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Princess Superstar: Lizzy Grant Patreon + Tik Tok Story Times

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Not the biggest news, but Princess Superstar posted this reel earlier today on her song "Chick Habit" featuring Lana. 


As assumed, the song was originally recorded in 2009 (rather than 2013, from when PS included it in her album "The New Evolution")






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1 minute ago, #glimmeringdarling said:

Also not related… but Charlie hosted a anti Christmas Christmas rave and guess who put on a real shitty performance ?… princess superstar was one of the guest performances and she was god awful… lol

I rlly cant with her

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14 minutes ago, #glimmeringdarling said:

Also not related… but Charlie hosted a anti Christmas Christmas rave and guess who put on a real shitty performance ?… princess superstar was one of the guest performances and she was god awful… lol


lol, when was this?

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I just decided to make this thread into a Princess Superstar x LDR thread as she talks about her time in the studio with Lana regularly.


Within the last few days, PS made three Tik Toks about making Maha Maha, Catch and Release, and Golden Grill (She was adamant that this all happened in 2008, and not 2009): 


1.) Maha Maha Summary, Sept. 20 2023 -  https://www.tiktok.com/@therealprincesssuperstar/video/7280964687657831726?_t=8fzqNPmC07y&_r=1 


- In 2008, her husband introduced Princess Superstar to Lana, to produce music for, as PS was producing music at the time

- Lana came to her apartment on the Lower East Side, in the East Village in a building called "Red Square" & sang for her 

- Princess Superstar wanted to make a 60s/70s track for Lana, and started with a drum track from Thomas Bradford, and later took it out for Maha Maha

- PS introduced the lyric of Maha Maha, as she was studying at some yoga place 


2.)  Catch and Release Summary, Sept. 23 2023 - https://www.tiktok.com/@therealprincesssuperstar/video/7281738531242855722


- Lana would always eat junk food and candy bars (M&Ms and pretzels) in the studio 

- Princess Superstar cut up a Beatles sample and had a Korg Synthesizer Keyboard with a pitch slider, and gave an instrumental called "Beatles Funhouse Party" to Lana

- Said "Catch and Release" was about a guy Lana was obsessed with who ran a record label (likely Steven Mertens), but he dumped her for other blondes


3.)  Golden Grill Summary, Sept. 24 2023 - https://www.tiktok.com/@therealprincesssuperstar/video/7282901182350150954?_t=8fzqxhrcWsM&_r=1


- Claimed the 4 songs (Catch and Release, Moi Je Joue, Golden Grill, and Maha Maha) she produced for Lana were all produced in 2008 

- Princess Superstar called Golden Grill,  "Live Forever" originally and wanted to make it a 60s/ 70s James Bond-like theme song, but Lana wanted it to call it Golden Grill instead (both were obsessed with Grillz and Hip Hop culture) 

- Golden Grill sampled a 70s record and used a loop in Abelton Live 5 + added sounds from her Korg keyboard 

-PS put Golden Grill on her sound cloud: 

4.)  Moi Je Joue Summary, Oct. 4th,  2023 - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8rdjtBx/

- Again claimed she met LDR in 2008, started working with her immediately, and sampled Moi Je Joue by Brigitte Bardot, as she liked Brigitte

- Lana asked PS to rap on it, so she did it in French

- she is putting it onto sound cloud 


*also strange, but PS gets bullied a lot on Tik Tok for reminiscing her career - it makes me sad :crai:


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2 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

It’s really cute to hear about these experiences but it seems kinda clout chasey ): hope they can reunite for like an interview or something so it doesn’t feel forced like this. I’m happy she shared tho! 


She shared just about everything she could share, besides for a few small details - we milked her of almost all the info she had about working with Lana (as she repeats a lot of the same info as in past interviews) rip. But I do get it though, her recent story times (2021-2023) are geared towards newer fans who want to learn more about her past + to bring attention to PS's own career highlights; we're no longer the target audience :rollin:


She was close to that in 2021/2033 I believe, by performing at Charlie's Krampus Christmas event 




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3 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

@lizzyology do you believe her when she says they were all made in 2008?


... no LOL


Kalae Nouveau was working with PS the same time as Lana which was in 2009 & Princess Superstar constantly changes the dates when she talks about working with Lana.


They possibly met in 2008, but the majority of confirmed events happened in 2009/ 2010




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3 minutes ago, lizzyology said:


... no LOL


Kalae Nouveau was working with PS the same time as Lana which was in 2009 & Princess Superstar constantly changes the dates when she talks about working with Lana.


They possibly met in 2008, but the majority of confirmed events happened in 2009/ 2010




yeah... i was going to say i didn't believe they were made in 2008 but i didn't want to seem rude lol :aw: she probably just has the years mixed up, it was so long ago, it would make sense, but i know a 2009 lana del rey track when i hear one... there's something distinct about them...

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8 minutes ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

Has she never spoken about Moi Je Joue??? It is one of my fav early tracks for some reason, it is so fun. I wish she would have made a updated version during the BTD era


She follows me on IG - she said she's doing a vid about that one next. I'll add it to my post above with the rest of the vids when she does


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On 9/25/2023 at 6:05 PM, lizzyology said:

4.)  Moi Je Joue Summary, Oct. 4th,  2023 - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8rdjtBx/

- Again claimed she met LDR in 2008, started working with her immediately, and sampled Moi Je Joue by Brigitte Bardot, as she liked Brigitte

- Lana asked PS to rap on it, so she did it in French

- she is putting it onto sound cloud 

Princess Superstar made another Tik Tok - but this time around for Moi Je Joie (it was pretty uneventful lol)


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On 9/29/2023 at 7:16 PM, Trash Magic said:

Golden Grill does give off a total 60s James Bond theme kind of vibe omg. They are kind of geniuses for that one.

I never understood thr background of this song but now it makes total sense! Too bad she abandoned this song. Hopefully someone can make a cool remix with the vocals we have. 

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