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Sky Ferreira Fans Plan Protest at Capitol Records, Only 1 Person Goes

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52 minutes ago, Wait For Life said:

Absolutely cleared 


yesssss the deranged Sky Ferreira stan “cleared” me!!! i’m choking, i’m sobbing. god it ended me so bad, i’m crying. think i’ll kms tonight.


go get me nommed for rudest member or whatever your extremely weird and bored ass does! :lmao:

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8 minutes ago, 111 said:




bye i had no idea “Ferraris” has been around for so long


2 minutes ago, Maltese Falcon said:

I'm giving it two more minutes since elle is viewing :thumb2:

when everyone who posted anything in here that didn’t directly have to do with the 1 person showing up at Capitol gets a WP

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1 minute ago, blameitonme said:

open up the sky thread so we can fight the old fashioned way


i feel like the fact that we've basically created a bootleg sky thread is a sign that the actual one should be opened again... even though there's already bickering here... :bebe: 

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I for one am excited for the Sky Ferreira Thread documentary coming to Netflix in 2033 :true:


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6 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


i feel like the fact that we've basically created a bootleg sky thread is a sign that the actual one should be opened again... even though there's already bickering here... :bebe: 

i’m not starting shit okay yall IM NOT INSTIGATING but it’s just a fact that it’s the exact same people who always started the bad fights in the original SF thread that have caused it to get locked. and then they’re coming in this one trying to start shit again :rip: can mods lock threads only for specific users because i think that would be very helpful feature on skyboards and stop things from boiling over when/if the normal one comes back

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2 minutes ago, lilac heaven said:

i’m not starting shit okay yall IM NOT INSTIGATING but it’s just a fact that it’s the exact same people who always started the bad fights in the original SF thread that have caused it to get locked. and then they’re coming in this one trying to start shit again :rip: can mods lock threads only for specific users because i think that would be very helpful feature on skyboards and stop things from boiling over when/if the normal one comes back

IDK if invision community forum software has support for something like that

god loves you

but not enough

to save you

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15 minutes ago, lilac heaven said:

bye i had no idea “Ferraris” has been around for so long


when everyone who posted anything in here that didn’t directly have to do with the 1 person showing up at Capitol gets a WP

These tweets are kinda troll-like tbh jeez

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1 minute ago, Maltese Falcon said:

IDK if invision community forum software has support for something like that

:defeated: the instigator has made it known in here already that their reign of bitterness will not die if the original thread is reinstated, and another fight is just gonna get start and it’s gonna get locked again, they’re ruining it for all of us other clowns who just want to be delusional together in peace

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We don’t really have anything to talk about unless more album songs leak in which case-compile them and we’ll call

masochism a day-we had the woods and tons of others-surely we can fan make an album.

She obviously has her own issues and I don’t think pestering her is achieving anything nor do I believe the album will ever come out 

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