letsescapelizzy 673 Posted October 14, 2015 some stans write the most unintelligent and useless, untrue, opionated deranged rant posts lmfao at the ridiculousness.. the ones that act like they know the most, usually know the least.. its funny.. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James19709 638 Posted October 15, 2015 Lana is too bored to dress up properly, to brush her hair, to wash her car, or to do anything. Now I’m kind of sorry about Fran who got into this depressed woman just to fuck up his life. Barrie is fucked up nicely in Glasgow, the dumb rocker came to LA for her to light up her cigs during the concerts, now he moved back with his mom and he is starting his career from scratch. Lana’s is just too depressed for this business and she isn’t enjoying anything. At first I thought that she exaggerates but now I'm convinced that she is like that. She became unbearable to follow as an artist, her career became a travesty, she’s just throwing out albums and she doesn’t do anything with them, she hides from everything in the first month after the album's release. HM is shaping up to be an “milking” album for what is left from her fandom and she has one sensible thing to do in my opinion: call it a career. It’s time for her to announce a theater farewell tour and at the end of it she can throw out another album to milk the last standing stans and then she can go and fuck her(depressive)self. I'm so over her, some of you guys here were really nice people and I wish you all the best Releasing an album and doing nothing is 100% fine the album is DONE and released. Making music is the goal, not to go out and promote. Although she HAS done some radio interviews this era and 2 videos anyway so this is all just stupid really lol. "Not doing anything" with an album is a void statement. Completing and releasing it is doing something with it. Promo doesn't really mean doing something with it. Most people care for the music and aren't looking for little candid shots of her and what ever it is you're looking for there. What exactly is she supposed to be doing? Attending events she doesn't care for or something? She makes music that you can either take or leave, as everybody else does. What else is interesting? Music videos? Eh, not really. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James19709 638 Posted October 15, 2015 some stans write the most unintelligent and useless, untrue, opionated deranged rant posts lmfao at the ridiculousness.. the ones that act like they know the most, usually know the least.. its funny.. It's like they're sat staring at the screen waiting for her to show up somewhere or something like she has to. Wtf lol. Not appearing publicly =/= hiding. Maybe she prefers not to. Why would she have to? She owes no fan anything, she already delivers the music. Maybe Lana doesn't expect people to be SO obsessed with her that they literally are annoyed when she doesn't do promo or show up anywhere publically. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wynwood 19,968 Posted October 15, 2015 idk if its an unpopular opinion but I like lanas voice through a clear microphone like on BTD and Paradise better than through a crisp vintage microphone she used on UV and HM (it worked for UV but for HM is was a little overdone and didnt match the electronic beats) 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBoss 13,544 Posted October 15, 2015 I fucking hate the flower crown 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
letsescapelizzy 673 Posted October 15, 2015 Even with 5 songs i think basically suck, Honeymoon the album (the rest of the album), is my favorite music from Lana and her best music to date in my honest opinion and my preferences. funny thing is (for me anyway), depending on my mood, and the day, I might say something else..lol.. but today, right now, thats how i feel about it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
letsescapelizzy 673 Posted October 15, 2015 It's like they're sat staring at the screen waiting for her to show up somewhere or something like she has to. Wtf lol. Not appearing publicly =/= hiding. Maybe she prefers not to. Why would she have to? She owes no fan anything, she already delivers the music. Maybe Lana doesn't expect people to be SO obsessed with her that they literally are annoyed when she doesn't do promo or show up anywhere publically. Hi James, yes thats true alot.. people expect or 'want' her to be the pop star, and even tho she really is just an indie alt singer songwriter artist, that was thrown into the rocket to pop star world intially, she now is regressing back into the indie/alt artist world, where she probably should have been all along. The music is the last thing left, and the important thing, when everything else has faded away. No one on earth will remember her maybe 5 years from now..or will say she has a bad attitude and hard to work with, its probably true, but who cares.. not me.. but us, you and I and some here, will always love her music and her style of artistry. There are in fact many, many artists that came before her, and now..exactly like Lana, doing the exact same effect/vibe/songwriting/sounds/feels/emotions/esthetics,etc.. over the past and presently as well.. lots of retro vibe queens around and such..you name it, many greats. And she is one of them. Irregardless if she becomes a total reclusive, or runs for the next Prez of the USA..lol.. (in or out of the limelight) she has depressive issues and hates to perform live. She also is the not kinda woman to go and have fans meet her at events and want to pursue that kinda crap either.. quite the opposite actually.. and thats fine. yeah, put on a face and show fans love and all that for a quick few hours once in long while, but liking to do that? No. She hates fame. and she loves admiration. Like alot of us would be exactly the same. She is no longer a mystery to me. I love the alot of the music she has made, and that will stay with me forever. As far as fandoms and stans, and GP views or critics, or obsessive fans, everything is really all noise to me.. people have deranged views and fantasy's about what they want in everything in life, Lana is just a woman who is a songwriter/singer, thats it. she has alot of faults and fucks up just like we all do, nothing new there. .could give 20 fucks about any elses views.. bla bla.. all just noise. k, im ranting now.. lol.. lizzy out. didnt want to make it an essay.. lmfao.. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KozzyKozak 135 Posted October 15, 2015 I think the general consensus that we can all agree on is that depending on the day, you may love/hate songs more or less than the previous day. I have my days where I listen to songs like Lolita and Yayo and days where I skip them out of disgust. To be honest I have never really finished listening to Blue Velvet, American, Ride, Without You , Video Games or Bel air as they simply do not appeal to me from the get go. I think those are actually the only songs from my entire Lana Discography on Spotify that I always skip and dont bother giving a try, maybe one of these days I will but for now all other songs from BtD, Paradise, UV and HM take precedence. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graham4anything 2,859 Posted October 17, 2015 as for post 2547 Lana will be around in five years, will be remembered in 5 years, and wear as a badge of honor that the haters in the media, record companies, jealous suitors jealous record company people hate her. Record companies themselves are from another time and place and are dinasaurs (maybe some of the haters realize that the days of record companies are coming to an end and at that point, their job will be gone like people who used to work at Tower Records.) Obviously, the head of the conglomerate likes Lana enough to have had her and Kanye West surround him when he was on the cover of Billboard Magazine. (and Billboard itself prints less and less issues each week and is now attempting to cultivate record people themselves in each issue so they and their families buy a dozen copies each). Now that Lana is producing, and she has a friend who has a studio, she could do something any second she wants to and release it whenever. Meanwhile every time someone sees Gatsby or Maleficent or Big Eyes someone hears Lana. Everyone who watched American Horror Freak Show saw Jessica Lange sing Gods and Monsters (5 to 6 million saw it the first week, and who knows how many million more have seen it since). A person as artistic as Lana never will not release something new. etc. 4 Quote Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
letsescapelizzy 673 Posted October 19, 2015 10,000 sails on high are screaming in the wind, a raging sea below, is this voyage coming to an end.. man, all sites are getting so quiet with Lana lately..its weird for me to see that. oh well, nothing lasts forever, not even cold November rain.. good time for Elizabeth and Frans to maybe travel leisurely the world and enjoy a relaxing life for a year or so.. thats what i would do, if i were not planning a world tour in a couple months. my unpopular opinion here is for her to take of with Frans for a year. she just released an album. time for chill. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graham4anything 2,859 Posted October 19, 2015 Tour in spring, summer festivals Lana is 30. Time for a child, then having baby Bobby (after her father of course), or Roberta or Francesca crawl around on stage will be ultra-cute. actually, I predict a new album in June or July. Perhaps a one-off type. Legacy then Rebirth in 2017 (or maybe name it reanimator like the movie. Did can we maybe hope for something with Twin Peaks? . 0 Quote Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
letsescapelizzy 673 Posted October 19, 2015 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
letsescapelizzy 673 Posted October 19, 2015 Lana to do a world stadium tour with ED SHEERAN.. ? maybe ? no ?? wtf? k, maybe not.. bye :D Ed seems to do only his own shit, so wouldnt be good for ole Lanz.. shes a standout and needs her own time.. still tho- stadiums will reach so many people and secure a seat in the hall of universal godness.. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Starsx 1,849 Posted October 19, 2015 I fucking hate the flower crown the flower crown epitomizes the visual of the beginning of Lana Del Rey. You can't talk Lana without mentioning flower crowns 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James19709 638 Posted October 22, 2015 I stopped finding Lanalysis interesting in 2013 i'm sorry 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MermaidMotelle 279 Posted October 22, 2015 "Music to Watch Boys To" is fucking creepy. I love it, but it's terrifying. 0 Quote Also known as BlueAsJeans on AltBoards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baddisease 18,361 Posted October 23, 2015 Apparently, after Vertigo's amazingly terrible post, this is an unpopular opinion but: Lana Del Rey - or, I should say, Elizabeth Grant - is a fucking human being and not some Dance-on-Command doll. She's depressed? So? She's a person. She has every right to feel human emotions. It's utterly selfish to think we're owed anything. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James19709 638 Posted October 23, 2015 Apparently, after Vertigo's amazingly terrible post, this is an unpopular opinion but: Lana Del Rey - or, I should say, Elizabeth Grant - is a fucking human being and not some Dance-on-Command doll. She's depressed? So? She's a person. She has every right to feel human emotions. It's utterly selfish to think we're owed anything. This but also... At least me personally, I'm obsessed with her music, not her as a person. If people wanna spend their time wishing Lana would do more appearances really maybe they should expand their tastes in general and not rely on the existence of one person to entertain them. Then again, I can't comment really, I don't relate to caring about a candid shot or appearance photos of artists. The only part I care about is the music, a nice looking shot of Lana Del Rey in a dress or stood somewhere is pretty useless and you can't exactly get much mileage out of that either. Waiting for a photo of somebody and being impatient for them to do something is frankly quite odd. People should really just find more things they enjoy in general. Lana herself doesn't exist to entertain someone but her music is released for people to enjoy though. There's truly a difference and it's so annoying for people to think otherwise. Sorry your favourite artist isn't an attention whore. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KillKillQueen 1,298 Posted October 25, 2015 I never knew I would miss all the daddy lines until they all got replaced with some form of "blue" 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graham4anything 2,859 Posted October 25, 2015 I am dismayed to think I am one of the few who loves, loves, loves the photography for Honeymoon by her sister Chuck Grant It is 100% spot-on perfect for what Lana is saying (conveying). I am surprised more don't get it. 2 Quote Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites