks you financially. Look at how Madonna, Charli, Marina & GaGa have reacted to their leaks. Charli is literally traumatized from the XCXWORLD leaks...Marina called the cops when Living Dead leaked... being concerned about someone you care about & their health (after they mentioned an "unknown illness" publicly) is far less of an invasion of privacy than music that's been stolen/scammed & shared online (which Madonna calls "artistic r**e") especially when there's zero medical records involved, just speculation. So strange hearing anyone preach about someone's "privacy" when they're members of a website dedicated to said person + their life-past, present, & future.

fair argument 


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31 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

i don’t understand how it’s an “invasion of privacy” to discuss this if she openly talked about it in an interview?


correct me if i’m wrong but she didn’t openly talk about it


if she did openly talk about it we would know what the “illness” was and clearly we don’t otherwise this thread wouldn’t exist


and to me at least it seems a bit invasive or at least rude to speculate/talk about someone’s medical history if the person hasn’t openly talked about it


this is just my stance though

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