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David Bowie

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Welcome to the thread dedicated to the legend that is...

D A V I D ___ B O W I E


Performing as the Thin White Duke during the Isolar II World Tour 1976


David's first album in ten years, The Next Day, is set to be released internationally on March 12 (a few days earlier in some territories). The album features his recently released single

which takes a look back to the past, at David's time in Berlin and how things have or have not changed. His longtime collaborator Tony Visconti (producer of the infamous Berlin trilogy including the albums Low, "Heroes" and Lodger) describes the sound of the record to be very rock-inspired, hinting at similarities to "Heroes." The sound may not be the only similar aspect to David's legendary, ground-breaking album from 1977. The album artwork to The Next Day, conceived by Jonathan Barnbrook and David himself, is an altered image of the "Heroes" album cover. Open the spoiler for further information...

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  On 1/12/2013 at 2:09 PM, candybun said:

I'm too scared to listen to the single. I love Bowie, but i'm afraid it won't the Bowie i love.

Alladin Sane is my favourite album. :yesnod:


If you love the "Heroes" album, you will love "Where Are We Now?" The ending is everything...


Frankly, Aladdin Sane along with the Ziggy Stardust character never did anything for me. From Diamond Dogs up to Earthling (with the exception of the boring mess that is Never Let Me Down) - that is my cup of Bowie Tea. Especially the late 1970s with Station to Station and the Berlin Trilogy.

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I wish I could live inside Bowie's brain for a day or two just to see how his creative process happens from scratch.  Love him. He is a genius. And to be honest even if the album is bellow my expectations I wouldn't mind since Bowie already , in my opinion, exceeded in so many ways so many times.


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Thank you for this thread :bodyisready:


Now admittedly I'm not very hardcore about Bowie. I definitely haven't heard all his albums. But what I have I love and the new single is great.

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  On 1/14/2013 at 7:21 AM, SitarHero said:

Now admittedly I'm not very hardcore about Bowie. I definitely haven't heard all his albums. But what I have I love and the new single is great.


Go and stan the fuck out of these albums...



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Aladdin Sane, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust & Hunky Dory :bodyisready:


I'll also forever love him for stanning for Syd Barrett since the 70s and to this day. :worship:


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Finally, we have a Bowie thread :oprah:

A couple days ago I was on vacation in London and bought loads of Bowie stuff + been to the 'David Bowie Is..' exhibition (it was really amazing). 

My favorite album from him is 'Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)' and favorite song probably 'Ashes To Ashes' or 'Teenage Wildlife'


I really hope this topic won't flop, because he's just :crying:

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  On 8/12/2013 at 1:32 PM, Freaky Rockshow said:

A couple days ago I was on vacation in London and bought loads of Bowie stuff + been to the 'David Bowie Is..' exhibition (it was really amazing)




I just found out about this.


From March to July I went to London 5 TIMES and the exhibition ended YESTERDAY. I didn't know about it. Brb killing myself.

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  On 8/12/2013 at 4:05 PM, elllipsis said:



I just found out about this.


From March to July I went to London 5 TIMES and the exhibition ended YESTERDAY. I didn't know about it. Brb killing myself.

The exhibition is also coming to Sao Paulo, Toronto, Groningen, Chicago and Paris. So maybe if you ever go on vacation to these cities you can still see the exhibition :ohno:

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  On 8/12/2013 at 4:17 PM, Freaky Rockshow said:

The exhibition is also coming to Sao Paulo, Toronto, Groningen, Chicago and Paris. So maybe if you ever go on vacation to these cities you can still see the exhibition :ohno:


Paris is definitely a possibility! Do you have any idea if dates have announced? I can't seem to find anything...

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  On 8/12/2013 at 4:22 PM, elllipsis said:

Paris is definitely a possibility! Do you have any idea if dates have announced? I can't seem to find anything...

I only know that in end 2015 it comes to Groningen (I read that in an article), and because before Groningen the exhibition is in Paris, I think around begin 2015 or something, but I'm not sure about that :noparty:

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YES. A Bowie thread!

On the topic of introductions, David Bowie's my favorite musical artist of all, this despite not having heard any of his 90's albums (save for Outside and parts of Black Tie White Noise), or his mid-70's ones (except for Station to Station).


My favorite albums would have to be The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, Station to Station, and Low.


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  On 11/15/2013 at 7:44 PM, Mauri8396 said:



Any thoughts on The Next Day Extra?


Has anyone gotten it?

I only have the standard version of 'The Next Day', but I will buy it soon enough! My favorite off TNDE is probably 'Atomica', it's really catchy :hair:

The remix of 'Love Is Lost' has really grow on me, first I was like meh, but after I listened to it a couple times it's really amazing (especially the 'Ashes To Ashes' parts)


I really forgot that this thread existed

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