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Artists caught lying about songwriting credits

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On 9/28/2023 at 4:04 PM, Crazy Husband Thief said:

Still crap, sorry. I don’t think she's a good writer at all.


The thing that really bothers me about Taylor's writing is that she pretends her songs are super meaningful when in reality she's just saying shit and writes entire songs around a single word / quote she finds cool... some people may enjoy that but I find it extremely annoying. Not to mention the constant Lana plagiarism that she passes off as inspiration.

I've had this discussion sooo many times where people would be like "oh yeah? then explain this [random song from Folklore]" and it's still the most generic thing I've ever read. Just hearing some of the lyrics of Midnights songs from when they're on the radio make me wanna kill myself because they're SOOO CRINGE (Anti-Hero and Karma looking @ u) Anyways... i'm just rambling at this point. But she's def one of the most medicore singers and lyricists of our time and all this random praise for her is bandwagon & ill die on that hill...:whatever:


can't talk shit about rep though.... that was solid ..... :whatever:


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6 hours ago, TRENCH said:

what part of "aren't that similar" don't you get lol 



there's multiple videos and articles about get free being a creep ripoff yet the judge still ruled in lana's favor so idk what im supposed to do with a bunch of reddit links 



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Okay so I’m being attacked because I said Ariana barely wrote on yours truly and I’m getting ppl saying “she wrote tattooed heart alone in her bedroom” but like I didn’t know alone in her bedroom meant with 5 other writers as well :defeated:

young, wild, free but most of all fucking crazy


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14 minutes ago, williamprb said:

Okay so I’m being attacked because I said Ariana barely wrote on yours truly and I’m getting ppl saying “she wrote tattooed heart alone in her bedroom” but like I didn’t know alone in her bedroom meant with 5 other writers as well :defeated:

ariana is just not a writer, through and through. but it's okay because she makes up for it with her incredible voice. her lyrics are very weak, and it's weird how she seems to brag about her writing in 7 rings:oopna2:



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21 minutes ago, williamprb said:

Okay so I’m being attacked because I said Ariana barely wrote on yours truly and I’m getting ppl saying “she wrote tattooed heart alone in her bedroom” but like I didn’t know alone in her bedroom meant with 5 other writers as well :defeated:

I mean you have to check for samples aswell like drums etc because even that can lead a songwriting credit- bizarrely even though it’s moreso production and drums wouldn’t get you a writing credit on the actual main song. 

Not defending her though because I doubt she writes very much 

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This discussion about Taylor's lyricism reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend. The appeal of Taylor's lyricisms is not that it's deep or introspective but rather it's something everyone can consume without much resistance. You don't need to think about her lyrics too much, but they're not as overtly vapid as well that it allows people to think they're on to something by figuring out what Taylor meant with her lyrics when in reality someone with at least a 3rd grade education can decipher them no issues. 


She's basically the fast food of songwriting - mass produced, appeals to the lowest denominator, inoffensive, and very easy to consume. Nothing wrong with that liking that. I can't be a hypocrite and say that she's not one of my top artists. But I will never once declare her as a genius songwriter by virtue of her creativity. She's a genius songwriter yes, but it's because she's good at making them digestible to everyone, which is perfect for a pop artist. 

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