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  On 1/28/2015 at 10:55 PM, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

Violet seemed bland to me during her MTQ video but I am sooo here for that look. She'll prob impress me more in general in the actual show.


Logo is showing another trailer on TV with some new shots


Violet has an outfit that turns inside out when she spins. d y i n g


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The preview of episode 1 is on the app and Facebook page, but Amazon accidentally put up episode 1 and 2 for download if you bought the season pass


so...we have the first two episodes and RuPaul's new album Realness is out tomorrow



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So I went in loving Katya, Pearl, and Violet. Katya is still great, an obvious fan favorite a la Jinkx. Violet is getting that bitch edit though but I still use her??? Don't usually hate anyone until they start targeting people which is inevitable. Pearl is more boring than expected but I hope she sticks around. And adding Trixie to my list, she didn't initially impress me but she's fun. Happy that no one's really sloppy except Jasmine Masters. Here's to the looks season?


inb4 Michelle Visage tells Miss Fame to stop being perfect lol

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  On 3/2/2015 at 6:10 AM, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

OMFG can either of you direct me to the first two episodes then???? PLEASE @@SitarHero @


also not surprised @ the first two to leave, predicted that ever since all the queens were announced lol


same help!!


also I'm super rooting for Max, I actually talked to him a bunch a few years ago before he did drag on a Gaga forum lol, he's a cool and really nice guy.


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  On 3/2/2015 at 6:10 AM, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

OMFG can either of you direct me to the first two episodes then???? PLEASE @@SitarHero @


also not surprised @ the first two to leave, predicted that ever since all the queens were announced lol


Found a HD 1.7g torrent for episode 2


Need 1!


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how did i just find this thread?? i couldnt watch the preview bits and bobs on logotv's website because theyre not available in the uk :( 

pearl is so gorgeous as a man and a women i cannot cope, i dont know what her personality is like but im already rooting for her because her style is flawless. 



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So far I'm not really liking Jasmine or Violet. Violet gives looks but I don't really like her personality :/

I really like Pearl, Jaidynn, Katya & Ginger.

I like Trixie but I'm not a fan of her clown makeup tbh


EDIT: Okay now I watched Episode 2.


I like Violet better after the scene with Miss Fame's Grandpa

I feel like Pearl doesn't really show her personality too much, which might hurt her.


My Top Three

  • Pearl
  • Miss Fame
  • Violet

I think Max & Kennedy will make Top 5

Edited by West Coast

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  On 3/3/2015 at 8:48 AM, West Coast said:

So far I'm not really liking Jasmine or Violet. Violet gives looks but I don't really like her personality :/

I really like Pearl, Jaidynn, Katya & Ginger.

I like Trixie but I'm not a fan of her clown makeup tbh


EDIT: Okay now I watched Episode 2.


I like Violet better after the scene with Miss Fame's Grandpa

I feel like Pearl doesn't really show her personality too much, which might hurt her.


My Top Three

  • Pearl
  • Miss Fame
  • Violet

I think Max & Kennedy will make Top 5


to me that seemed a little phony. After they started to give Miss Fame hella talking head time it makes me think she won't last too much longer


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Untucked Episode 1



I don't really like the way they have it all set up now, I miss the old lounges.




  On 3/3/2015 at 1:13 PM, omgitsandrew said:

to me that seemed a little phony. After they started to give Miss Fame hella talking head time it makes me think she won't last too much longer


Maybe. Idk I feel like she's gonna be one of the queens they take really far when there's a good chance she should have been eliminated earlier on.

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I actually like the way they're doing Untucked now. It doesn't feel as forced or edited as usual. Tbh the games and tv messages in almost every untucked the past few seasons have just been annoying. 


Top 3 predictions.. hmm. 

Katya, Pearl, Violet. I'm not sure how far Miss Fame will go because of her lack of performance experience but I hope she makes it to at least the Top 5. I really like her personality. I hope Max goes far too.. she seems to be very into her whole character / aesthetic and I love that. Top 4 maybe?? I can't wait to see Kennedy lip sync if it's as good as they've made it seem. 


Anyway though y'all don't even understand how badly I'm crushing on Pearl. :defeated:


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  On 3/3/2015 at 8:19 PM, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

I actually like the way they're doing Untucked now. It doesn't feel as forced or edited as usual. Tbh the games and tv messages in almost every untucked the past few seasons have just been annoying.


Top 3 predictions.. hmm.

Katya, Pearl, Violet. I'm not sure how far Miss Fame will go because of her lack of performance experience but I hope she makes it to at least the Top 5. I really like her personality. I hope Max goes far too.. she seems to be very into her whole character / aesthetic and I love that. Top 4 maybe?? I can't wait to see Kennedy lip sync if it's as good as they've made it seem.


Anyway though y'all don't even understand how badly I'm crushing on Pearl. :defeated:


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  On 3/3/2015 at 8:59 PM, BLOODSHOT said:


I s2g if we end up going through all of S7 and there isn't one Violet aerial performance :poordat:


people would be even more gagged than by her small waist and spinning outfit transformation


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