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Lana Del Rey (A.I. Photos)

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11 minutes ago, rosemead ramada said:

Yes. The most trouble I've had was typing Audrey Hepburn

But the fact that several of you have said it's stopped working has me very paranoid


Me, too, that's why I created today as much as was possible, until the usual "the US is waking up" slow down. People are doing this at work? It's not weekend, lol. 

I'm sure tomorrow it won't work anymore for us either, and the create Button is still greyed out... 

It was expensive watch it 

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2 hours ago, Nightcall said:

Swimming Lady




Oh these are beautiful, could you please share the prompt?

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So I got it to work with a variation of her name and attempted some Freak music video outtakes:















The cicadas in the sunset are your guide

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I never go on Reddit unless it's some important information and that's the only place I can access it. I've always tried to stay away from that place. It's basically a modern version of 4 chan. 

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