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Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East

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A little off topic but did we all know that...

...Lana styled Elyanna (a Palestinian singer) for this music video??



Briefly talks about Lana at 0:40 here:

How did I not know this


Anyway, give this song for Palestine a listen too


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Can someone explain how Jewish Zionists justify their "indigeneity" to Palestine? I've read the Bible in childhood and I remember that Israel conquered what would become Palestine/Israel. They did so under the banner of their "God". The original inhabitants of that land were wiped out by the ancient Hebrews (or, if you believe in Abrahamic religions, God). So how can they claim that the land is theirs and that they are native there?


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5 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

Now- let’s all look into sexual violence and how it’s also weaponized in the IDF/Israeli Prisons :popcorn:



I think you’ll be shocked !

Well go on, how is rape and sexual mutilation weaponized in Israeli prisons like it was by Hamas?


I don't think they go around systematically raping and butchering innocent prisoners like Hamas went around raping and butchering innocent people but maybe I'm mistaken!

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2 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

Well go on, how is rape and sexual mutilation weaponized in Israeli prisons like it was by Hamas?


I don't think they go around systematically raping and butchering innocent prisoners like Hamas went around raping and butchering innocent people but maybe I'm mistaken!

i’d like to preface this with saying that october 7th is a tragedy and i am not pretending war crimes didn’t happen, but don’t pretend israel is innocent again. unspeakable crimes were committed by hamas, and that is undeniable. but unspeakable crimes are being carried out by israel and that too is undeniable.


i am not even going to engage in the show me how israel rapes and butchers innocent people load of bollox you just said because that is common knowledge. you are mistaken! hope this helps 


the Palestinian women, men and children who have been sexually assaulted and butchered cannot report it because they are dead, their friends are dead, their neighbours are dead and their families are dead


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fuck anyone who supports israel and i hope y’all rot in hell

how tf do people genuinely manage to explain the MURDERS of 25,000 people with a majority being children. idk why you are all shocked that hamas is actually fighting back when i can bet you that most of them are there because that bitch-ass country killed their mums, sisters, family and brothers and probably injured them. of course they’re gonna hate that country and of course they’re gonna fight back tf… it didn’t start on october 7th, israel has been murdering and ethnically cleansing them for 75 years.


before y’all manage to twist the narrative that i support what hamas did on october 7th, i don’t and nobody innocent deserved to get injured. but i fully support them and every palestinian’s decision to fight back to that “country”

can we just send them all to europe pls

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13 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

Well go on, how is rape and sexual mutilation weaponized in Israeli prisons like it was by Hamas?


I don't think they go around systematically raping and butchering innocent prisoners like Hamas went around raping and butchering innocent people but maybe I'm mistaken!

To your second point- No, I don’t think they do either. They just choose to starve, humiliate, and torture innocents and hold them for decades without a proper trial. That’s literally the definition of “we’ve investigated ourselves and found that we are innocent”. I wish  I had real data for you- but I can only relay you to the unlimited amount of personal accounts - that are out there!!! There are endless stories of even women who serve in the IDF being pimped out by their male colleagues. Sex trafficking is rampant in Israel.

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Let’s all remember the NUMEROUS clips that have now surfaced of innocent Palestinians being detained, stripped, kneeled in a single file line, beaten, forced to listen to Israeli Nursery Rhymes on loop for HOURS. It’s literal torture. If that’s not- then let us take a moment to remember the victims trapped in CHRISTIAN ORTHODOX CHURCHES in Gaza who are also being murdered. I will further add that while the United States in complicit in this genocide, they have provided coordinates to the Israeli government of every “protected” entity in Gaza. To which, in response, the Israeli government is SHELLING places like Orthodox Churches and Schools. They’re even killing their own escaped hostages….It’s so weird people are still clinging to this narrative of “singular victimhood” as if the issues that lead to October 7th were not incendiary themselves and have been that way for decades. 



unrelated but I just wanna say Jeffery Epstein, the most PROLIFIC and demonic sex trafficker the world has ever known, is slowly but surely being investigated and found to have worked for the Israeli Intelligence Agency, the Mossad. So you go ahead and tell me that there’s no Sex Trafficking in Israel, lol!



here’s ANOTHER REMINDER that Bb Netanyahu was being investigated for violating international law WELL BEFORE OCT 7. Which is now stalled due to the conflict. If you’re too daft to put some critical thinking skills to work about the real issue here, then there’s no point in digging up any more Lana info or anything , like literally anything for anyone, you are such a lost cause and I wish you nothing but regret and guilt. The world doesn’t need anything else from people like this but to rot in their silent hatred 

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On 12/29/2023 at 11:23 PM, fl0r1dakil0s said:

Well go on, how is rape and sexual mutilation weaponized in Israeli prisons like it was by Hamas?


I don't think they go around systematically raping and butchering innocent prisoners like Hamas went around raping and butchering innocent people but maybe I'm mistaken!

I am a bit late to this but oh well, better late than never!

https://www.unicef.org/sop/media/2056/file/CAAC Bulletin 2010.pdf

Anyways, I'm just scratching the surface as you don't really need to do that much research to get literally hundreds of articles, testimonials and videos of human rights organizations talking about the sexual violence commited against palestinian men, women and CHILDREN by the IOF, also for the sake of argument i used sources such as the UN and haaretz instead of some that might be deamed 'biased" such as Al Jazeera or the direct testimonials of palestinians (Even tho they have repeatedly proven to be completely reliable and true).

Also, here's a lovely insight towards some israeli's comments and opinions!
Deceased Israeli soldier boasted about raping Palestinian woman | Daily  SabahOf course, You can take this with a grain of salt if you wish as there isn't that much media coverage towards this tweet (or at least not that i have been able to find) but i choose to believe it simply because in the past couple of months alone i have seen pretty much the exact same stuff (and worse) repeated by israelis and zionists on twitter.

EDIT: Is there any way i can make this photo smaller?

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Kudos to South Africa!

Their government has recently filed a case at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of committing genocidal acts in Gaza.








Proceedings commenced today:




It’ll probably take years to reach an ultimate conclusion but hopefully, in the interim, will stop this barbaric ethnic cleansing that is taking place before the world’s eyes!


Sending peace and love to our brothers and sisters in Palestine. 


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what’s fucked to me is how Hamas was created with the help of Israel and now they need to eliminate Hamas by bombing hospitals, shelters and feeling civilians. Also the way Palestinian people are getting sexually assaulted, murdered on cold blood and jailed. Heard this one story of this Israel CITIZEN who went out to catch Palestians and wanted to put his dick on their mouth to humiliate them. The guy had a gun and was blind folding and murdering Palestinian citizens!! 

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As much progress as this court case could make culturally, it can't enforce anything, and apparently the decision that Israel is committing genocide could take years.



""My grandfather always regarded the Palestinian struggle as the greatest moral issue of our time," Mandla Mandela, a grandson of the late South Africa president Nelson Mandela, said at a rally in support of the Palestinians in Cape Town.

The court is expected to rule on possible emergency measures later this month, but will not rule at that time on the genocide allegations — those proceedings could take years."

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27 minutes ago, Embach said:


Those comments, people really haven't forgot that letter she signed...:ohno:

i think people are definitely getting out of hand, but consequences aren’t a bad thing imo. she can address it if she wants it to stop, we can’t expect everyone who only passively knows her to know her intentions and history :true: 


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I genuinely don’t think she’s pro-Israel (as in anti-Palestine; why would she even? She doesn’t seem invested in international politics…). I hope she addresses this sooner or later.

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