readyforheavensgates 182 Posted February 19, 2013 It was a normal day and I was on my way to a shop. I stood for a red light and she was on the other side of the street. I ran to her and she hugged me. After that I woke up. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinUpGaloreLana 1,400 Posted March 4, 2013 Havent been on in a long time! Great to be back<3 ( Had a few problems with changing my e-mail, it must be sorted now though). These dreams are all really interesting to read haha:) I have another one i would love to share: Lana was on a game show, by herself against like 5 other people. I asked if i could join her and the security guards were like pushing me out of the way and saying "No, do one." basically. So i was like "I want to speak to the manager." So i did. He didnt exactly say why i wasnt allowed to join her, but he said i was allowed to speak to her. So i did. She didnt seem very interested tbh. This was literally her reaction: "Just leave pls" So i left lmao. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poison Ivy 1,591 Posted March 4, 2013 I had this weird dream a few days ago that left me feeling all fuzzy. At some point in my weird dream, I was kinda watching from outside how some people (most likely interviewers or something like that) were being kinda mean and snotty to Lana and she was trying to be nice, but they kept digging at her. Anyway, they vanish and Lana is upset and of course, there I show up and start comforting her, literally sitting down next to her hugging and kissing her her skin was sooo soft and she was like a baby, ah I love vivid dreams sometimes. [that's all sadly] 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinUpGaloreLana 1,400 Posted March 4, 2013 I had this weird dream a few days ago that left me feeling all fuzzy. At some point in my weird dream, I was kinda watching from outside how some people (most likely interviewers or something like that) were being kinda mean and snotty to Lana and she was trying to be nice, but they kept digging at her. Anyway, they vanish and Lana is upset and of course, there I show up and start comforting her, literally sitting down next to her hugging and kissing her her skin was sooo soft and she was like a baby, ah I love vivid dreams sometimes. [that's all sadly] That sounds 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trash Magic 28,635 Posted March 4, 2013 I dreamed I found an unheard album online lol 4 Quote "It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExoticFlower 894 Posted March 4, 2013 Well, I don't know if I have written this before, but I totally had a dream about her releasing a perfume. It was called dreamland... o_0 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinUpGaloreLana 1,400 Posted March 5, 2013 Well, I don't know if I have written this before, but I totally had a dream about her releasing a perfume. It was called dreamland... o_0 I wish she would tbh, it would be nice to have some nice smelling Lana merchandise ;P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
radiodasirius 638 Posted April 6, 2013 I had a dream I was watching a parade and there was all these celebrities in it and then Lana is on this huge float. And I'm like "LANA LANA LANA LANA" and she justs stands there and doesn't say anything and I was so sad. Because I talk about Lana so much my friends have dreams about her too 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nevada 132 Posted April 16, 2013 Had my very first Lana Del Dream last night & I've been dying to share it with you lovely bunch even though it isn't that exciting. I saw her on the street, people were at either side of her but not in front of her. So I ran to her & tapped her on the shoulder & said "Lana" Then she turned around & Said Hey. Then I told her how much I loved her & her music & then she was like "Awwwh" then I started to cry & then I woke up. A bit boring when you read it back, but it was amazing at the time. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quentin 552 Posted April 16, 2013 I had a dream with Lizzy last night. It was in a school class, even if i left school two years ago i still have a lot of weird school dreams I was at the back of the room and she was alone at my right. I looked at her and saw her magnificent blonde hair but she was sad, people were mocking her because she was fucked up and wanted to become a singer... So i get out of my chair, yell a couple of insults and then I left the class 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinUpGaloreLana 1,400 Posted April 16, 2013 so there was a lana del rey concert in my bedroom. My bedroom went massive and the other fans were just on the floor cheering and i was sitting on my bed. I was like "wait whats going on?" Then lana just strutted on my bed as if it were a stage. ( In high heels i may add) It was really sunny and my curtains were letting in like all of the light and i couldnt see her properly, which was frustrating. I saw her squinting too, so i said "Do you want some sunglasses?" she said "No thanks." then she started singing and i was trying to find my phone to record it. And because she was standing like right beside me and i was sitting down, i was getting some upskirt view;) haha. Then she got me up to dance with her and she was smiling at me and holding my hand and i nearly cried. Then the concert was over and the fans all left and Lana stayed and sat down with me and talked for a while and went too. xx 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xNoirx 657 Posted April 19, 2013 This morning I woke up feeling extremely angry at my mother. I couldn't work out why until I remembered my dream... My mother and I has been food shopping in Asda and had just put all the shopping into the boot of the car when I suddenly had this feeling that Lana was here. Why on earth would Lana Del Rey be in Asda in Glasgow?? I shook the feeling off and said to my mum that we should go home. Just as we were reversing, I saw this Hummer/Jeep thing with the registration "LDR01K" I screamed at my mum to stop the car because Lana really was here! She stopped and we both jumped out. I went up to the car and saw Lana and Barrie with the rest of the lads from Kassidy. I politely asked if I could have a photograph with her and she started talking to me and was saying that she was trying to be "incognito but it wasn't working out very well" (well not with that registration plate!!) My mum took my phone and took some pictures of us. Not just ordinary smiling pictures, oh no! Lana was doing all sorts of crazy poses. She was doing the "duck face deuce up" pose and kissed me on the cheeks and even on the lips!! We talked for a while and she signed my BTD album cover which i keep in the car, and took down my twitter name so she could follow me and we could DM as I seemed "like a cool gal" We parted ways and I sat in the car absolutely shocked, just about dying on the spot. My mum gave me my phone back so I could look at the pictures only for me to find that she had DELETED EVERY SINGLE PICTURE OF LANA AND I. Then I woke up 0 Quote ~ataraxia~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liam 560 Posted April 20, 2013 I had a dream about her last night! I was back at school for some reason and she was a supply teacher for one of my lessons. We just talked about her for the whole lesson which was really cool and we ended up leaving at like 10pm or something. As she was leaving the classroom I walked up to her, kissed her hand and gave her a huge hug. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creyk 11,833 Posted April 22, 2013 Dreamed about her was kind of weird but I'll share anyways: In my dream I started a twitter account with the name Vagina Del Rey, and basically I acted as if I was her pussy, and I wrote tweets like: "I get crazy every Friday night, looking for cocks in the pale moonlight" and "Will you still love me when I'm no longer wet and beautiful" I have a weird relationship with my subconscious. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZeroZero 2,225 Posted February 20, 2014 I had the strangest dream last week. So it started off as me volunteering in Africa at a school for poor children, then all of a sudden Lana showed up and all the kids started screaming! Lana came up to me and started cryinv saying "you've helped these kids so much" so we start talking and I asked her about her unreleased music. The look on her face changed to a really pissed off lana and she told me to "get the fuck outta africa" so I got out and then woke up LMAO my dreams are weird 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExoticFlower 894 Posted February 23, 2014 I had this totally weird dream about Lana a long time ago I just had to share: It was just before Tropico came out, so I guess my subconsciousness was working with it when I was sleeping. I dreamt I was at her concert, and she had the whole tropico team going on. She was wearing an organic looking bikini while she was grinding onstage, flower crown and all. Then suddenly I find myself backstage with her. She's sitting in this industrial looking chair... I am all star struck, and dumbly say that all her merch is going to sell out if I stay with her for too long. Then she gets out of her chair and says "don't worry, honey" and slide open the wall, revealing a rack with cigarettes. She hands me a package, and I look at the box. She had designed her own brand of cigarettes It was brown, like old paper, and on the box was a picture of her Tropico poster. But the cigarettes was called Tropical, not tropico, and before I can take a smoke Barrie appears and drags me with him. I cry because I have to leave Lana, I remember being seriously choked up. Then Barrie and I leave the room, enter a bathroom, and then we have fucking sex in the shower! Me and Barrie! And it was getting seriously hot too Then I wake up and go all "wtf" and I seriously want a smoke, even if I only smoke when I'm going out. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silver starlet 1,379 Posted February 23, 2014 I had a dream I went to her wedding it was beautiful 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bekim 2,576 Posted February 23, 2014 I think I posted somewhere ,not sure. Months ago I dream that Chuck and Lana visited me where I live. They were both blonde and they started talking to my sis. It ended so fast. Also once I wanted to take a pic with her (it was all blur) but I couldn't and so I woke up in a really bad mood Del Dreams 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Divisive Princess 3,781 Posted February 24, 2014 I had a dream that I went to an amusement park and she sold me my ticket... don't know what that means. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZeroZero 2,225 Posted February 24, 2014 I had this totally weird dream about Lana a long time ago I just had to share: It was just before Tropico came out, so I guess my subconsciousness was working with it when I was sleeping. I dreamt I was at her concert, and she had the whole tropico team going on. She was wearing an organic looking bikini while she was grinding onstage, flower crown and all. Then suddenly I find myself backstage with her. She's sitting in this industrial looking chair... I am all star struck, and dumbly say that all her merch is going to sell out if I stay with her for too long. Then she gets out of her chair and says "don't worry, honey" and slide open the wall, revealing a rack with cigarettes. She hands me a package, and I look at the box. She had designed her own brand of cigarettes It was brown, like old paper, and on the box was a picture of her Tropico poster. But the cigarettes was called Tropical, not tropico, and before I can take a smoke Barrie appears and drags me with him. I cry because I have to leave Lana, I remember being seriously choked up. Then Barrie and I leave the room, enter a bathroom, and then we have fucking sex in the shower! Me and Barrie! And it was getting seriously hot too Then I wake up and go all "wtf" and I seriously want a smoke, even if I only smoke when I'm going out. Even if it was only a dream, the fact that you and Barrie had sex makes me jealous *flips hair* 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites